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Vax's Starfighter Guide

Basic Starfighter Movement
Fore you even get to the fancy shite, you’ve gotta go through more goddam checks to ensure you ain’t gonna hit anything or kriff your fighter up.
Altitude: Your distance from any gravity well or in atmosphere the bloody ground, do you have ‘nuff room to preform your maneuver an recover afterward.
Elements: These are visual elements of your craft, is anythin’ smokin’ or lookin’ all karked.
Security: Equipment all secured, ain’t gonna come loose an be a hassle for the pilot.
Electronics: Are your electronics tellin’ you shit is able an willin’ for whatever you wanna pull off. Is your engine too high pressure or whatnot.
Location: Check your ABC: Active docking areas, Built up an built down area(In space debris often floats), clouds(Anythin’ visually blockin’) and cunts(Controlled area)
Lookout: Ensure you ain’t gonna hit anyone, be that with clearing turn checks or just scanners, or in case of Sith senses that.
This applies to all maneuvers, once that bollocks is all sorted it becomes AELL for a short period afterwards, so you don’t gotta check everythin’ everytime, especially in tense situations.
Three Types of Movement
Yaw: Yawing is the turnin’ motion that turns the vessel, or adjusts it’s position mid flight along the horizontal axis or to deviate from the original path.
Pitch: Is maintainin’ direction but arcin’ upwards.
Roll: I’ll try spinning that’s a cool trick. It’s rollin’ around the center mass
Accounting for drag:
While our Starfighters an even our airspeeders, are pretty far beyond the karkin’ aerial craft of the past, we still gotta deal with the aether and other shite when in atmo. This mean we’ve least gotta account for our speed and the weight of our craft, the larger mass an power tends to mean the more you’ve gotta yaw or pitch to reclaim control in longer turnin’ arcs. Your inertial compensator will help with the actual bloody aerodynamics, even if your mass remains the kriffin’ same.
Starfighter Combat
There are five stages to starfighter engagement. These. Are gonna be a massive parta this document and are some of the most bloody important parts, all with their own tactics. The five are: Detection, Closing, Attack, Maneuver and Disengagement. Each playin’ a very important role in your survival an victory.
Spoiler: Detection
Spoiler: Closing
Spoiler: Attack
Spoiler: Maneuver
Spoiler: Disengagement
Live Example:
Course we gotta get some examples, so we’ll be takin’ some helmet cam footage from the Forge Squadron to give you bastards an’ example.
There are a lotta movin' parts that go into flyin' a starfighter without lookin' like a total bloody prat. For Imperial an' some for Sith, but flyin' one in combat is somethin' I recommend to almost every bastard who likes the thrill of combat. Be it aerial dogfights or space battles, they are bloody thrills. Just like every damn thing in this galaxy you gotta learn some of this boring shite before you even get to the fight, unless you wanna crash into a asteroid or get totally karked. So study this guide, congrats I just gave you a damn good resource if you can read.
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Spoiler: OOC

Messages In This Thread
Vax's Starfighter Guide - by Meatslopper - 29-04-2023, 04:26 AM
RE: Vax's Starfighter Guide - by Meatslopper - 29-04-2023, 04:26 AM

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