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Essay: Why the Sith Were Born to Rule - by Acolyte Viren Sekker

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Why the Sith Were Born to Rule.
The superiority of the Sith race is, in modern Imperial society, an undisputed fact. Biologically speaking, science has determined that Sith physiology is superior to that of other humanoid races - Respiration is more efficient, as is digestion, bone and skin density is increased, even healing wounds is increased.
But from a sociological standpoint, such evidence is less known by the average imperial - why the Sith, of all races, were the ones who were able to conquer half the galaxy, and why when the ancient Jen’Jedai first arrived on Korriban, it was the Sith race who became the dominant species of the early Sith Empire, and not humans - who comprised the majority of the Dark Jedi settlers.
In order to answer this question, I believe we must look back through history to before the creation of the Sith Order - to before the title “Sith Lord” could be applied to more than just one being. To the time of Lord Adas - first King of Korriban and first Lord of the Sith race.
King Adas was considered “chosen” by the Ancient Sith - the original Sith’ari, a perfect being.  Using this status, as well as his immense power, he was able to unify the disparate and separate tribes of Sith across Korriban and create the first version of a Sith Empire as we might know it today.
It is a mistake to assume that because they did not share the ambitions of the modern Empire, that the prehistoric Sith were “primitive” - their society was rigid, strong, and above all pure; the four castes of Sith Society, whose traces can still be seen in the Sith species today, were their pillars upon which Adas built his Empire:
The Kissai, the highest Caste of priests and mystics, whose command of the Dark Side went beyond any other civilisation. These ancient masters of the Dark Side were the first to perform miracles of power - Sith Sorcery and Alchemy, manipulation of the physical world as well as the spiritual in a way which even modern Sith struggle to recreate. This in itself proves the spiritual might of the Ancient Sith - their command and connection to the Dark Side - was incredible: when the Rakatan Infinite Empire attempted to invade the Holy Land, they were repelled by Adas’ armies of the Massassi Warrior caste, led and coordinated by the Kissai priests. So resounding was their defeat at Adas’ hands, the Sith were able not only to repel the invasion but to take the advanced Force-powered technology of the Rakata and turn it into the first Sith Warships.
With the warships, which they stole and repurposed from the Rakatans by the Zuguruk caste (the engineers and architects of the Sith Empire), the Sith were able to expand… sadly, King Adas did not live to see this - but this expansion is an important part of Sith history and an important piece of evidence towards the cultural superiority of the Sith. These events took place thousands of years before the Dark Jedi Exiles first arrived and re-united the Sith - yet even then, the Sith were an Empire of sorts. They expanded beyond just the holy land of Korriban (turning their ancient homeworld to a centre of religion and burial) and took many other planets - including the new capital of their Empire, Ziost, which became a second homeworld to the Sith. All this expansion was due to the strength of just one man: Adas. But it was the strength of the Sith as a species which enabled him to lead them to victory - the innate command of the Dark Side in the Kissai; the ingenuity and creativity of the Zuguruk; the strength and fortitude of the warrior Massassi; even the loyalty and obedience of the Grotthu Slaves deserves at least some mention.
When the Jen’Jidaii first arrived on Korriban, they saw the strength of the Sith species and knew that if they were to build an Empire which would endure for another ten thousand years, then the Sith had the strength they required. The weakness of their own human genetics was forgotten, thrown off like chains, and replaced with the might of Sith blood.
In a previous essay, I have talked on the subject of fear. I mention it here because that is what the ancient Sith inspired - a species of warriors and powerful sorcerers who knew no fear themselves: the Sith Empire was, and still is, feared across the galaxy. It was fear of the Sith species that drove the Jedi to attempt to commit genocide against the species during the Great Hyperspace War - they feared what the Sith could do to them should they remain unchecked, and focused their efforts on their eradication. But even then, with the might of their ancient enemy levied against them, the Sith species endured - in secret, expanding their power under the rule of a new Emperor, whose use of the Dark Side surpassed even that of Adas - ruling for three times as long as the ancient king did.
So when the question is posed, my fellow acolytes, of “why the Sith species are truly more powerful than any other” - do not think merely of their genetics, or of weak pleasantries used to placate superior Sith. Remember instead the great and noble history of the Sith: for it is a history marked with great suffering, yes...but also of greater victories, of conquest and strength. Remember this, for it is our history which will drive us to new victories, to new conquest. The day shall come, perhaps not in our lifetimes but it shall come, when the Sith truly rule the galaxy; the Jedi will be eradicated, and there will be an era of strength - prosperity - security - and power.

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The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

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