08-10-2023, 10:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-10-2023, 10:26 PM by Rhysand Sekker.)
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Public Call For Operation Team Assembly
Attached to the file would be a prerecorded holomessage, which would play when selected. The form of Apprentice Rhysand Sekker appeared a moment later in the classical cyan-white hues of a holographic transmission, the electric tinge accentuating some features on the young Pureblood while diminishing others. Rhysand stood with his hands clasped in the small of his back, the long robe over the plating of the Warrior Armour shifting slightly as he stood, sharp copper-gold gaze glowing under the hood even in the holorecording. He’d faintly look to the left and began speaking, his deep voice authoritative and stern.
“Much was taken from us during the many conflicts between the Empire and the Republic. Imperial lives, territory, Sith artefacts… Even knowledge. I have been informed of an attack on a Sith outpost by a small Jedi enclave just over the border of the Imperial Northern Territories. The attack was a success, and the Jedi took what did not belong to them back to their Enclave for ‘protection’. This cannot be allowed to stand. But before we can launch a strike on the Enclave itself, they will need to be… Blinded.
“Your task is simple: destroy the fort that keeps them alert. Leave no survivors.
“Never Waver; Never Relent..”
With that, the hologram flickered and faded from view, leaving the viewer to access the rest of the provided information.
Location: Vathi, Vathi System, Raioballo Sector, Tingel Arm
OOC Location: Something fortress-like, so Alderaan can work, though as Vathi is made up, it can be any sort of locale.
Objective: This Operation has two Primary Objectives and one Secondary Objective.
Primary Objective I: Destroy the fort that guards the Jedi Enclave.
Primary Objective II: Leave no survivors
Secondary Objective I: Recover any knowledge about the Jedi.
Timeframe: The Operation Team will have a month to complete the Operation.
The 9th of November is the deadline.
Estimated Party Size: Apprentice Sekker recommends a party of three to four.
Three means planning when to set a date for the Operation for three people with a hard cap of absolutely no more than four. Please find a GM from within this number.
- Sith Acolytes may ask for a lesson in a Core or Adept Power.
- Sith Apprentices and Neophytes may ask for a lesson in an advanced power.
- Household Sith and Imperials may approach to discuss a reward.
Reminder: Assets are not to be earned or taken in these, they are not meant to be for accumulating stuff. Maybe some money and little trophies might be gained but never anything large.
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