12-03-2023, 01:33 PM
Echani Lore - By Jadie/Shaun, Occularis/Aodh, and Tashha
Brief History of the Echani
After the collapse of the Arkanian empire (hundreds of thousands of years ago), the Echani and Thyrsians scattered to the stars and resettled on uninhabited worlds. The Echani found a lush, green world with flowing rivers and oceans, and opted to live as harmonious as they could with nature. The Thyrsians, on the other hand, found a hot, desert-type planet that was rich in resources and metals, named it Thyrsus and developed technologies that could let them survive in the hot climates. Trade was established between the two planets, one complementing the other.
As time went on, the Echani, being the more devious of the two races, manipulated the trade to get increasingly better deals, and began to build a more powerful navy for colonising. They expanded their territory to Begali, and began colonisation efforts on Odiita, Yfelia and Sáræ and eventually began to pressure Thyrsus to become a satrapy of Eshan, which resulted in war; one which the Thyrsians were ill-prepared for. Each planet was ruled by royal houses that often struggled for more influence and power, but all were subservient to the ruling Council of Eshan. The Six Sisters, however, were doomed to failure from all the infighting and the ever-persistent threat of rebellion.
Fast forward another few thousand years and the Echani empire collapses, leaving all 6 planets in a dark age. With no trade to sustain the planet's infrastructure, famine plagues the Echani and Thyrsians for another thousand years. Thyrsus decides to seek a trade from elsewhere in the galaxy and incurs a colossal debt which they tried to manage by establishing a black market within the territories of the old Echani empire, charging ludicrous rates and taxes for the trade.
As time went by, a reunification movement began on Eshan, with first the destruction of the various clan heads. This movement was the catalyst for the thousand-year reunification war which saw the reformation of the old empire under a more democratic confederacy. Thyrsus was the last to join, and a great many battles were fought to remain independent. However, it eventually relented under the agreement that their debt would be shared equally among the entire confederacy.
In reality, Thyrsus still got the raw end of the deal and is still thought of as a somewhat second-class citizen. Racial tensions remain strong, and the threat of rebellion from Thyrsus is still present but on the whole, the Echani confederacy or Khyverniso Vorsisalo in Echani ("The confederation of six sisters.") remains at peace and a neutral party in the galactic war, seeking mostly to create a strong export market to clear the history of debt incurred by Thyrsus.
Physiology of Echani
Superficially, the Echani appear very similar to humans in their anatomy, although the comparison can only be made on a superficial basis, for in their minds and souls the Echani are very much out of the norm. Their skin is pale and unblemished as polished marble, yet with a surprisingly supple strength hiding beneath it. Echani blood is pale pink in colour, with deoxygenated blood being almost white or even a pale blue. They had light skin, white hair and silver eyes. They exhibited among themselves a remarkable sameness in body type and facial traits. The most fundamental difference, however, can be seen when the Echani move, for they each radiate an inhuman elegance and poise. This is especially evident in the sinuous grace with which they fight and the dexterity with which they fight with which they field their weaponry. Every gesture is laden with subtle intent. On closer inspection, every aspect of the Echani physiology betrays its unusual nature. Their hearts beat at twice the speed of a human's, and their lives are somewhat greater in span -- the Echani enjoy lives of around 100/120 human years that is normally unsullied by frailty. Echani medicine has eliminated nearly all naturally occurring diseases and genetic disorders within their homeworld. Although their physiology is rather robust and competent at fighting off foreign diseases etc, they are by no means immune; their isolative nature and rare exposure to other species can leave them susceptible to off-world disease.
The Echani mind is far more inclined towards extremes than that of a human. To them, all of life's experiences on a tactile and emotional level are available on a far grander scale: the exhilaration of battle, the pleasure of sound, and the feel of another's touch upon their skin. Their capacity to experience emotion enables them to attain transcendent bliss or, in contrast, experience soul-wracking sorrow. This spiritual intensity was felt throughout their culture, manifesting in sublime works of art and music. Isolated Echani can find themselves falling into deep pits of soul-wracking depression if they remain cut off from their culture or what they hold dear, so for most Echani, regular meditation, music, art and combat are vital to maintaining a healthy mindset.
The Echani equivalent to the human larynx, in actuality, has much more in common with the syrinx of birds, which give the Echani incredible vocal ranges and allows them to create more than one sound at a time. This is used prominently in Echani language, as language is relatively simple even in comparison to galactic basic; tone, pitch, frequency and body language are much more important in Echani conversation.
It is in the interest of good health that an Echani is able to properly communicate or socialize with others in their species in their tongue, or interact through combat, failing to do so over an extended period of time often results in depression, anxiety; and, in some extreme cases, delusions or hallucinations have been linked to misuse of their voice.
Echani Religion
Saara - Often referred to as the "Divine Mother" Saara was widely viewed as the creator of the Echani people, forming Eshan out of the chaos of the Echani Nebula and crafting the Echani race in her own image. Saara is still widely revered by the Echani people and the planet Saara is named after her. Saara is also believed to be responsible for the creation of the other deities in the pantheon, crafting companions and aspects of herself to guide the Echani along.
Nailimisari - Also known as Lilah, or the moon. The firstborn daughter of Saara and elder sister to Thyrsus, this deity is revered as the embodiment of Echani loyalty, integrity and commitment to a better home for their people on Eschan. Perhaps besides Saara, Nailimisari is the most popular of the Echani gods to this day, but this may not be because of her individual merits. There is a story dating back to the Arkanian empire detailing how Saara and the other gods were blocked from speaking to their Echani wards by foul Arkanian technology and rites, leaving the genetically enhanced mortals lost and alone. However, one difficult and dark night the Echani heard a lilting, gentle voice from the moon itself, Nailimisari herself carrying messages from her fellow gods and taking their prayers back to the pantheon in turn. Ever since then, she has been associated with almost all acts of spiritualism belonging to the Echani race; a prayer to Saara may be said over a rosary engraved with lunar imagery, and a blade offered to Trul in service may be printed with a waxing crescent, just to make sure that come the night Nailimisari will spirit their wishes away to the pantheon.
Thyrsus - Known as the "Divine Son" Thyrsus was the first Echani male crafted by Saara. Thyrsus was viewed to be the first Echani Warrior and crafter of the first Echani blade. In mythology, Thyrsus was considered to be the bearer of a fraction of Trul's divine power--Trul's Gift--and through him that all Echani gained the gift of battle precognition. The world Thyrsus is named after him.
Trul - Trul was the Echani Warrior God. He represents the fighting nature of the Echani, their proud warrior spirit and fighting prowess. Trul is personified as a massive 8-foot-tall Echa'olm, the creatures are considered to be his heralds. In mythology Trul was often described to have the ability to peer into the future and view the outcome of battles, this is often associated with the Echani and Echa'olm's ability to predict battles and is often called by the Echani "Trul's Gift".
(Demi-God) Chal - Chal was an Echani philosopher, warrior, and scholar. Chal was known for creating the philosophy of emotional control in order to better read the moves of your opponent. He was best known for saying "The patient fisher better catches the fish" in regards to how a calm and collected warrior could better observe and notice openings in an opponent. Chal was so revered that many traditions were born from his teachings and the Meditation of Chal is a part of every young Childs's Telc'ta.
Echani Society
With a birth rate of 7 females to 1 male, Echani females form the backbone of the species; and the driving force behind the development into a matriarchal society and the reason behind their deities being female.
Contrary to popular belief, Echani females to do not regard their males as second class, they instead value them highly and are extremely protective of them; despite them enforcing military service upon the males to prove their worth, they regard them as, ironically, their protectors and often honour them in greeting with "kár'lo", meaning 'our protector'.
All Echani males are enrolled into the Larinkáoi, a particular branch of the military, for no less than 10 years after which they are allowed to leave to follow a civilian life however, their deeds in service and their military record heavily influence where they may start out in civilian life, and is often the limiting factor in whether they can be accepted into universities.
It is commonplace for males to gain command roles in the military to secure themselves a place in the political hierarchy or managerial roles within businesses.
Varra khat
Varra khat, which stood for ‘Soul walk’ was a two-day long ceremony that took place on Echani’s 12th birthday, where the females chose what they wanted to dedicate their life to and before males were sent to the Larinkáoi. The ceremony had four parts; Nyat koróna, Chal, Donna naior and the Telcta chai
Nyat koróna
The Nyat koróna is a ritual tea ceremony. They are then clothed in garments made by their mother and local priestess, in the colours of their family name. The young Echani is then led into the common room of their family home where their family resides around a small table. Here, the Echani would begin to brew a pot of tea, normally Red Tea. As the tea brewed the Echani sat with their legs underneath them and their hands on their knees. An uncomfortable position that they had to hold till the tea was finished brewing.
Once the tea was finished brewing, they would stand, and take the hot pot of tea in their hands by the sides of the hot pot. This was to show their family their endurance, as they slowly filled each cup in a clockwise fashion. After serving the tea to the others they then served themselves two cups, a representation of more responsibility. After this they would place the pot back on the warming pad, sit, and with their family, sip tea, while their family reminisced on their childhood.
The Chal took place after the Tea Ceremony. The young Echani would meditate alone, in their local moon garden for twelve hours. The significance of this was for the child to reflect on their life before this day, and their destiny afterwards. Often it was during Chal that an Echani would weigh their options for the future.
Donna Naior
The Donna Naior or ‘first test’ was the most prepared-for aspect of Varra khat; a dancing fight between the child and their father. Should their father be unavailable through death, then the child could nominate anyone they wished, this was done via a handwritten letter, in which the child would have to write perfectly, and then have their local priestess perform a blessing ritual upon the letter and provide the wax with which to seal it; any deviation from this or poor handwriting brought great shame upon their family. The nominee was culturally (but not legally) obliged to accept, lest it brings scorn from Nalimisari and severs them from communicating with their gods, essentially making them pariahs.
If the child's father was dead, then it is assumed that they died for the Echani people and is therefore ascended, and to refuse a nomination was to bring the honour of the father's sacrifice into disrepute. Only through consulting with their priestess, in which they would have to give a good reason and receive a blessing to do so, could the nominee opt out.
The Donna Naior normally lasted for several hours, anywhere from two to eight hours. The fight was merely for show, though it allowed the child to display their abilities as a warrior.
Telcta Chai
After the Donna Naior, the final ceremony begins, in the dining hall of the family or clan. A massive feast, in which the now Adult Echani's whole family and nominated guests participated. A table as long as the hall could handle would be covered in foods, both Echani and exotic in nature. Pots of tea, wine, and other beverages would be passed along to the family as they celebrated the past and future of the now fully recognized Echani.
Echani Culture
The Echani take great pride in perfection, to them, everything is an art form where mastery should be sought; be it music or combat or even politics. In reflection of this, there are several "heads" in each House/Clan much like the political council responsible for governing Echani space.
Echani cuisine was a mix of very spicy foods with fresh and soothing snacks. Traditionally cooked slowly for hours with a large variety of spices, fresh vegetables with plenty of meat, served in large pots in the centre of the table with each eater taking their share into smaller bowls. An Echani meal would normally be taken in 6 courses, with the main course (the third) being the only part to contain meat; and taking around 3 hours to finish. Conversely, there is a subset of Echani food culture that was fostered and nurtured in the unforgiving arms of their great famine. This revolves largely around simple porridges and bread made of grain and soups made out of boiled wild plants as well as tubers native to Eschan and the other Six Sisters. Nowadays these meals are typically comprised of artisanal ingredients of the finest quality, devoted to finding beauty in the stark neutral flavours of this cuisine. Another artefact of the famine that still exists in their culture today is a strong and ongoing vegetarian sub-community, though veganism is a rare concept to find within Echani space.
Echani Music
Regarded to be the premier art form for Echani, and considered by many to be a pursuit solely for an elite breed; those who have perfected music to such a degree that, even by Echani standards - a people who are naturally musically gifted, their ability and talent are considered to be exceptional. Because of this, there are twelve figureheads of music in Echani culture: six composers and six singers, all of which are elected as representatives of each planet within the Vorsisalo realm, with the representatives of Eshan, "the first", being considered the very best of them.
The prestige of these titles is such that each representative enjoys somewhat of a celebrity status but is also expected to act as an ambassador for their people. They are subsequently to be found at the heart of political intrigue. To ensure that they are worthy of their position, each representative must be assessed every year to ensure that their talents have not deteriorated and are judged against the many who try for the position. The current representatives for Eshan are Donna Assol'eru Aela Dasvarat as the First lady of voice, and Donna Saraess'ero Jílan Yllorikui as the First Lord of music.
Echani Combat
One of the most notable achievements of the Echani is their mastery of martial art, their races' heavy dependence on body language for communication gives them a profound ability to predict their opponent's moves. Mastery of combat is just another example of the Echani pursuit of perfection, growing mainly from their vast history of political strife, the warring of the ancient royal houses and the 5000-year-long unification war which lead to the formation of the Vorsisalo realm as it is known to date.
This connection to war and combat has led to every Echani citizen undergoing training in melee combat as part of their upbringing and education. Giving the Echani people a well-deserved reputation as a race of fierce warriors. A somewhat misconception of Echani is that of their martial traditions. They are perceived as a race of scantily clad warrior women who communicate through combat, but the reality is much further from the truth, and much richer.
Their armours are usually synthetic bodysuits with lightweight hardened bio-plastic plating that grants the wearer a surprising amount of protection for light armour while giving them almost completely unrestricted freedom of movement. These are often handcrafted and beautifully stylised, featuring vibrant colours and tall crest of coloured hair; a daring display of their pride in their martial abilities but also as an aide to field commanders as most battles with Echani are quickly forced into a melee.
Echani Military
Serving as both a military and a police force, the Vorsisalo Confederate Defence Force is responsible for maintaining peace within Echani space. Although tiny in comparison to the likes of the Republic, the Defence Force has gained a reputation in nearby sectors as a force not to be trifled with. Not having the industry or production capability to sustain a force which relied on ranged weaponry and heavy armour, it instead became an expert mechanised force of deception and defence, often leading its enemies into deadly traps. Its doctrine was one of Speed, Surprise and violence of action.
Fast and athletic, the Spiritseekers emphasise the swiftness of the foot and the importance of mobility in melee combat. Their armour is coloured deep blue, and bone white with a long red flowing crest. Spiritseekers were generally armed with a disrupter pistol and vibrosword in combat or a form of the glaive, combined with flashbang type explosives and a special amplifier in their helmet which the spirit seeker would unleash a haunting scream through as they charged their opponents, rending them with terror. These warriors were used as flankers and infiltrators, and when deployed against a distracted or unaware enemy, they would wreak havoc in enemy lines. It was said that hearing their battle cry would pull your spirit from your body so that the seekers could claim it.
Well-trained survivalists and marksmen, the Watchers are able to find the eye sockets and neck joints of even the most heavily armoured enemy troops. Watchers are both reconnaissance soldiers, and intelligence agents have developed skills in both espionage and survival, these elite agents are able to adapt to their surroundings easily. They spend their tours of duty serving as either a field agent, gathering intelligence on their neighbours and enemies, or as forward observers in a combat role; reporting troop movements to commanders and serving as snipers.
Every Echani male must serve in the Larinkáoi for a period of no less than 10 years after their 14th birthday. Although this is a somewhat small period of time in comparison to the Echani life expectancy, many of the men decide to stay on longer as their achievement and rank within the Larinkáoi affect where in the society they may go after their service is finished. The Larinkáoi soldier has been part of the Echani culture since its creation and has become somewhat of a symbol of protection from evil. They are to be found in children's stories battling evil spirits and creatures of the night. The embodiment of Kar, the goddess Nalimisari's mortal lover, who challenged all the gods of the timeless realm to win her pardon.
The Larinkáoi are the Echani's heavy infantry. Carrying large energy shields and plasma-tipped spears. They often act as a deadly phalanx wall for their enemy to be pushed up against. Their unique spears have a plasma blade at one end and a cannon at the other, which they can use for peppering their opponents with blaster bolts until they can close to melee range. On occasion, they can be seen with field blasters by a select few within their ranks, but these tend to be roles kept for the Larinkáoi units that are stationed aboard naval vessels. The warriors of this unit can be seen all over the confederacy guarding various buildings and memorials. They are the closest thing to police that can be seen in Echani territories and are trained to be absolute masters of shield and spear combat.
Aeta Ignias
An Aeta Ignias was an Echani Honor duel. An Honor Duel was performed between two individuals, one of which was generally Echani, but one party could be of any culture. The duel was initiated by someone giving a challenge, either for honour, or glory. An Aeta Ignias could be either till the death of one of the individuals or till one was incapacitated in another manner. An Aeta Ignias was performed with a strict code of honour, if any participant violated any of the preset rules of the duel or any of the traditional rules, such as attacking an opponent while they were down or striking in zones considered off limits (such as strikes 'below the belt') and won via these methods, a relative of the one lost, could claim the offender's life forfeit and could, at any point in time, attempt to take the life of the offender, or claim the right to their own Aeta Ignias.
Many Echani cities are tall and Gothic in their appearance, featuring high walls, remnants of ancient times, surrounding them. Many buildings were constructed to encourage the growth of wildlife along their walls; the stark contrast of luscious green topped with reds, violets, blues and pinks set upon tall, pristinely white stone spires and walls are the envy of many of the galaxy's architects. The closest comparison to this would be minimalist neo-futurism in terms of architecture.
Echani architecture is not only limited to the style of their buildings, but also to their ships. Long, slender and silvery white designs are commonplace.
State of Eshan in Lore
Before the Zakuulian crisis upon the Empire, it is assumed that the Echani remained in a neutral stance with the entirety of the Galaxy at large. However, considering their position within the galaxy map, they were leaning towards the Republic. However, nothing indicates in lore that they indeed sided with the Republic in the duration of the war efforts against the Empire, before or after the great hyperspace war.
When the Zakuul Empire came to the galaxy, their main focus was on the Republic, Empire and Huttese worlds because they offered the largest amounts of wealth and materials needed to fuel the ever-growing Empire of Zakuul. Due to this, they would not see Eshan as a high-priority world to sack for resources considering also they’re in or have been previously in a state of financial or food crisis. Consider also, that they did not attack Voss until late expansion after the five-year black screen which too was considered not a high priority. Due to this, It is believed that the Zakuul Empire did not go after Eshan, and at most, the Six Sisters offered meagre amounts of Wealth to both parties to aid their struggles against the Zakuulian Empire.
Eshan currently as far as lore indicates is somewhat coming out of their state of the financial crisis, and would rather not suffer any further in my personal opinion. Hence the neutral stance of both the Empire and the Republic in the first place. Though due to the positioning of the Six Sisters in the galaxy, it is said that they are aligned more so with the Republic in both trading and association.. The land itself is moderately rich with plantation and farming communities striving due to the eventual coming out of the famine issues many years ago, and the populace is scarce yet rising ever so slowly due to the strict isolation of their culture.
It would not be common that outsiders and their influence would be able to migrate onto Eshan, and it would not have numerous travellers also from external regions of space, considering they would have to find resources for them also. At most the Republic would push for a migration treaty, but the Echani are simply neutral benefactors and are proven to be isolationists.
Trade from and to Eshan however, would not be too farfetched as they would have needed to rely on their allies from many years ago to assist them out of their crisis. It would be assumed that these trade deals would still be present to this day from both the Empire and the Republic - However, due to the crisis on the Galaxy from the Zakuul Empire the trade/resources have become hard to obtain, so much so that the Six Sisters have suffered internally in their economies.
![[Image: 9c7eec6747b3c6fab389bc7d5efd6a2b.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/9c7eec6747b3c6fab389bc7d5efd6a2b.png)
Special thanks to http://www.swtor-rp.com/profile/1265768 (Aela) for the piece she did on SWTOR RP - See here: http://www.swtor-rp.com/progenitor/m/330...ge-culture
Brief History of the Echani
After the collapse of the Arkanian empire (hundreds of thousands of years ago), the Echani and Thyrsians scattered to the stars and resettled on uninhabited worlds. The Echani found a lush, green world with flowing rivers and oceans, and opted to live as harmonious as they could with nature. The Thyrsians, on the other hand, found a hot, desert-type planet that was rich in resources and metals, named it Thyrsus and developed technologies that could let them survive in the hot climates. Trade was established between the two planets, one complementing the other.
As time went on, the Echani, being the more devious of the two races, manipulated the trade to get increasingly better deals, and began to build a more powerful navy for colonising. They expanded their territory to Begali, and began colonisation efforts on Odiita, Yfelia and Sáræ and eventually began to pressure Thyrsus to become a satrapy of Eshan, which resulted in war; one which the Thyrsians were ill-prepared for. Each planet was ruled by royal houses that often struggled for more influence and power, but all were subservient to the ruling Council of Eshan. The Six Sisters, however, were doomed to failure from all the infighting and the ever-persistent threat of rebellion.
Fast forward another few thousand years and the Echani empire collapses, leaving all 6 planets in a dark age. With no trade to sustain the planet's infrastructure, famine plagues the Echani and Thyrsians for another thousand years. Thyrsus decides to seek a trade from elsewhere in the galaxy and incurs a colossal debt which they tried to manage by establishing a black market within the territories of the old Echani empire, charging ludicrous rates and taxes for the trade.
As time went by, a reunification movement began on Eshan, with first the destruction of the various clan heads. This movement was the catalyst for the thousand-year reunification war which saw the reformation of the old empire under a more democratic confederacy. Thyrsus was the last to join, and a great many battles were fought to remain independent. However, it eventually relented under the agreement that their debt would be shared equally among the entire confederacy.
In reality, Thyrsus still got the raw end of the deal and is still thought of as a somewhat second-class citizen. Racial tensions remain strong, and the threat of rebellion from Thyrsus is still present but on the whole, the Echani confederacy or Khyverniso Vorsisalo in Echani ("The confederation of six sisters.") remains at peace and a neutral party in the galactic war, seeking mostly to create a strong export market to clear the history of debt incurred by Thyrsus.
Physiology of Echani
Superficially, the Echani appear very similar to humans in their anatomy, although the comparison can only be made on a superficial basis, for in their minds and souls the Echani are very much out of the norm. Their skin is pale and unblemished as polished marble, yet with a surprisingly supple strength hiding beneath it. Echani blood is pale pink in colour, with deoxygenated blood being almost white or even a pale blue. They had light skin, white hair and silver eyes. They exhibited among themselves a remarkable sameness in body type and facial traits. The most fundamental difference, however, can be seen when the Echani move, for they each radiate an inhuman elegance and poise. This is especially evident in the sinuous grace with which they fight and the dexterity with which they fight with which they field their weaponry. Every gesture is laden with subtle intent. On closer inspection, every aspect of the Echani physiology betrays its unusual nature. Their hearts beat at twice the speed of a human's, and their lives are somewhat greater in span -- the Echani enjoy lives of around 100/120 human years that is normally unsullied by frailty. Echani medicine has eliminated nearly all naturally occurring diseases and genetic disorders within their homeworld. Although their physiology is rather robust and competent at fighting off foreign diseases etc, they are by no means immune; their isolative nature and rare exposure to other species can leave them susceptible to off-world disease.
The Echani mind is far more inclined towards extremes than that of a human. To them, all of life's experiences on a tactile and emotional level are available on a far grander scale: the exhilaration of battle, the pleasure of sound, and the feel of another's touch upon their skin. Their capacity to experience emotion enables them to attain transcendent bliss or, in contrast, experience soul-wracking sorrow. This spiritual intensity was felt throughout their culture, manifesting in sublime works of art and music. Isolated Echani can find themselves falling into deep pits of soul-wracking depression if they remain cut off from their culture or what they hold dear, so for most Echani, regular meditation, music, art and combat are vital to maintaining a healthy mindset.
The Echani equivalent to the human larynx, in actuality, has much more in common with the syrinx of birds, which give the Echani incredible vocal ranges and allows them to create more than one sound at a time. This is used prominently in Echani language, as language is relatively simple even in comparison to galactic basic; tone, pitch, frequency and body language are much more important in Echani conversation.
It is in the interest of good health that an Echani is able to properly communicate or socialize with others in their species in their tongue, or interact through combat, failing to do so over an extended period of time often results in depression, anxiety; and, in some extreme cases, delusions or hallucinations have been linked to misuse of their voice.
Echani Religion
Saara - Often referred to as the "Divine Mother" Saara was widely viewed as the creator of the Echani people, forming Eshan out of the chaos of the Echani Nebula and crafting the Echani race in her own image. Saara is still widely revered by the Echani people and the planet Saara is named after her. Saara is also believed to be responsible for the creation of the other deities in the pantheon, crafting companions and aspects of herself to guide the Echani along.
Nailimisari - Also known as Lilah, or the moon. The firstborn daughter of Saara and elder sister to Thyrsus, this deity is revered as the embodiment of Echani loyalty, integrity and commitment to a better home for their people on Eschan. Perhaps besides Saara, Nailimisari is the most popular of the Echani gods to this day, but this may not be because of her individual merits. There is a story dating back to the Arkanian empire detailing how Saara and the other gods were blocked from speaking to their Echani wards by foul Arkanian technology and rites, leaving the genetically enhanced mortals lost and alone. However, one difficult and dark night the Echani heard a lilting, gentle voice from the moon itself, Nailimisari herself carrying messages from her fellow gods and taking their prayers back to the pantheon in turn. Ever since then, she has been associated with almost all acts of spiritualism belonging to the Echani race; a prayer to Saara may be said over a rosary engraved with lunar imagery, and a blade offered to Trul in service may be printed with a waxing crescent, just to make sure that come the night Nailimisari will spirit their wishes away to the pantheon.
Thyrsus - Known as the "Divine Son" Thyrsus was the first Echani male crafted by Saara. Thyrsus was viewed to be the first Echani Warrior and crafter of the first Echani blade. In mythology, Thyrsus was considered to be the bearer of a fraction of Trul's divine power--Trul's Gift--and through him that all Echani gained the gift of battle precognition. The world Thyrsus is named after him.
Trul - Trul was the Echani Warrior God. He represents the fighting nature of the Echani, their proud warrior spirit and fighting prowess. Trul is personified as a massive 8-foot-tall Echa'olm, the creatures are considered to be his heralds. In mythology Trul was often described to have the ability to peer into the future and view the outcome of battles, this is often associated with the Echani and Echa'olm's ability to predict battles and is often called by the Echani "Trul's Gift".
(Demi-God) Chal - Chal was an Echani philosopher, warrior, and scholar. Chal was known for creating the philosophy of emotional control in order to better read the moves of your opponent. He was best known for saying "The patient fisher better catches the fish" in regards to how a calm and collected warrior could better observe and notice openings in an opponent. Chal was so revered that many traditions were born from his teachings and the Meditation of Chal is a part of every young Childs's Telc'ta.
Echani Society
With a birth rate of 7 females to 1 male, Echani females form the backbone of the species; and the driving force behind the development into a matriarchal society and the reason behind their deities being female.
Contrary to popular belief, Echani females to do not regard their males as second class, they instead value them highly and are extremely protective of them; despite them enforcing military service upon the males to prove their worth, they regard them as, ironically, their protectors and often honour them in greeting with "kár'lo", meaning 'our protector'.
All Echani males are enrolled into the Larinkáoi, a particular branch of the military, for no less than 10 years after which they are allowed to leave to follow a civilian life however, their deeds in service and their military record heavily influence where they may start out in civilian life, and is often the limiting factor in whether they can be accepted into universities.
It is commonplace for males to gain command roles in the military to secure themselves a place in the political hierarchy or managerial roles within businesses.
Varra khat
Varra khat, which stood for ‘Soul walk’ was a two-day long ceremony that took place on Echani’s 12th birthday, where the females chose what they wanted to dedicate their life to and before males were sent to the Larinkáoi. The ceremony had four parts; Nyat koróna, Chal, Donna naior and the Telcta chai
Nyat koróna
The Nyat koróna is a ritual tea ceremony. They are then clothed in garments made by their mother and local priestess, in the colours of their family name. The young Echani is then led into the common room of their family home where their family resides around a small table. Here, the Echani would begin to brew a pot of tea, normally Red Tea. As the tea brewed the Echani sat with their legs underneath them and their hands on their knees. An uncomfortable position that they had to hold till the tea was finished brewing.
Once the tea was finished brewing, they would stand, and take the hot pot of tea in their hands by the sides of the hot pot. This was to show their family their endurance, as they slowly filled each cup in a clockwise fashion. After serving the tea to the others they then served themselves two cups, a representation of more responsibility. After this they would place the pot back on the warming pad, sit, and with their family, sip tea, while their family reminisced on their childhood.
The Chal took place after the Tea Ceremony. The young Echani would meditate alone, in their local moon garden for twelve hours. The significance of this was for the child to reflect on their life before this day, and their destiny afterwards. Often it was during Chal that an Echani would weigh their options for the future.
Donna Naior
The Donna Naior or ‘first test’ was the most prepared-for aspect of Varra khat; a dancing fight between the child and their father. Should their father be unavailable through death, then the child could nominate anyone they wished, this was done via a handwritten letter, in which the child would have to write perfectly, and then have their local priestess perform a blessing ritual upon the letter and provide the wax with which to seal it; any deviation from this or poor handwriting brought great shame upon their family. The nominee was culturally (but not legally) obliged to accept, lest it brings scorn from Nalimisari and severs them from communicating with their gods, essentially making them pariahs.
If the child's father was dead, then it is assumed that they died for the Echani people and is therefore ascended, and to refuse a nomination was to bring the honour of the father's sacrifice into disrepute. Only through consulting with their priestess, in which they would have to give a good reason and receive a blessing to do so, could the nominee opt out.
The Donna Naior normally lasted for several hours, anywhere from two to eight hours. The fight was merely for show, though it allowed the child to display their abilities as a warrior.
Telcta Chai
After the Donna Naior, the final ceremony begins, in the dining hall of the family or clan. A massive feast, in which the now Adult Echani's whole family and nominated guests participated. A table as long as the hall could handle would be covered in foods, both Echani and exotic in nature. Pots of tea, wine, and other beverages would be passed along to the family as they celebrated the past and future of the now fully recognized Echani.
Echani Culture
The Echani take great pride in perfection, to them, everything is an art form where mastery should be sought; be it music or combat or even politics. In reflection of this, there are several "heads" in each House/Clan much like the political council responsible for governing Echani space.
Echani cuisine was a mix of very spicy foods with fresh and soothing snacks. Traditionally cooked slowly for hours with a large variety of spices, fresh vegetables with plenty of meat, served in large pots in the centre of the table with each eater taking their share into smaller bowls. An Echani meal would normally be taken in 6 courses, with the main course (the third) being the only part to contain meat; and taking around 3 hours to finish. Conversely, there is a subset of Echani food culture that was fostered and nurtured in the unforgiving arms of their great famine. This revolves largely around simple porridges and bread made of grain and soups made out of boiled wild plants as well as tubers native to Eschan and the other Six Sisters. Nowadays these meals are typically comprised of artisanal ingredients of the finest quality, devoted to finding beauty in the stark neutral flavours of this cuisine. Another artefact of the famine that still exists in their culture today is a strong and ongoing vegetarian sub-community, though veganism is a rare concept to find within Echani space.
Echani Music
Regarded to be the premier art form for Echani, and considered by many to be a pursuit solely for an elite breed; those who have perfected music to such a degree that, even by Echani standards - a people who are naturally musically gifted, their ability and talent are considered to be exceptional. Because of this, there are twelve figureheads of music in Echani culture: six composers and six singers, all of which are elected as representatives of each planet within the Vorsisalo realm, with the representatives of Eshan, "the first", being considered the very best of them.
The prestige of these titles is such that each representative enjoys somewhat of a celebrity status but is also expected to act as an ambassador for their people. They are subsequently to be found at the heart of political intrigue. To ensure that they are worthy of their position, each representative must be assessed every year to ensure that their talents have not deteriorated and are judged against the many who try for the position. The current representatives for Eshan are Donna Assol'eru Aela Dasvarat as the First lady of voice, and Donna Saraess'ero Jílan Yllorikui as the First Lord of music.
Echani Combat
One of the most notable achievements of the Echani is their mastery of martial art, their races' heavy dependence on body language for communication gives them a profound ability to predict their opponent's moves. Mastery of combat is just another example of the Echani pursuit of perfection, growing mainly from their vast history of political strife, the warring of the ancient royal houses and the 5000-year-long unification war which lead to the formation of the Vorsisalo realm as it is known to date.
This connection to war and combat has led to every Echani citizen undergoing training in melee combat as part of their upbringing and education. Giving the Echani people a well-deserved reputation as a race of fierce warriors. A somewhat misconception of Echani is that of their martial traditions. They are perceived as a race of scantily clad warrior women who communicate through combat, but the reality is much further from the truth, and much richer.
Their armours are usually synthetic bodysuits with lightweight hardened bio-plastic plating that grants the wearer a surprising amount of protection for light armour while giving them almost completely unrestricted freedom of movement. These are often handcrafted and beautifully stylised, featuring vibrant colours and tall crest of coloured hair; a daring display of their pride in their martial abilities but also as an aide to field commanders as most battles with Echani are quickly forced into a melee.
Echani Military
Serving as both a military and a police force, the Vorsisalo Confederate Defence Force is responsible for maintaining peace within Echani space. Although tiny in comparison to the likes of the Republic, the Defence Force has gained a reputation in nearby sectors as a force not to be trifled with. Not having the industry or production capability to sustain a force which relied on ranged weaponry and heavy armour, it instead became an expert mechanised force of deception and defence, often leading its enemies into deadly traps. Its doctrine was one of Speed, Surprise and violence of action.
Spirit seekers
![[Image: 5GdeJT0.png]](https://i.imgur.com/5GdeJT0.png)
Fast and athletic, the Spiritseekers emphasise the swiftness of the foot and the importance of mobility in melee combat. Their armour is coloured deep blue, and bone white with a long red flowing crest. Spiritseekers were generally armed with a disrupter pistol and vibrosword in combat or a form of the glaive, combined with flashbang type explosives and a special amplifier in their helmet which the spirit seeker would unleash a haunting scream through as they charged their opponents, rending them with terror. These warriors were used as flankers and infiltrators, and when deployed against a distracted or unaware enemy, they would wreak havoc in enemy lines. It was said that hearing their battle cry would pull your spirit from your body so that the seekers could claim it.
Well-trained survivalists and marksmen, the Watchers are able to find the eye sockets and neck joints of even the most heavily armoured enemy troops. Watchers are both reconnaissance soldiers, and intelligence agents have developed skills in both espionage and survival, these elite agents are able to adapt to their surroundings easily. They spend their tours of duty serving as either a field agent, gathering intelligence on their neighbours and enemies, or as forward observers in a combat role; reporting troop movements to commanders and serving as snipers.
![[Image: p3TbVif.png]](https://i.imgur.com/p3TbVif.png)
Every Echani male must serve in the Larinkáoi for a period of no less than 10 years after their 14th birthday. Although this is a somewhat small period of time in comparison to the Echani life expectancy, many of the men decide to stay on longer as their achievement and rank within the Larinkáoi affect where in the society they may go after their service is finished. The Larinkáoi soldier has been part of the Echani culture since its creation and has become somewhat of a symbol of protection from evil. They are to be found in children's stories battling evil spirits and creatures of the night. The embodiment of Kar, the goddess Nalimisari's mortal lover, who challenged all the gods of the timeless realm to win her pardon.
The Larinkáoi are the Echani's heavy infantry. Carrying large energy shields and plasma-tipped spears. They often act as a deadly phalanx wall for their enemy to be pushed up against. Their unique spears have a plasma blade at one end and a cannon at the other, which they can use for peppering their opponents with blaster bolts until they can close to melee range. On occasion, they can be seen with field blasters by a select few within their ranks, but these tend to be roles kept for the Larinkáoi units that are stationed aboard naval vessels. The warriors of this unit can be seen all over the confederacy guarding various buildings and memorials. They are the closest thing to police that can be seen in Echani territories and are trained to be absolute masters of shield and spear combat.
Aeta Ignias
An Aeta Ignias was an Echani Honor duel. An Honor Duel was performed between two individuals, one of which was generally Echani, but one party could be of any culture. The duel was initiated by someone giving a challenge, either for honour, or glory. An Aeta Ignias could be either till the death of one of the individuals or till one was incapacitated in another manner. An Aeta Ignias was performed with a strict code of honour, if any participant violated any of the preset rules of the duel or any of the traditional rules, such as attacking an opponent while they were down or striking in zones considered off limits (such as strikes 'below the belt') and won via these methods, a relative of the one lost, could claim the offender's life forfeit and could, at any point in time, attempt to take the life of the offender, or claim the right to their own Aeta Ignias.
![[Image: bMZQkf4.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/bMZQkf4.jpg)
Many Echani cities are tall and Gothic in their appearance, featuring high walls, remnants of ancient times, surrounding them. Many buildings were constructed to encourage the growth of wildlife along their walls; the stark contrast of luscious green topped with reds, violets, blues and pinks set upon tall, pristinely white stone spires and walls are the envy of many of the galaxy's architects. The closest comparison to this would be minimalist neo-futurism in terms of architecture.
![[Image: jPKFVeH.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/jPKFVeH.jpg)
Echani architecture is not only limited to the style of their buildings, but also to their ships. Long, slender and silvery white designs are commonplace.
State of Eshan in Lore
Before the Zakuulian crisis upon the Empire, it is assumed that the Echani remained in a neutral stance with the entirety of the Galaxy at large. However, considering their position within the galaxy map, they were leaning towards the Republic. However, nothing indicates in lore that they indeed sided with the Republic in the duration of the war efforts against the Empire, before or after the great hyperspace war.
When the Zakuul Empire came to the galaxy, their main focus was on the Republic, Empire and Huttese worlds because they offered the largest amounts of wealth and materials needed to fuel the ever-growing Empire of Zakuul. Due to this, they would not see Eshan as a high-priority world to sack for resources considering also they’re in or have been previously in a state of financial or food crisis. Consider also, that they did not attack Voss until late expansion after the five-year black screen which too was considered not a high priority. Due to this, It is believed that the Zakuul Empire did not go after Eshan, and at most, the Six Sisters offered meagre amounts of Wealth to both parties to aid their struggles against the Zakuulian Empire.
Eshan currently as far as lore indicates is somewhat coming out of their state of the financial crisis, and would rather not suffer any further in my personal opinion. Hence the neutral stance of both the Empire and the Republic in the first place. Though due to the positioning of the Six Sisters in the galaxy, it is said that they are aligned more so with the Republic in both trading and association.. The land itself is moderately rich with plantation and farming communities striving due to the eventual coming out of the famine issues many years ago, and the populace is scarce yet rising ever so slowly due to the strict isolation of their culture.
It would not be common that outsiders and their influence would be able to migrate onto Eshan, and it would not have numerous travellers also from external regions of space, considering they would have to find resources for them also. At most the Republic would push for a migration treaty, but the Echani are simply neutral benefactors and are proven to be isolationists.
Trade from and to Eshan however, would not be too farfetched as they would have needed to rely on their allies from many years ago to assist them out of their crisis. It would be assumed that these trade deals would still be present to this day from both the Empire and the Republic - However, due to the crisis on the Galaxy from the Zakuul Empire the trade/resources have become hard to obtain, so much so that the Six Sisters have suffered internally in their economies.
![[Image: 9c7eec6747b3c6fab389bc7d5efd6a2b.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/9c7eec6747b3c6fab389bc7d5efd6a2b.png)
Special thanks to http://www.swtor-rp.com/profile/1265768 (Aela) for the piece she did on SWTOR RP - See here: http://www.swtor-rp.com/progenitor/m/330...ge-culture