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The Force and How the Sith Code Guides Us By an Arkanian Acolyte

***A task assigned by Apprentice Tashha entailing one’s interpretation on what the Force is and how the Sith Code guides us in using the Dark Side, with the intent of presenting to his esteem eminence, Lord Tokiai..***

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An age-old question since time immemorial has been brought into the fold of inquiry, one that has been a debatable nexus for individuals ranging from historians, scientists, philosophers and scholars.

What is the Force?

The fact that the inquiry has been meticulously investigated by a diverse range of intellectuals and scholars alike from all corners of the galaxy, brings into focus that it is an inquiry that affects us all in a persistently ubiquitous way. Bridging the possibility further that whatsoever the Force entails-- by nature it is wholly encompassing and affects us all universally.
Throughout history, the Force has manifested itself in the cultures of noteworthy factions that are distinctively varying from one another. The Order of Dai Bendu, the Rakatans, the Dathomirs and many others. As a logician and truth-seeker, one must be able to reconcile all these differences if the truth is present in them all.

What remains is the presence of the Force and its intrinsic framework as a source. The constant theme that arises from these divergent organizations culminates to the existence of an enigmatic source that we draw upon. Yet the Force is not mutually exclusive to those that possesses the ability to utilize, apply or even bend it to their will, to say otherwise is nothing short of narrow mindedness and baseless arrogance.

Under closer examination, the presence of the Force is assessable in approximately every living organisms. Forego the twisted lifeforms and abstract abominations of Sith Alchemy-- even at the natural state of faunas and floras, each cell radiates the existence of this wellspring.

The existence of Force-sensitives implies that there exist quantifiable particles or cells within individuals that when it reaches a certain threshold, would allow one to interact with the Force on a significant level in comparison to those that are moderately mediocre—The individuals we categories as non-Force-sensitives. But keep in mind that the Force is still prevalent in these non-Force sensitive entities.

As a member of a race that glorifies itself as pioneers and forefront intellectuals in genetics, it is within my understanding that these traits are heritable on a genotypical and asymmetrical level. Even a primitive species could ascertain that selective breeding of Force-sensitives results in higher possibilities of the genome trait transmitting to the next generation of offsprings.

Therefore, it is justifiable to suggest that the Force is linked to our genetic coding. That it exists in a microscopic form of atoms or cells that formulates a genetic expression that allows us to exert peculiar capabilities. However, this explanation is only partially true, as it does little to explain the projection of the Force in other areas of studies, such as its presence within geographies, bionetworks and auras in inanimate objects.

Indeed, it is important to recognize its influence on ecosystems and environments, such that it’s capabilities are able to alter the fabrics of established climates, able to transform the tranquility of a tempered climate to a raging violent nexus of darkness akin to a barren wasteland. What is more intriguing is the presence of such in artifacts and relics, inanimate objects that holds no organic genetic material in of itself.

There are many unexplainable accounts in its presence on an abstract scale. Intangible concepts such as space and time, but even more so immaterial in the form of insanity, madness and illusions that only exists within the mind’s perception. A variety of views argue that the Force itself has a will of its own, that it inherently possesses sentience, though these can neither be quantifiable nor confirmed.

As a logician I reconcile these views by means of a rational approach, that sentience on its own remains invalidated until further evidences are shown. However, I do note that the Force reveals and express itself in peculiar algorithms and patterns, and while it has no will of its own, our lack of control of it can at times provide the illusion of such; with detailed accounts of force sensitives having their own power twisted within themselves or the dissipation of one’s power leaving their vessel and several other cases.

While I lack the research data and personal experience in propagating an extensive experiment to identify and quantify for validation—it is safe to assume that the Force is more than merely a genetic expression, more than a measurable unit or even as a tool for power.

It transcends our capabilities to fully encompass its truth, hence why it remains a subject of inquiry since the epoch of civilization.

Therefore, I conclude that it is a metaphysical phenomenon that is intricately tied to the fabric of reality and our inherent link is the string that can potentially influence its immaculate tapestry.

And we are the weavers of its intricate design.

The second half of the essay entails a significant portion that is previously not discussed.

The duality of the Force as it is commonly categorized and accepted by the general public. In which it embodies the light side and the dark side, each representing the domains of the extremities associated to our emotions and abstract thoughts.
As Siths, we are the truth seekers of that which is denied by the narrow minded Jedis, the utilisation of the Dark Side. The conduit in which we are guided, manifest itself in the ancient writings known as the ‘Sith Code’.

Within this essay, I confer the interpretation of the Sith Code, line per line, and how it guides us to use the Dark Side to my fellow acolytes, as I believe this is the approach they will use to undertake this task. Instead I opt to pursue an etymological based analysis, essentially capturing the origins and fundamentals of the intrinsic framework, in reverence to my predecessors and utmost respect to traditions.

To understand how the core tenets guides us in utilizing the Dark Side, one must first understand the historical source of which it was conceived.

Sorzus Syn..

Our esteem predecessor who meticulously built the very essence of our foundation. Through her extensive research of the Sith Purebloods and their culture, she was able to validate on what she perceives to be the ultimate potential of the Force’s capabilities. Namely the Dark Side.

Unlike the more passive attunement of the Light Side, the Dark Side encompasses a more active affinity. It is not a perversion or corruption of the former’s wellspring; a misconception that is often made by those ignorant.

One can even argue that the Dark Side is the natural state for us to utilize the Force as it focuses on the internalization and actualization of our emotions, whereas the Light Side seeks to inhibit that which makes us ‘human’, namely the rejection of our conceptual identity and sentiments.

To deny ourselves of what is intrinsically built within nearly all living beings as part of the universal nature is naivety. It is with great irony that the Jedi chastises the Sith in embellishing the concept of control, whereas their own doctrine is intricately tied to the concept itself while promoting self-amputation on one’s true nature—and I have yet to show several of their other hypocrisies.

Indeed, Sorzus Syn understood the inherent nature that is present within us all. Her insights to which emotions influences one’s accessibility and application in the untapped potential of the Force was never concretely formulated into a guide within her era. While the concept of channeling one’s innermost primal emotions is already known at the time, the discovery of the Sith race further emboldens the validity of a way of life that is inherently driven by the Dark Side’s influence.

A misconception arises where many believed the Sith Code is derived from ancient markings of the Kissai’s or obscured texts in the tombs of Korriban—verily not a single verse was taken from their civilization’s form of literature. It is noteworthy to note that the Sith Code’s creation was not merely to summarize nor provide the Sith Purebloods with a way of life, more so than it is confirming the testament of truth of their ways.

The Sith Purebloods requires no mantra or any philosophical code to remind them how to live. By design, their nature encompasses the will to survive, to seize what they can, eliminate what they do not require and exploit everything to the fullest. Above all their cultural structure calls for survival of the fittest and the undeniable rule of the strongest.

It is here where our core tenets guide us, for those who are not inherently designed nor influenced by the Sith culture. Though it is still fundamental for Sith Purebloods to recognize the code. There is much knowledge and insight to be gained from understanding the heritage and the way of life of our Sith ancestors, to internalize the primal source of the fabric of our being and to tap into the seething abyss that remains dormant to most.

By design the Sith Code aims to emphasize our innate desire and passion to harness our strength, our passion fueling such to progress into power. As power accumulates, it provides accessibility in achieving victory. Once victory is obtained, the restrictions and burdens are fragmented and no longer confines us. The Force then provides a form of emancipation, to free ourselves of the limits placed by external and internal factors.

As it is a sequential flow of our emotions and goals, so too are our progression into tapping the limitless potential of the Force. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hatred leads to power and power leads to victory. The basis of the Sith Code derives from this conceptual basis, the groundwork of the core tenets as paved in its early inception as dictated by Sorzus Syn, as a precursor to the Sith Code.

To conjure the seething hatred, the twisted malevolence of our rage and channel forth productively to actualize our desires into reality. The accumulation of the darkness becomes the catalyst in which our capabilities manifests. Herein lies the original essence in how the Sith Code guides us in utilizing the Dark Side.

To conclude this essay, I leave a few final closing remarks.

Whereas darksiders can imitate the Sith, without understanding the fundamental code they will forever remain as mere practitioners of the Dark Side with pseudo fabrications of the Sith’s true power. It is one of the many differences between the Dark Jedi and the Sith, the former merely imitating and the latter truly embodying it.

The code is not merely a linguistic interpretation of the Sith. Nor can it be casted as a mere path of power. It is the true actualization of self-determination and autonomy within the Dark Side. The emancipation of our self-identity to possess the potential to become an entity intrinsically beyond mere words can ever express.

That is how the Sith Code truly guides us.

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War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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