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Overseer Elma's assignments - The Art of Projection

Assigment 1: The individual Sith 'Phenotype'
By: Acolyte Venus VexAccessible only: To sith apprentices and up.

How do I want to be seen by those outside of thepower-base or Sith order?

It has only been a few weeks now, since I've came here, and many would argue my place in all this. Why?..How? Those are questions I get asked quite a lot because I always tend to confuse people I encounter, be it sith, a noble, or otherwise. That happens mostly because I don't appear the way they want me to appear, blood-thirsty, power-hungry, angry..It doesn't make me any less of an acolyte than any other of my peers, it does, whatsoever give me a fair advantage to narrate my own story, twist it to my liking, and get what I initially needed. I have never really sat down to discuss this theory with anyone, and if it will really help me out in the future. Then again, it really depends on the person and under which category they lie on to...They say that if you have an enemy you're probably doing something right. And then if you have an ally you're probably strong enough to offer them something in return to their services.

To My Enemy:

I want my enemy to know exactly the kind of trouble they get themselves into. Not necessarily fear me though it is preferred, know that by making me an enemy they have risked much more than what they have originally bargained for. For I am a forgiving person when I need to be, and then, I'm not, when I don't. I will go above and beyond to ensure that whatever move has been made against me will be paid back and in full. There will be no bargain. I don't trust you, and if I tell you otherwise, I'm doing so on my own terms, and for my own personal reasons, thus, using you. I want my enemy to know I'm a strategist, not only a warrior, know that I will conduct the perfect plan to exploit you, and fear that I will succeed. Look away if you must, eye contact is going to be noted if you're under this label.

What I want and what I am today are two different things. I don't have enemies now, I tend to not make them knowing that it is way too early to be viewed as such. And if I ever choose to enact vengeance on someone, they won't know until they do.

To My Ally:

I want to be viewed as the kind of warrior you can trust. You will know that I'm going to deliver my end of the deal, and will be expecting you to do the exact same. Know that I am an opportunist, so I will work with you, if you have proven however to me that you deserve my trust. Note that you will be tested, and you will know it, once I make it known.Know that you can believe in me, and my abilities, otherwise why choose me in the first place? I want my ally to respect me, same way I will respect them, respect my work and what I stand for. Lies, deceit, betrayal, these are the things that can switch the labels very easily, and with them so will my loyalty. As I will be loyal to my ally, I want them to be loyal to me.Know that I have only worked and worked hard, to gain everything I have and will be. I have no title, I am no noble, and I carry no money. My strongest weapons are my brain, my fighting and strategy skills, and the force. Those alone are the most notable ones, though, by the time I'm advanced enough to consider myself a worthy ally, I will have more.As acolytes, we don't believe in alliances, we believe in rivalry because it is supposed to make us stronger. There will be no further comment there..

In General:

Generally I want others to view me as a smart, calculated and well-respected person. Sometimes coming across as a pacifist, but know that that's not the full picture there. I do not believe in unnecessary violence and blood-spill, but I will fight if I have to prove a point. I don't want others to fear me, and I want to use my physical futures as well, to approach others, even beyond my rank, in time. I want to inspire strength and push people towards a path I want them to follow. Generally I also wish to be viewed as somewhat of a mystery. Besides beauty what else does this woman hide? Should we be wary? Should we be prepared? who knows..As an acolyte, using my skills to impress my superiors is something I want to do. I don't wish to be just a good-looking human that can wield a foil, there are plenty who do just that elsewhere..The superficial things fade away eventually. I want them to be intrigued by me, by the way I think, the way I act, I want to impress, and stick out when there are other acolytes in the same room.

How will I adjust my projection to be seen as such?(This included behavior, mannerism and apparel)

Adjusting my projection in order to successfully be seen as mentioned above requires time, practice,patience,and above all..work. Each aspect met with:

I would consider my behavior towards my betters, or generally towards others quite fair. I don't talk unless I'm addressed, I don't talk back to those that can hurt me, because I will lose the chance to impress them in the near future, I don't speak my opinion, as acolytes it matters little to none, and I try to be as honest as I can be, with my tongue always dipped on my head before I turn to speak. I take some time to think before I speak, why? because that's how you survive as long as I have. I don't look superior lords or dark lords in the eyes, well..unless they're Miralukan, that's because some consider it disrespectful, so I do show respect, expecting one day to be showed the same. There was one time a sith lord tested me in a way no other ever has.They asked a series of questions, and expected me to fail, acolytes aren't considered very..bright..so instead I surprised him, he turned his entire attention to me and asked me of my name because he wanted to note it down. That was the only time I chose to be smart instead of obedient, and I'd say I was also lucky to not have been dead..

I consider my manners also fair. I am polite, I don't talk out of place not because I'm scared, because I consider it annoying, and the people that do annoy me. Knowing me, I don't tolerate idiocy, so I try my best to not ask stupid questions, or give idiotic answers. I am well-behaved, until you piss me off, and I keep a fair distance between myself and my betters, I try to be as professional as I can be. I have noticed acolytes disrespecting non-force sensitives as well, and I consider them very rude. I don't like rude people. Hence why I keep a level of respect towards non-force users too, be it imperials or otherwise, it doesn't matter. I wasn't raised to hate on the 'slaves' that keep my floor clean.

As time goes by, and I train harder and harder, my attunement to the force grows larger and larger, I find myself becoming stronger, but one thing stays for certain, my battle skills. I was always much of a better fighter with the blade, any blade really, be it a spear (like the one I used back home) , or wielding two blades at the same time, battle equals strategy, and strategy equals possible victory within the battlefield. This is mostly why I'd be of most uses to spheres such as Production and Logistics or the War Department. I'm also finding myself capable enough in expanding, to a diplomat, when the time comes, like I've mentioned I'm against unneeded violence, and I'm quite a patient person, patient enough to handle delicate affairs most sith might not be able to.My second language is Binary, basically? Droid-speak, and that might be provided useful in technological experiments, or associate myself with the particular sphere, I also had a droid who was sadly taken away from me upon my arrival here..As per my equipment? I was never ashamed of my body, so exposing it on the battlefield to allow myself to be more nimble, and fight with the combat forms at the front lines seems like something I'd do, I'm not a robe type of person, most likely not.I am quite clean anyways, that's part of my personality at this point, so even while I'd be battle-ready I'd still maintain a pretty clean outfit. As acolytes we are limited to the simple robes we are provided with, from the Academy. It is our responsibility to keep them clean, however upon arriving in this household, the nearest closets for changing would be at the flagship acolyte dormitory. That's where I go when I require fresh clothes. I bathe a lot, so..

How will my 'phenotype' help the Horusetpowerbase, and how can I link it to my desired specialization or role?

That is a very interesting question..I've never really had to talk about it, but I'd say this. I'd like to be known for my skills, for all the things I'm capable of, within the battlefield, or behind closed doors, within meetings that will allow the Empire to grow and become stronger through advancement and expansion. I want, however, personally, to put some specific stereotypes that have been defining the sith for a very long time, to rest..Stereotypes such as them having to be constantly angry, or feel a specific need for destruction. A constant struggle to seek vengeance even when it isn't needed. It is my opinion that this is crazy-talk, someone who chooses to destroy, as if they are choosing between outfits, is simply put mentally disturbed and should seek help, the fact that they are sith as well, means that they have proven themselves in specific challenges that determined so. ..You don't need any of the above to become a sith within the Empire, I don't believe so anyways, and it should be proven that sith can make careful and calculated decisions which is the reason of many successful imperial campaigns in the past.Being well-educated, and knowing your limits, overcoming them, will help you in your journey. That is something my father would always say, and he did have a point about many things he said. Some don't think me capable of becoming a sith , and you know I even question it myself sometimes. Do I have what it takes? will I be seen as different if I don't go down the path of inflicting unneeded pain and suffering on others? Maybe, but sometimes, different is a good and a necessary change.Hmm, I like that word, change. I have been placed under the Horuset power-base for a reason, I am convinced of that now, and I might have a long way to go until I'm able to call myself a sith, but I will do my best, and serve. As my point of view starts to shift..Survival is no longer enough.I don't know how others might take this assignment, that remains to be seen..It is not yet up to me to determine my future, and I trust the force to make a good of an example of me and of the future generations to come.I'm just going to leave this last thing here: Evil and sith are two separate things. Both, are choices. For to become a sith you need to be worthy, but to become evil, you need to be something else entirely..

Signed, Venus VexHouse Horuset
[Image: 66iciMH.png]

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RE: Overseer Elma's assignments - The Art of Projection - by Sarias - 29-04-2023, 10:47 AM

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The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

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