07-07-2023, 01:50 PM
Accessing Public File; Downloading from '(Envoy;ZEVASA)'Download Complete; Displaying File
* The comm crackles to life, revealing the image of a bearded human with an intense, unwavering stare; Sith Zevasa takes a breath in as though clearing his thoughts, then begins to speak in a voice of calm intensity. *
"Members of House Horuset, I come to you now with an opportunity to better the powerbase as a whole - this operation is the second part to a previous operation with the same title. While these missions may appear unrelated at first, they add together to form a whole picture. As with the previous operation, the outcome of this and its sibling missions may change the shape of the war in the Northern Territorries.
The goal of this operation is to acquire a piece of vital technology; a scientific-grade space ship with maximised sensor capacity. While such a ship is not necessarily useful in battle, its ability to scan a system to discover resources which House Horuset may exploit is unparalleled. I have managed to arrange for a deal with a favourable Sith who will provide this ship for us in exchange for a small favour. This Sith has minimal forces, prefering smaller strike teams and focused tactics rather than the scale battles favoured by larger powerbases such as House Horuset - and has recently found his operations hampered by a specialised unit of Republic counter-intelligence.
Your mission will be to locate the base of operations of these counter-intelligence operatives, infiltrate it, and make a message of them to discourage future interference. When the mission is completed, proof must be collected to present in exchange for the materiel we require. This will be an opportunity for House Horuset to display its strength to the wider Empire - and profit from the endeavor at the same time. This mission is open to all who wish to participate, but I advise those with backgrounds in subterfuge to sign up, both Imperials and Sith."
*With that the hologram would flicker and then fade from view. Leaving the viewer able to access the rest of the information provided.*
Location: A hidden location on Dravik, in the Dravin system.
OOC Location: Given this is an 'alpine, mountainous planet', either Alderaan or possibly Makeb would be suitable.
Primary Objective I: Ascertain the exact location of the Republic counter-intelligence cell on Dravin.
Primary Objective II: Intercept and destroy the cell, being sure to leave a highly visible message for all who might dare to oppose the Empire.
Secondary Objective I: Acquire some form of proof of the cell's destruction to provide to Sith Zevasa.
Time Frame: To be completed as soon as possible, though no strict time-frame is necessary.
(The standard time of 1 from posting (07-08-2023) though this is flexible.)
Estimated Party Size: Minimum 3, Maximum 6 participants.
Reminder: Assets are NOT to be earned or taken in these, they are not meant to be for accumulating stuff. Maybe some money and little trophies might be gained but never anything large.
Verifying Public File;Verification Complete; File Completed
Public Call for Operation Team Assembly
* The comm crackles to life, revealing the image of a bearded human with an intense, unwavering stare; Sith Zevasa takes a breath in as though clearing his thoughts, then begins to speak in a voice of calm intensity. *
"Members of House Horuset, I come to you now with an opportunity to better the powerbase as a whole - this operation is the second part to a previous operation with the same title. While these missions may appear unrelated at first, they add together to form a whole picture. As with the previous operation, the outcome of this and its sibling missions may change the shape of the war in the Northern Territorries.
The goal of this operation is to acquire a piece of vital technology; a scientific-grade space ship with maximised sensor capacity. While such a ship is not necessarily useful in battle, its ability to scan a system to discover resources which House Horuset may exploit is unparalleled. I have managed to arrange for a deal with a favourable Sith who will provide this ship for us in exchange for a small favour. This Sith has minimal forces, prefering smaller strike teams and focused tactics rather than the scale battles favoured by larger powerbases such as House Horuset - and has recently found his operations hampered by a specialised unit of Republic counter-intelligence.
Your mission will be to locate the base of operations of these counter-intelligence operatives, infiltrate it, and make a message of them to discourage future interference. When the mission is completed, proof must be collected to present in exchange for the materiel we require. This will be an opportunity for House Horuset to display its strength to the wider Empire - and profit from the endeavor at the same time. This mission is open to all who wish to participate, but I advise those with backgrounds in subterfuge to sign up, both Imperials and Sith."
*With that the hologram would flicker and then fade from view. Leaving the viewer able to access the rest of the information provided.*
Location: A hidden location on Dravik, in the Dravin system.
OOC Location: Given this is an 'alpine, mountainous planet', either Alderaan or possibly Makeb would be suitable.
Primary Objective I: Ascertain the exact location of the Republic counter-intelligence cell on Dravin.
Primary Objective II: Intercept and destroy the cell, being sure to leave a highly visible message for all who might dare to oppose the Empire.
Secondary Objective I: Acquire some form of proof of the cell's destruction to provide to Sith Zevasa.
Time Frame: To be completed as soon as possible, though no strict time-frame is necessary.
(The standard time of 1 from posting (07-08-2023) though this is flexible.)
Estimated Party Size: Minimum 3, Maximum 6 participants.
Reminder: Assets are NOT to be earned or taken in these, they are not meant to be for accumulating stuff. Maybe some money and little trophies might be gained but never anything large.
Spoiler: OOC Notes for the GM!
Verifying Public File;Verification Complete; File Completed