19-03-2025, 03:20 PM
Accessing Public File; Downloading From ‘Sith Stuza’
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Public Call For Operation Team Assembly
The Siths voice would autoplay upon the opening of the file.
“A mandalorian squad has crept its way to the heart of Dromund Kaas once more, while we would let the nameless handle these matters, I am in need of a hostage that they possess. Capture him and deal with the Mandalorian camp as you see fit.”
Location: Dromund Kaas
OOC Location: Kaas, crazy I know.
Objective: This Operation has two Primary objectives and one Secondary objective.
Primary Objective I: Save The Hostage.
Primary Objective II: Deal with the Mandalorian Issue.
Secondary Objective I: The hostage is to remain mostly unharmed.
Addendum: The Name and Rank of the hostage will be shared to the squad leader.
Timeframe: The assembled team will have a month (19/04/24) for this task.
Estimated Party Size: Sith Stuza suggests a party size of three to five.
Three means planning when to set a date for the Operation for three people with a hard cap of absolutely no more than five. Please find a GM from within this number.
Reminder: Assets are not to be earned or taken in these, they are not meant to be for accumulating stuff. Maybe some money and little trophies might be gained but never anything large.
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