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A Compendium of the Dark Side, by Lord Tokiai

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My disgust for the vermin that crawl along the ground and call me ‘Lord’ knows no bounds even when their very education falls into the domain of my indomitable will and that of the overseers below me. It is this trait of excellence that allows me to treat every acolyte and hopeful that falls upon their knees and begs for the training of the Houses with the same degree of hostility and burden. The rites and rules of the Sith are not guidelines, nor are they suggestions, they are law. Law made unto us by the very original Sith who built the first Empire in the stars, to disregard the structures set down and the guidance they set means to fall blindly into a space less than Sith. Yet, day after day, the worms that dig their way out of the Academy to set foot upon holy ground and call themselves Sith show their total lack of understanding of the fuel which gives them power and lets their candle burn brightest. Even now children of pure blood fail where those of lesser lineage succeed because of their resolute will to live. Beings of the Sith have gorged and grown fat on the blessings the force provides, only to let their own downfall slip into their ranks and show them for what they truly are. This I intend to remedy. In my words and my writings I will decree what it is to be a follower of the Old Ways in the force and what it means to be of the Sith. Not merely a placeholder member of the Order which atrophies away under the watchful eye of certain factions.

One cannot begin such a venture though, without an understanding of the Sith Code and it’s greater meaning. The Sith Code is, at it’s core, a perversion of the Jedi Code. Meant to be the greatest insult to their order as well as the rule by which we display our dominance. But this is done in a way many miss. The fact is the force is an all encompassing beast that lives and breathes through all things that carry life. From the greatest of beings down to the most inconsequential of bacteria, the force remains inside them all. We cannot deny that the Jedi, in their folly, have chosen to follow the will of the force and in return they are gifted the ability to wield it, to say the light has no power is to act in ignorance, rather what the light does is bind one to it’s rules and restrictions. It is to fear what the force can grant those powerful enough to wield it. This is how the Sith code came about, not to compete with the Jedi, but to outlast and to go beyond it by outlining where the Jedi Code failed. Sorzus Syn and the exiles knew this, they founded our order with purpose and reason, empowering the Sith of Korriban as they were the ones worthy of carrying on the teachings they now knew. The teachings were found in the code and line by line there is meaning.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Contentedness, to be at peace with oneself and to be at total serenity with the world around you, is false. The birds that sing seek mates to gorge on, the bugs that buzz desire your blood to feast and even the trickling stream is heading towards the torrents of the sea. Nothing is ever static, to remain so is to plateau and fail from achieving greatness. There is no ceiling in the force and anyone who believes there is has bound themselves to the restrictions of the light.

Through passion, I gain strength. This is part of a two step process in the Code, simple blind emotion gives blind reward. The man who defends his family from raiders might receive a surge of strength; or he might be shot in the gut and watch his family abducted by slavers in his final moments. However if one is to meditate on their emotion - hatred being one of the most powerful - and channel it into constructive liquidated fuel for their actions then you are tapping into a reserve of energy unreservedly capable of doing great things. Not only does this line refer to emotional stimuli, but also does it speak of reason. Empty, nihilistic, Sith achieve nothing and waste the gifts they have received by being able to commune with the force. But do not confuse a Sith who does not show emotion, to one that has none.

Through strength, I gain power. The second step in a two step process, that raw energy and source that a Sith discovers in himself must now be applied. It is no good to simply feel rage or hate, now comes the process of projecting that onto the physical plane of reality through your own will. Lightning does not simply sprout from the palm because the Sith feels hate, he pushes his hatred and his malice to such a point that they controls the way it manifests and then they direct it all according to their own demands. Strength may also be used to wield the machines of state or the bodies of thralls sworn to service.

Through power, I gain victory. This is the rule of nature in the dark side. Power makes one victorious and in victory you then have the right to declare what is correct and what is incorrect. You also have the right to pass down rulings because you have demonstrated that you are strong, thus the weak must obey. If they choose not to obey, they are attempting to subvert power for themselves, and so you crush them again to reassert victory. It is a cycle of winning victory and then dominating. We cannot grow strong unless those above us are made to constantly look for victory again and again. We oust the weak in place for those who are able.

Through victory, my chains are broken. A continuation of the previous line, the chains and restrictions that are placed upon you slip away in victory. Like mentioned previously a victor dictates to the losers exactly how things shall be. The weak can do nothing more than obey, meaning they take these bonds from you. Chains never disappear or vanish, they merely slip from person to person, Sith to Sith, in the process of new powers and beings rising and falling.

The Force shall free me. Freedom is the ultimate gift of the Force. The lightside limits you and attempts to stifle how one uses the force because Jedi fear what the Force can do. Sith hold no such fear, instead we marshall courage and wrangle the boons from the jaws of failure and defeat. Only through true mastery of the Force, can we demonstrate the truest mastery of ourselves and our own freedom.

Moving on the from the Sith Code, however, there is so much more to the darkside and it’s uses. These teachings and rulings are taken from what anybody can see in their travels throughout the galaxy.

The Rule of Nature: If anyone has ever observed creatures in the wild something will become apparent, nobody weeps when a hunter eats it’s prey, nor does the world stop to mourn the passing of another creature. Instead the cycle continues and another beast will hunt the hunter. Why is this? The answer is simple. The strong do as they please. The Republic ideals of equality are lies designed to stop the truly powerful from exacting their will, nobody can be great when all are bound to the same limit. So what does that mean for the Sith? Nature is almighty. If the force exists in nature, the force obviously allows for dominance to be shown, in fact, it encourages it. Why else do certain species boast harems of women, great fields of territory or blood sport for pack dominance? Because the force can only exist and work when the natural order is obeyed. The Jedi defile this and so they are limited, but the Sith, we encourage this and reap the benefit of great individual power that goes beyond the ‘good of the many’.

Not only does this display in use of the force and rivalry, but in the political structure of the Empire. Slavery and the rights of aliens are a topic of debate but the answer is simple. Look to the past. When the original Sith set out to create their Empire, who could stop them? Nobody. The Grotthu - the slaves - of the past are made up of the aliens who simply could not withstand the power of the Sith. The same is said for slaves of the modern Empire, they all fell under the wrath of the Sith and the Empire, now they serve. They deserve every moment of their servitude because they were simply not strong enough. They should be proud really, an entire Empire’s economy built on their own inept weakness, the Republic could never match such skill.

This of course is unsurprising given the failures of the Republic which are all inherent in its system. Before the resurgence vast sums of resources and assets were funneled into penetrating the leadership of planets all across the Republic and building sympathies for the Empire. A political construct ‘as old as time’ brought low by the desires of fat bureaucratic leeches who dreamt higher than their station but had no way of showing that internally instead looked to us. The corruption bled them dry before we even struck, and when we did it was like pushing over a house of cards. Yet, in the service of the Empire autocratic rule is tempered by freedom for rapid growth in power for those capable of managing this. The same a young buck in a pack can quickly rise through the ranks, so too can a young powerful Sith. The Republic, so fat and slow, in it’s ‘fair’ treatment of everyone has no great heroes that can carry them through a crisis.

To conclude, the Dark Side is not a simple ‘rule’ that one can take at simple skin depth. Instead one must explore and understand the tenants or they will simply fall victim like so many whose corpses feed the tu’kata of the Academy. In writing this piece I aim to give some of the wretched scum who infest our ranks a chance to make something of themselves. But, if with all they can find in these words, they continue to fail then make no mistake that those are worth only the filth they can scrape from the shoes of their betters.

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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