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NPC Directory

NPC Name: Lord Sivus Meskal
Brief Desription: Influential Sith Lord of the Ministry of Production and Logistics that has a vested interest in the Tandankin Shipyard and specifically the weapons department, serves under Darth Tzerkus Klagevus.
Faction: Imperial
Notable Activities: He was reported as one of the Overseers of the Weapons Department of the Tandankin Shipyard.
Last Known Appearance: Not seen yet.
Character Owner: Mos

NPC Name: Darth Tzerkus Klagevus
Brief Desription: Influential Darth of the Ministry of Production and Logistics that has a vested interest in the Tandankin Shipyard as a whole.
Faction: Imperial
Notable Activities: He was reported as a superior in the Tandankin Shipyard.
Last Known Appearance: Not seen yet.
Character Owner: Mos

NPC Name: "Kal", "Kalari", Intern? Dkalairi Dallows
Brief Desription: 5'8" Cathar woman, seems to have medical experience. Fit, scars on her face, cybernetics for feet. Drinks caf by the pot.
Faction: Unknown (Force User)
Notable Activities: Caused a blackout at a banking clan company on Muun, deflected a Shock with a Bubble. Seems to have been engaged in corporate espionage on valuable data.
Last Known Appearance: During an Acolyte Trial
Character Owner: Alf

[Image: GZmarbE.png]

NPC Name: Lord Dargoz
Brief Desription: Influential Lord, wears a mask, older burly man.
Faction: Imperial - Sith
Notable Activities: He is reported as the Head of acquisitions of the Axiom Powerbase
Last Known Appearance: 69th Kaasian Gunshow highroller auction
Character Owner: Amy

Rear Admiral Egeltrud Mor-Vardrin
Rusted Iron

[Image: c8fiqpF.png]

Description: Egeltrud Mor-Vardrin is a fallen woman, once candidate to become the Moff of the Myto sector off of the back of her involvement in the conquest of Dubrillion. But the conquest failed, and Mor-Vardrin was left to direct the Imperial Terrestrial Exploitation Corp, commonly known as ITEC. She blamed much of the failing of the Dubrillion initiative upon the Horuset Powerbase, and would come to terms with this group again when they were assigned to guard ITEC's efforts to hurriedly extract materials from the planet of Anx Minor. Although the collaborative effort was a success, tensions between the two groups flared immensely and the Vice-Director of ITEC, Ryse Reese, died in a Republic assassination that Mor-Vardrin blamed the Horuset Powerbase for. Dislike escalated to hatred, and when the Imperial Conclave of the Outer Territories rolled around, Mor-Vardrin saw her chance to unseat her Pureblooded foes and claim a greater slice of the north for herself. Unfortunately for her, a string of embarrassments alongside a scandal involving her left hand woman and a betrayal by her right hand man saw her reputation in tatters and her platform the sick man of the conclave. She was exiled from the North, given command of a small fleet on the border with Zygerria amongst the considerably reduced Eastern Fleets alongside an effective demotion to Rear Admiral. In essence, this is a putting-out-to-pasture of the older woman, whose willpower seems to have been shattered by the experience.

Faction: Empire

Character Owner: Multiple (Scott, Jenson, Rik, Aodh)

Colonel Grallo, Director of ITEC
The Imperial Cockroach

[Image: fOz1QUJ.png]

Description: The proverbial cat always landing on his feet, Colonel Grallo has orchestrated a meteoric rise in the Imperial hierarchies both formal and informal. He has done so by courting favor with the powerful, deploying familial and allegiance ties in his favor and a brutally cold, calculating system of betrayals and backstabbings. For though Grallo is ostensibly pathetic, weaselly and simpering, his weak exterior hides a heart of ice and a mind of sharpened steel. He is quite happy to play the weak man if it benefits him, but at his back is a web of allies and contacts that spans most of the Northern Territories and a surprising amount of the Sith Core, a network he never stops looking to grow. Grallo is a secondary member of the House of Verbenz-Grallo, an ancient human noble house with properties across the Empire and a long history of excellent military service and allegiance to the Ministry of Logistics. He is cousin to the head of the House, Lord Verbenz-Grallo. He took control of ITEC in the wake of the ICOT, by publicly betraying Mor-Vardrin and siding with the Horuset Powerbase. A tentative and wary warming of relations between ITEC and the Horusets has begun since, both continuing to operate in the Northern Territories.

Character Owner: Multiple (Scott, Jenson, Rik, Aodh)

Lord Bartolomé Verbenz-Grallo, Planetary Governor of Belkadan
The Blade of the North

[Image: fVqIp8D.png]

Description: A man of staggeringly good breeding, Lord Verbenz-Grallo stands at the head of House Verbenz-Grallo, a Kaasian noble house with a storied and proud legacy stretching back to the earliest days of the Exile, with blood ties going back further even than that. Bartolomé was raised with some of the finest tutors the Capital could provide, mentored in the arts of arithmetic, Imperial history, military theory and logistical science, for House Verbenz-Grallo has long owed its allegiance to the Sphere of Production and Logistics. Although he was a fine student in these subjects, more than any of the above he found his excellence in the bladework lessons imparted to him. When he came of age, he experienced a star-studded and short tenure in the Kaas Academy, earning a reputation as a masterful duelist. He ascended into Apprenticehood under Lord Denara, a career logistician who also rose from the old Kaasian nobility, and when she perished during the Battle of Taris he ascended to Lordship. He has forged a fine legacy in his career - overseer of a large number of industrial and infrastructural assets largely across the Northern Territories, but it seems his true passion lies not in the Sphere of Logistics, where he serves, but in the affairs of war. He is known to be one of the most decorated individual warriors of the Northern Territories, and one of its most outspoken voices for conquest. He has developed a reputation for drawing inspiration from older Imperial military doctrines when commanding forces, but innovating on them in colourful, audacious ways, and he is a skilled leader of men. At present the Lord has two Apprentices, a savant in military logistics by the name of Apprentice Bonn, and a blossoming commander of siege warfare by the name of Apprentice Vogenn, both from good families in the Sith Core with strong military records in their bloodlines. During the ICOT, Lord Verbenz-Grallo joined with his cousin Director Grallo of ITEC to skillfully navigate complex alliances and secure himself the Planetary Governorship of Belkadan.

Character Owner: Aodh

Moff Zannata Elverid, Sector Moff of the Dalonbian Sector
The Wolf of Kuat

[Image: MD6PYwb.png]

Description: Zannata Elverid is an Imperial Admiral of the old breed - a war-dog with a soul of sharpened steel and a back as straight as a Harrower's keel. So navally focused is she, that she walks under natural gravity with a limp born not of injury, but out of her body having adjusted for the slightly different artificial gravity of an Imperial warship. Born into an old military, albeit not strictly aristocratic, family on Kaas, she was a First Lieutenant assigned to the gunnery decks of a Harrower named 'The Imperial Spear' during the Sacking of Coruscant, and afterwards she began to rise the ranks with an icy calm within her no matter the crisis, as well as a reputation for competence, patience and resoluteness. Her broad knowledge base of naval tactics and the respect she engendered in the men serving under her saw her a Vice-Admiral by the time of the Galactic War's break-out, and she received many accolades during the course of the war. She finally earned her Admiral rank in the Battle of Kuat, when she spearheaded a series of brutally punishing lightning speed maneuvers with her fleet, reaping a heavy toll on the shipyards of Kuat and their picket ships before the retreat was ordered. For this she earned the informal title 'Wolf of Kuat' due to the stalking, intricately complex arrangements and movements of her fleet, as though they were some form of canid pack tearing a foe apart one piece at a time. The Conquest of Zakuul, however, convinced her that the Empire needed defenders as much as it did conquerors, and she transferred to the Sphere of Defense of the Empire soon afterwards. She has since commanded a large fleet in the Empire's Western Territories for several years, but conflicts with Sith commanders in the region whom she saw as rash and prone to wastefulness, especially Darth Gorrovitz, saw her disillusioned with the role. When the chance came at the ICOT, the outreach of the Horuset Powerbase saw her pivot and claim the role of Sector Moff of the Dalonbian Sector in close alliance with the old traditionalist house. While not a traditionalist herself, Elverid has held a fondness for the Horuset's gradual building of power over several years, and her ties to Darth Horuset and Lord Kalkoran are close despite their recent acquaintance.

Owner: Aodh

Darth Gorrovitz
The Warmonger

[Image: 7lhJTRj.png]

Description: Rising as a Sith during the course of the Cold War, Gorrovitz was a fish out of water. From the very earliest days of his time in the academy on Korriban, after being picked up as force sensitive while a slave, Gorrovitz was defined by a slim avenue of focus. He was a beast, a howling, clawing creature whose lack of subtlety was only equalled by his surfeit of strength and ferocity. That is not to say that the Darth is without intellect, for he is possessed of a certain deep and basal cunning like that of a predatory animal, and those who underestimated his mental capacity did so at their very mortal peril. The Rattataki languished as an early Apprentice, until that is the Cold War ended and the Galactic War came roaring onto the stage anew. Gorrovitz earned several accolades during the war, savaging his foes and becoming a warrior of great fame, beginning a journey of bearing several distinct and gristly scars - including an entire section of his lip being torn away, exposing the teeth below. His journey to Darth was a direct one, many rivals on the road finding their skulls crushed into the oozing mud on the side of battlefields or their hearts torn out in their own estates. A particularly notable tale of Gorrovitz comes during the early days of the war with Zakuul, when Gorrovitz reportedly tore the turret from a tank by hand. Gorrovitz has since become one of the major commanders of the Western Territories, and after ICOT the central point for an audacious new plan to drive a wedge into the Republic's heart...

Owner: Aodh

Lord Beartis
The Frontiersman

[Image: gHyci4D.png]

Description: Baertis is an unusual case, progeny of the closest thing that the Pureblooded race has to a middle class, he experienced Imperial society with more freedom than most Pureblooded youths do. Walking through the cities of the Imperial core, Baertis decided one thing; he was relentlessly, brutally bored by it all. Instead, he spent most of his time in the jungles, deserts and mountains of the Stygian Caldera. When he returned from his time in the Korriban Academy, during which he distinguished himself largely through survival techniques and a certain brusque combat style, he pledged himself to one of those rarest of things; A Sith of the Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy who devoted themselves to the bleeding edge of exploration, instead of honeyed words and ballroom conversations. Baertis has since very rarely returned from the Eastern Territories, where it is said that he even spends a great deal of his time beyond the Galactic boundary itself, slaying terrible, strange creatures and exploring under the light of undiscovered stars. His return to participate in the eastern delegation of the ICOT was a surprise, as was his appearance - so unlike the typical Pureblood. Clad in shabby armour heaped with stacks of esoteric furs and pelts, a mighty lightclub hanging at his belt and consuming all the cigars and brandy the capital world could supply him with. Surprising many, he departed the East in the wake of the ICOT to join himself to the West, as the leader of the scouting and vanguard forces of Darth Gorrovitz's fleets. What influence this unusual, but undeniably experienced, man will bring to the West is yet to be seen...

Owner: Aodh

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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