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Tempered expectations

Accessing Public File; Downloading from 'Wradaii;Sutta'qo'Download Complete; Displaying File

Public Call for Operation Team Assembly
[Image: cwn2huioqrcc.jpg]

*The ever well-kempt image of apprentice Sutta'Qo appeared in stunning hologram blue, wound in his fine robes and with his long flowing hair meticulously bound into braids, plaids and buns. After a few moments of building anticipation, his lips parted to begin speaking.*
"Members of the Powerbase. For some time now I have worked as the head of our Forging Initiative, and though the equipment we have is sufficient, improvement is always possible. To that end, we require expansion of our available machinery, and I have finally located an item of interest that will not only strengthen us, but weaken some of our many enemies.
Ord Radama, with its varied factions and allegiances, has long been an area of interest. We have some contacts there and are attempting to fuel Empire-leaning factions in their fights for dominance. One such faction has informed us that they have discovered an enemy workshop - providing arms and armour to groups both criminal and republic-backed. You will put an end to their work, and procure a valuable piece of machinery in the process. Find all relevant details attached."

*With that the hologram would flicker and then fade from view. Leaving the viewer able to access the rest of the information provided.*

Location: Ord Radama - a city planet in essence not unlike Nar Shaddaa.
OOC Location: Nar Shadda should function nicely.

Added info: The object to be retrieved is a long kiln, see image attached. See to it that minimal damage is done to the machine. Lifting equipment will be provided for extraction.
[Image: matrix-converter.jpg]
As stated, there is an Imperial-aligned faction present. Their aid may be enlisted, but direct Imperial involvement with said faction is to be kept confidential. As such, if the team seeks their aid, they must ensure local recognition for the attack goes to said faction and not to Sith interference.

Primary Objective I: Clear out hostile factions and workers from the workshop.
Primary Objective II: Recover equipment shown above.
Secondary Objective I: Involve Imperial-aligned faction in the mission.
Secondary objective I-A: Ensure Imperial involvement remains clandestine.
Secondary objective I-B: Have Imperial-aligned faction take control of the workshop.
Secondary Objective II: In case secondary Objective I-B is not an option: Sabotage remaining machinery to prevent recapture.

Time Frame: This mission is to be completed within one month from the date of publication.
(Must be done by 22-05-2022)
Estimated Party Size: 4-5 members

Rewards: Participants may make a request of the issuer, which will be granted or denied at his discretion based on reasonability and the performance of the team.
Reminder: Assets are NOT to be earned or taken in these, they are not meant to be for accumulating stuff. Maybe some money and little trophies might be gained but never anything large.

Verifying Public File;Verification Complete; File Completed

((This post was originally made by Apprentice Esme Roi))
Accessing After Action ReportDownload Complete; Displaying File


[Image: unknown.png]
TO: Apprentice Sutta'qo
FROM: Apprentice Esme Roi
SUBJECT: After Action Report, Operation: Tempered Expectations

Sith Vipion assumed command of this Operation. Our main intent was to retrieve the Kiln and clear out the workshop for an Imperial aligned gang to occupy in it's place, while maintaining our cover as a criminal element, without revealing our presence as Imperial aligned. To this end we only brought non-lightsaber weaponry for Sith, such as vibroswords and blasters, we planned out our landing from the roof and a exfil point outside the facility on the ground.

The following is regarding the incident itself.

Deployed Location:
Ord Rama, Underworld Workshop Rooftop
Deployed Personnel:
-Sith Vipion
-Apprentice Esme Roi
-Neophyte Evelyn Ghul
-Apprentice Altiarx
-Apprentice Tenactious
-Lieutenant Harx
-Petty Officer Heom

Duration of Deployment:

Details of Operation:

Sith Vipion organized our meeting with an affiliate group to the Empire. They were aware of our position in the empire and our purpose being there, led by Lt Pushar, they assisted us in our infiltration. We pushed inwards from the roof taking two down without triggering any early warning systems, as they were unprepared technologically for intrusion.
We entered the building and engaged in a firefight against those inside. For the most part they were dealt with, without issue, I shot a few and the others were taken down by various force methods, as well as practical, we left no survivors to ensure that this fact was kept quiet. We secured the main area and had Lt Pushar and his men, clear the rest of the building of further hostiles, the room was damaged by several rockets fired. We secured the kiln on a skiff and were then informed, they got the call out for reinforcements, seeing several bikes approaching. I hotwired, one of the locals bikes, acquired a lance from their armoury and brought it with our skiff, driven by Apprentice Tenacitious.
We took a path directly through the city to our exfil point, under the general instruction to avoid evident force use in the open so any onlooker or survivor, would not be able to ID us. In total there were twenty four contacts dispatched by speeder who attempted to cut us off. We dealt with the four ahead, my Imperial training in the cavalry, allowed our advance unabated, though roughly twenty continued to harry us.
Some boarded the skiff, but were dispatched by breaking and Apprentice Altriax's blade, while they ignored our presence to surround the skiff we swung around and took a pass at the rear, while Apprentice Tenacitious and Sith Vipon took a path straight through, running through a Speeder in the process. They headed straight to the exfil point and we took a point of overlook using blasters to eliminate those following, before securing a LZ and evacing upon the shuttle, successfully, with all our objectives being complete.


For the sake of undercover missions, I advise in future encouraging specialist Sith to learn... less force based combative methods to better conceal their presence. Some members of the group found their position difficult when they had to rely solely on vibroblades at a distance from blaster weaponry.
I also wish to commend Sith Vipions performance and leadership, for what little it matters.
[Image: unknown.png]

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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