19-04-2023, 09:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 28-04-2023, 09:12 PM by Rhysand Sekker.)
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For too long, the rules for conduct in the Horuset Archives have been vague and unofficial; for too long, they have not been given a proper place within the Archives which they govern. This changes now. Enforced by the Sith Lorekeeper and any Assistants, these rules govern conduct and manner in the Horuset Archives and are to be obeyed by all. The only exceptions to these rules are the Sith Lorekeeper, the Conservancy, and the Dark Lord of Horuset.
Break these rules at your peril.
- The Archives are a place of erudition and study. The Archives will be quiet and orderly, to encourage learning.
- The Archives are a place of order: conflicts will be resolved outside of it; there will be no usage of the Force with the intent to harm.
- Blades, nor training foils, nor lightsabers will be drawn within the Archives. Disputes that require it will be settled outside of the Archives’ halls.
- The Archives hold treasured knowledge: to not endanger the wisdom kept within, food and drink are not permitted within.
- New pieces of knowledge, however minor, are to be brought to the Sith Lorekeeper or an Assistant-Lorekeeper so that it may be assessed and added to the Archives.
Any inquiries regarding the knowledge within the locked sections of the Archives, be they Sorcerous or Alchemical knowledge, are to be directed to the Assistant-Sorcerer and the Sith Alchemist respectively; similarly, knowledge in such areas is to be directed to the aforementioned positions. Requests from Acolytes for general knowledge above their station is to be directed to the Assistant-Lorekeeper(s).
Sith Tarimra,
Envoy of Arcana,
Sith Lorekeeper
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