29-04-2023, 04:26 AM
File Name: Imperial Starfighter Combat Guide
Authorisation Level: Imperial Navy, Starfighter Corps and Sith
Published by: Neophyte Vax
The bloody point should be obvious to anyone who isn’t a total moron. You need to understand your kriffin’ starfighter to fly, this’ll go over some basic ass functions but it’s karkin’ important you remember to learn your *own* Starfighter an’ her functions not the general ones presumed, each have their own damn charms so don’t be a total muppet an’ try to fly a bomber like a supremacy.
Yoke: The Yoke is the bloody controls at the center of the machine. This arrangement is the one typically used on Imperial vessels to let you control as much as possible without takin’ your hands away, makin’ flyin’ at a base level a breeze an’ letting you change important kark without takin’ your hands away from the controls. Some vessels use other arrangements so while focusin’ on your own line of vessels control wise is for the best, it might be a hassle when gettin’ in others.
Weapons Systems: Are your ships main weapons, in normal settings the karkers work independently on cycles, cross the board if you have multiple linkin’ all systems means you can put out max amount of fire at cost to your heat and obviously rate of fire, best to use to burst down a bastard with a tough shield.
Sublight Engines and Thrusters: Kriffing obvious ain’t it? These are you standard Starfighter sublight engines, they make you fly at incredible speeds.
Throttle: A lever that adjusts the overall power supply available to all systems, for movement.
Power Management Display: This display is a cornerstone of flight, it allows you to divert different shite across the subsystems of your vessel, this allows you to immediately apply power where necessary to increase speed or blow the kark out of the enemy. This’ll typically be split into basic groups by:
-Shields and Avionics
-Engines and Thrusters
Yet, they can be altered to provide more specific an’ more complicated power distribution control in exchange for the immediacy and ease of access.
Hull Integrity Monitor: A display that monitors your vessels hull an’ shields if you ‘ave em. It’ll warn you if some bastards struck you, an’ what damage has occured throughout your ship, vital for quick repairs an’ accounting for new damages.
Life Support: The air that keep you alive. The systems, can be dumped or disengaged if you’re really confident in your suit an’ have a ever growin’ fire to disable it. It’s often got microbacteria in it to keep it recyclable an’ healthy, even then Imperial ships have got tiny ‘mounts of life support, wastin’ it can hurt your overall travel time and see you needin’ to return far more than you might otherwise need to.
Stabilizer: It’s used to keep the vessel stable, temperamental if it’s blasted open it might make the whole vessel shudder an’ make it difficult to maunver or keep in a straight flight path.
Inertial Compensators: Is somethin’ everyone needs, from the smallest fighter, freight all the way to the massive ass Harrowers. The incredible potential speed the vessels can toss out in atmosphere an’ in the aether, create incredible ‘mounts of resistance if you’re vessels got it shot or blown apart, you’ll have to go slower or your bloody pass out. The more used to fightin’ you get, the more you can afford to turn it down a bit, especially as a tough ass Sith, fullpower compensators will kriff up the maneuverability of your craft for safety.
Ejection: The emergency ejection is a bloody last resort in all cases. If your vessel is unrecoverable an’ you are important nuff to be recovered an’ all that shit is met, your ejection lever is suddenly your best friend. It uses jet thrusters to toss you out, if in space your suit may give you minimum oxygen to keep you alive, if you’ve somehow busted that, go down with the ship an’ hopefully engage in atmo. Atmosphere ejection is always better.
Self Destruction System: Boom.
Countermeasures: Countermeasures exacts vary but the bastards keep you goin’ ‘gainst missiles. This can be from the basic flares against heat seekin’ missiles or a electronic system that slices into the targetin’ computer of a chasin’ missile. They are pretty useful if you can’t be arsed or aren’t able to outfly due to circumstances the little cunt chasin’ you.
Afterburner Boost: Afterburners are a engine component, which temporarily transfer an increased mass of unused power to the engines lettin’ you boost the engines far beyond normal capacity, for a sudden increase in available power an’ speed, lettin’ you escape slower foes at cost to some maneuverability, unless you can account for it.
Repulserlift: Repulserlift tech, is useful in the takin’ off an’ landin’ process, keepin’ your vessel steady fore you engage your engines and can be useful for more percise takin’ off. Landing Jets, on craft also assist in this but chances are you tiny fighter don’t ‘ave em.
Blackbox: It records flight data for your Flight Controller an’ anyone who recovers your vessel, wipe it if you can’t self destruct the vessel if it’s bloody guaranteed to end up in Republic hands.
S-Foils: Used for openin’ an’ closin’, it let’s out heat faster increasin’ the cycle rate of the engines an’ afterboost, an’ lettin’ you fire more often mostly open in battles they can be closed for tight maunverin’ as well at cost to your vessels overall heat.
Sensory Systems:
-Radar(Passive and Active): Radar is pretty self apparent, it’s a sensor sweep that either actively pings the environment for new bastards an’ by doin’ so can reveal your presence while passive, tracks already pinged threats at less power cost an’ allows you to be more or less silent, keepin’ you ‘quiet’ on other cunts sensors, even if it’s far easier to be tricked an’ won’t update you on if anyone else comes in.
-Targeting Computer: Is a focused sensor that lets you keep on your targets ass, it calculates the angle of deflection for you. Keep your target within the center, to aid your aim an’ keepin’ locked on will let your secondary weapons such as missiles lock on to them with ease. It allows you to follow it’s directions, to keep on the ass of your targeted ships an’ once it’s filled with the target you can blow them to pieces.
-Focused Sensor Sweep: Usin’ high tech scanners, this lets you search a vessel for people that don’t kriffin’ add up or alternatively for electronics or cargo, you might know the existence or composition off. To search for more specific things it ain’t impossible but it takes a hella advanced sensory suite and knowledge of what you’re lookin’ for, especially for chemicals.
-Hyperwave Signal Interceptors: Comes part an’ partial with some radar systems, can be linked to sense radiation signatures that indicate a vessel jumpin’ in or out. Gives you early warnin’ to stop you gettin’ struck or to identify enemy bastards.
-Collision Avoidance System: An immediate warnin’ system, tellin’ you if you get too close an’ are in danger of crashing into em by accident, for newer pilots this can be fed into the autopilot to in essence stop stupidly risky moves, but limits your combat capabilities that one.
-Lock-Threat Warning System: This works in tandem with countermeasures an maneuver, let’s you know if some bastard is targettin’ you, typically tossed onto your HUD
The main subsystems must be checked before any form of combat, for each type of fighter this’ll be different but the general protocol for checking your vessel is while not in flight is:
Wing: A wing is the largest bloody unit of starfighters, while the exacts vary from vessel to vessel, mission to bloody mission, officer to officer. All wings are united under a Wing Commander, who reports back to the Captain or Admiral of the ship he’s attached to. She ranges anythin’ from the full complement of a smaller vessel to only a fraction of a larger one. In fleets they are mostly sorted by their accompanying capital vessel rather than any kark to do with numbers.
Squadron: The next unit down from a wing, she’s led by a Squadron Commander, who reports to the bloody Wing Commander and controls all elements further down directly.
Flight: Is a silly term for any number of the small sections under a single ‘Squadron’, these’ll normally be doin’ different things under the Squadron Commanders orders and have their only Flight Commander to relay from. They can be led directly or given’ general orders dependin’ on the whims of the leaders.
Elements: Just you and your buddy, the smallest we go. The two wingmen will operate in tandem, to ensure our fighters are never seein’ the enemy go boom without holding hands. They’ll watch your tail an can be uniquely addressed to do certain tasks.
Admiral and Fleet Command: Everyone knows what a bloody admiral is, an all their variants from rear admiral to vice admiral. The admiralty make up mosta Fleet Command often with the high rankin’ Sith makin’ sure the Imps know where to go. They will be the highest authority on a bloody mission involvin’ a fleet, single ships and smaller groups, an their compliments the role falls to the damn Captains instead.
Captain: Often servin’ highest on a vessel or directly under a Sith if it has ‘er. The Captain is the most likely person to be makin’ any sorta order directly to the wing an her comms team will relay them through your Wing Commander as well as coordinate with Flight Controllers normally done through intermediary officers. They’ll be the ones ensurin’ the bigger ships are there to protect your bloody backside.
Aerial Assault Commander: They are ground support officers often times granted the position to organise the stagin’ of and aid in directing joint operations, these bastards will be ensuring bombs land on target and air support ain’t hittin’ thin air that helps kriff all on both sides of the mission. You’ll be given their names ‘fore anythin’ an’ will be workin’ with em to complete ground focused directives.
Hangar Control: It’s in the name, they’ll guide you in an out, as they sip tea in between organise for refuelin’ or decide if fighters are too dangerous to be let in. If her shields are up an she’s bein’ engaged chances are they’ll refuse your weak asses without openin’ up for enemy craft.
Flight Controllers: If there is any goddam person to take from this bloody section it’s these bastards. They are the ones who will be relayin’ with you constantly, to keep you up with real time battle information, this keeps our data condensed means we don’t really have to bloody rely on tech and let’s all fighters be advised of sudden shifts. They’ll likely coordinate with a squadron, so get used to them bein’ the one in your ear an’ decidin’ what you see on your fancy tech.
Starfighters are only half the bloody battle. You’ve also gotta know when your ship is effective so gotta look at some wider fleet tactics, don’t worry, mosta them ain’t relevant for you, you’ll know when you get your specific orders, but some terms apply fleet wide. Regardless if you wanna kill yourself or relax an take a breather, you gotta have that room.
All ships and fleets have a array of zones, they will all be prefixed by the bloody name or by ‘Fleet X Zone’ to indicate which it’s referrin’ too, mostly in more local comms, fleet wide comms won’t specify unless they bloody have too which is rare and’ll just mean the whole goddam fleet. These zones are:
Long Engagement Zone(Or the LEZ as I like to call ‘er): The LEZ is the area where only your biggest guns can smack the enemy, the rest’ll fade, in this zone they’ll likely be aimin’ an hittin’ the more vulnerable vessels with less shields and armour cause the others will last an eternity. Even then, you’re unlikely to see much action beyond softenin’ them up. At this range the bigger guns do the work.
Kill Zone: This is where your capital ship can open up. Majority of your batteries can hit the karkers, on a Harrower that’s when she starts takin’ names, if a ships there she’s gettin’ kriffed. At this range your fighters still won’t be able to hit em, you’ll likely be allowed to enter the enemy ships Secondary Zone and her Primary Zone when they are within’ yours.
Secondary Zone: This’s when the gunners gotta decide to defend themselves or continue targetin’ the capital ship. A Harrower has point defense turrets to keep you safe in yours an in the enemies you better be goin’ fast, but you’re at range where you can start bein’ some of the most effective ships on the battlefield.
Primary Zone: This is your zone. No matter the ship, starfighters have the absolute bloody advantage this close to a target, practically skimmin’ her to just around her, you’re fast nuff to avoid most big guns here and pick her weakest points an’ break em apart.
Authorisation Level: Imperial Navy, Starfighter Corps and Sith
Published by: Neophyte Vax
The Empire fields many damn excellent vessels in her navy, yet most starfighters sacrifice survivability for speed and most capital ships offer the opposite. Both take immense amounts of kriffing skill to coordinate and just fly without gettin’ blown up in seconds. That’s what this guides ‘bout, never been behind a Capital ships bridge giving orders. Yet even for those not sippin’ tea and praising the view, the inner workings of both must be understood to get the true potential out of you.
This guide will focus on your bloody starfighters an’ basic fleet tactics, formations and kark you need to know to get the best results on the micro scale, cause we can’t all sip tea and point to our officers. Welcome to your Starfighter wing and let me coach you along.
This guide will focus on your bloody starfighters an’ basic fleet tactics, formations and kark you need to know to get the best results on the micro scale, cause we can’t all sip tea and point to our officers. Welcome to your Starfighter wing and let me coach you along.
Your starfighter
Your Starfighter is your life. Kriffin’ literally, hours worth of maintenance in all craft is expected from your average pilot, either done by yourself or engineers. Long before you get shootin’ or flying in general, mistakes in any required aspect can see your death, so don’t skip work.
Starfighter Functions:
The bloody point should be obvious to anyone who isn’t a total moron. You need to understand your kriffin’ starfighter to fly, this’ll go over some basic ass functions but it’s karkin’ important you remember to learn your *own* Starfighter an’ her functions not the general ones presumed, each have their own damn charms so don’t be a total muppet an’ try to fly a bomber like a supremacy.
Primary Functions
Yoke: The Yoke is the bloody controls at the center of the machine. This arrangement is the one typically used on Imperial vessels to let you control as much as possible without takin’ your hands away, makin’ flyin’ at a base level a breeze an’ letting you change important kark without takin’ your hands away from the controls. Some vessels use other arrangements so while focusin’ on your own line of vessels control wise is for the best, it might be a hassle when gettin’ in others.
Weapons Systems: Are your ships main weapons, in normal settings the karkers work independently on cycles, cross the board if you have multiple linkin’ all systems means you can put out max amount of fire at cost to your heat and obviously rate of fire, best to use to burst down a bastard with a tough shield.
Sublight Engines and Thrusters: Kriffing obvious ain’t it? These are you standard Starfighter sublight engines, they make you fly at incredible speeds.
Throttle: A lever that adjusts the overall power supply available to all systems, for movement.
Power Management Display: This display is a cornerstone of flight, it allows you to divert different shite across the subsystems of your vessel, this allows you to immediately apply power where necessary to increase speed or blow the kark out of the enemy. This’ll typically be split into basic groups by:
-Shields and Avionics
-Engines and Thrusters
Yet, they can be altered to provide more specific an’ more complicated power distribution control in exchange for the immediacy and ease of access.
Hull Integrity Monitor: A display that monitors your vessels hull an’ shields if you ‘ave em. It’ll warn you if some bastards struck you, an’ what damage has occured throughout your ship, vital for quick repairs an’ accounting for new damages.
Life Support: The air that keep you alive. The systems, can be dumped or disengaged if you’re really confident in your suit an’ have a ever growin’ fire to disable it. It’s often got microbacteria in it to keep it recyclable an’ healthy, even then Imperial ships have got tiny ‘mounts of life support, wastin’ it can hurt your overall travel time and see you needin’ to return far more than you might otherwise need to.
Stabilizer: It’s used to keep the vessel stable, temperamental if it’s blasted open it might make the whole vessel shudder an’ make it difficult to maunver or keep in a straight flight path.
Inertial Compensators: Is somethin’ everyone needs, from the smallest fighter, freight all the way to the massive ass Harrowers. The incredible potential speed the vessels can toss out in atmosphere an’ in the aether, create incredible ‘mounts of resistance if you’re vessels got it shot or blown apart, you’ll have to go slower or your bloody pass out. The more used to fightin’ you get, the more you can afford to turn it down a bit, especially as a tough ass Sith, fullpower compensators will kriff up the maneuverability of your craft for safety.
Secondary Functions
Ejection: The emergency ejection is a bloody last resort in all cases. If your vessel is unrecoverable an’ you are important nuff to be recovered an’ all that shit is met, your ejection lever is suddenly your best friend. It uses jet thrusters to toss you out, if in space your suit may give you minimum oxygen to keep you alive, if you’ve somehow busted that, go down with the ship an’ hopefully engage in atmo. Atmosphere ejection is always better.
Self Destruction System: Boom.
Countermeasures: Countermeasures exacts vary but the bastards keep you goin’ ‘gainst missiles. This can be from the basic flares against heat seekin’ missiles or a electronic system that slices into the targetin’ computer of a chasin’ missile. They are pretty useful if you can’t be arsed or aren’t able to outfly due to circumstances the little cunt chasin’ you.
Afterburner Boost: Afterburners are a engine component, which temporarily transfer an increased mass of unused power to the engines lettin’ you boost the engines far beyond normal capacity, for a sudden increase in available power an’ speed, lettin’ you escape slower foes at cost to some maneuverability, unless you can account for it.
Repulserlift: Repulserlift tech, is useful in the takin’ off an’ landin’ process, keepin’ your vessel steady fore you engage your engines and can be useful for more percise takin’ off. Landing Jets, on craft also assist in this but chances are you tiny fighter don’t ‘ave em.
Blackbox: It records flight data for your Flight Controller an’ anyone who recovers your vessel, wipe it if you can’t self destruct the vessel if it’s bloody guaranteed to end up in Republic hands.
S-Foils: Used for openin’ an’ closin’, it let’s out heat faster increasin’ the cycle rate of the engines an’ afterboost, an’ lettin’ you fire more often mostly open in battles they can be closed for tight maunverin’ as well at cost to your vessels overall heat.
Sensory Systems:
-Radar(Passive and Active): Radar is pretty self apparent, it’s a sensor sweep that either actively pings the environment for new bastards an’ by doin’ so can reveal your presence while passive, tracks already pinged threats at less power cost an’ allows you to be more or less silent, keepin’ you ‘quiet’ on other cunts sensors, even if it’s far easier to be tricked an’ won’t update you on if anyone else comes in.
-Targeting Computer: Is a focused sensor that lets you keep on your targets ass, it calculates the angle of deflection for you. Keep your target within the center, to aid your aim an’ keepin’ locked on will let your secondary weapons such as missiles lock on to them with ease. It allows you to follow it’s directions, to keep on the ass of your targeted ships an’ once it’s filled with the target you can blow them to pieces.
-Focused Sensor Sweep: Usin’ high tech scanners, this lets you search a vessel for people that don’t kriffin’ add up or alternatively for electronics or cargo, you might know the existence or composition off. To search for more specific things it ain’t impossible but it takes a hella advanced sensory suite and knowledge of what you’re lookin’ for, especially for chemicals.
-Hyperwave Signal Interceptors: Comes part an’ partial with some radar systems, can be linked to sense radiation signatures that indicate a vessel jumpin’ in or out. Gives you early warnin’ to stop you gettin’ struck or to identify enemy bastards.
-Collision Avoidance System: An immediate warnin’ system, tellin’ you if you get too close an’ are in danger of crashing into em by accident, for newer pilots this can be fed into the autopilot to in essence stop stupidly risky moves, but limits your combat capabilities that one.
-Lock-Threat Warning System: This works in tandem with countermeasures an maneuver, let’s you know if some bastard is targettin’ you, typically tossed onto your HUD
Flight Checks
The main subsystems must be checked before any form of combat, for each type of fighter this’ll be different but the general protocol for checking your vessel is while not in flight is:
Spoiler: Pre-Flight Exterior Checks
Spoiler: Pre-Flight Interior Checks
Spoiler: Pre-Flight System Checks
Spoiler: Pre-Launch Fighter Checks
Spoiler: Flight Checks
Spoiler: Landing Checks
Spoiler: Emergency Procedures
Your Unit
Wing: A wing is the largest bloody unit of starfighters, while the exacts vary from vessel to vessel, mission to bloody mission, officer to officer. All wings are united under a Wing Commander, who reports back to the Captain or Admiral of the ship he’s attached to. She ranges anythin’ from the full complement of a smaller vessel to only a fraction of a larger one. In fleets they are mostly sorted by their accompanying capital vessel rather than any kark to do with numbers.
Squadron: The next unit down from a wing, she’s led by a Squadron Commander, who reports to the bloody Wing Commander and controls all elements further down directly.
Flight: Is a silly term for any number of the small sections under a single ‘Squadron’, these’ll normally be doin’ different things under the Squadron Commanders orders and have their only Flight Commander to relay from. They can be led directly or given’ general orders dependin’ on the whims of the leaders.
Elements: Just you and your buddy, the smallest we go. The two wingmen will operate in tandem, to ensure our fighters are never seein’ the enemy go boom without holding hands. They’ll watch your tail an can be uniquely addressed to do certain tasks.
Additional people/groups of importance:
Admiral and Fleet Command: Everyone knows what a bloody admiral is, an all their variants from rear admiral to vice admiral. The admiralty make up mosta Fleet Command often with the high rankin’ Sith makin’ sure the Imps know where to go. They will be the highest authority on a bloody mission involvin’ a fleet, single ships and smaller groups, an their compliments the role falls to the damn Captains instead.
Captain: Often servin’ highest on a vessel or directly under a Sith if it has ‘er. The Captain is the most likely person to be makin’ any sorta order directly to the wing an her comms team will relay them through your Wing Commander as well as coordinate with Flight Controllers normally done through intermediary officers. They’ll be the ones ensurin’ the bigger ships are there to protect your bloody backside.
Aerial Assault Commander: They are ground support officers often times granted the position to organise the stagin’ of and aid in directing joint operations, these bastards will be ensuring bombs land on target and air support ain’t hittin’ thin air that helps kriff all on both sides of the mission. You’ll be given their names ‘fore anythin’ an’ will be workin’ with em to complete ground focused directives.
Hangar Control: It’s in the name, they’ll guide you in an out, as they sip tea in between organise for refuelin’ or decide if fighters are too dangerous to be let in. If her shields are up an she’s bein’ engaged chances are they’ll refuse your weak asses without openin’ up for enemy craft.
Flight Controllers: If there is any goddam person to take from this bloody section it’s these bastards. They are the ones who will be relayin’ with you constantly, to keep you up with real time battle information, this keeps our data condensed means we don’t really have to bloody rely on tech and let’s all fighters be advised of sudden shifts. They’ll likely coordinate with a squadron, so get used to them bein’ the one in your ear an’ decidin’ what you see on your fancy tech.
Where are you effective?
Starfighters are only half the bloody battle. You’ve also gotta know when your ship is effective so gotta look at some wider fleet tactics, don’t worry, mosta them ain’t relevant for you, you’ll know when you get your specific orders, but some terms apply fleet wide. Regardless if you wanna kill yourself or relax an take a breather, you gotta have that room.
All ships and fleets have a array of zones, they will all be prefixed by the bloody name or by ‘Fleet X Zone’ to indicate which it’s referrin’ too, mostly in more local comms, fleet wide comms won’t specify unless they bloody have too which is rare and’ll just mean the whole goddam fleet. These zones are:
Long Engagement Zone(Or the LEZ as I like to call ‘er): The LEZ is the area where only your biggest guns can smack the enemy, the rest’ll fade, in this zone they’ll likely be aimin’ an hittin’ the more vulnerable vessels with less shields and armour cause the others will last an eternity. Even then, you’re unlikely to see much action beyond softenin’ them up. At this range the bigger guns do the work.
Kill Zone: This is where your capital ship can open up. Majority of your batteries can hit the karkers, on a Harrower that’s when she starts takin’ names, if a ships there she’s gettin’ kriffed. At this range your fighters still won’t be able to hit em, you’ll likely be allowed to enter the enemy ships Secondary Zone and her Primary Zone when they are within’ yours.
Secondary Zone: This’s when the gunners gotta decide to defend themselves or continue targetin’ the capital ship. A Harrower has point defense turrets to keep you safe in yours an in the enemies you better be goin’ fast, but you’re at range where you can start bein’ some of the most effective ships on the battlefield.
Primary Zone: This is your zone. No matter the ship, starfighters have the absolute bloody advantage this close to a target, practically skimmin’ her to just around her, you’re fast nuff to avoid most big guns here and pick her weakest points an’ break em apart.