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Balosars - "You wanna buy some death sticks?"



Balosars are a humanoid species from a planet of the same name. They are generally as spineless, depressed and sarcastic, along with their general weak willed nature – this however comes from their general culture rather than any biological factors, during this time they are slowly crushed under the foot of others of the same species– who generally take up the positions of large mega-companies, which are slowly polluting the planet they live upon due to lax laws on ecology. Many turn to the underworld and with their lax laws on the planet, they are one of the main suppliers of many drugs, deriving a lot of their culture around the usage.

The companies generally meddle in underworld business, finding both positives and negatives in the use of labour – the laws of the planet are generally lax and focused upon the rapid progression of the mega-corporations the crush much of the rest of society.


Balosar the planet was located within the core worlds, staying out of conflicts in an agreement called the Corellian Hegemony which was a collection of neutral systems in the Republic operating under the Contemplanys Hermi a clause that was introduced into the constitution of the Republic that allowed them to retreat from the problems of the System. This was to avoid the wars going on at that moment – as the Republic proved triumphant the planets of the Corellian Hegemony truly succeeded expanding in business and flourishing for the many years to come.

Balosar was no different, this massive increase in profits saw a large increase in the funding for the corporations who would slowly proceed to dominate all of the planets industry and government decreasing the already problematic pollution laws into the dirt, to the point where they failed to get in the way of ever increasing pollution as they sought greater control.

The Republic refused to trust them, giving them a lack of legitimacy in court due to their lacklustre treatment of their people and large growth along with heavy corruption present within their government.
While aid groups sought out to help many of the poor they couldn’t get much more than their current state with the Republic.

Eventually the government grew to a standstill – the situation worsened rather than seeking a solution they chose instead to cut from less lucrative systems such as education, turning many families to send their children away if possible or alternatively forcing them to turn to crime – now the Government needed another solution.

They found it, in the caves of the planet a Mushroom called Balo Mushrooms, they could extract a chemical known as Ixetal cilona allowing them to create Death sticks on mass exporting them throughout the galaxy to keep the corporations afloat forcing them into competition with those from Ryloth who were trading and selling spice – earning them a deep routed hatred as they encroached upon their territory.

They are currently reeling from a battle that took place over the planet, between the Republic and a Illegally set up Imperial station bringing the war into their system and disrupting the society, the locals have little opinion on the overall state of the two warring factions however the Government worries.

The Planet

A highly industrialised planet with towers reaching high into the sky, so high in-fact light cannot reach the surface of the planet as smog and other forms of air pollution made the air barely breathable, making the planet a tough atmosphere to work in – toxins filled the air to the point that simply being upon it was tough for most species.

It was so bad the native Balosar had to develop strong immune systems to filter out the toxins from their bloodstreams – other species who might go to this planet would have a incredibly hard time.

Under the surface lay many caves that pocketed the planets crust – these contained Balo Mushrooms that were protected within these caves, from the outwards pollution.

The species

Balosar are a humanoid species, they are incredibly similar to humans in their look and stature, growing much more sickly and pale comparative to their akin species.
Those from higher families and less polluted bloodlines are generally much less pale, lacking the incredibly sickly look of their lower born counterparts – this is how you generally tell those related to the Corporations heads and those above the majority of the planet.

Their main difference are their Antennapalps – these sprouted from under and amongst their course hair these cylinder esc antennae could be retracted, while extended they provided a high sensitivity to sound as well as the ability to sense surges in emotion and through this they could be forewarned of possible dangers likely developed to make their way through their darkened and pollution filled home along with their dangerous crime filled habitat.

The Balosars are also incredibly resistant to toxins and a wide variety of poisons developed to counter act the pollution that permeated their world, they could take much if not all of the Death Stick normally death like effects, however they can be effected by the Sticks addictive nature – along with their worlds dangers they had a low life expectancy and short life span comparatively.


Due too many of their species growing up with a constant toxin and the fact they have yet to adapt entirely to their environment, this is evident with their gaunt visage it leads to evidently short life spans as their parents pass on much of the slowly polluted species genetic flaws upon to the planets offspring – while they have adapted to their environment and atmosphere to some degree their lifespans have become incredibly short.

They reach adulthood at 16, with the requirement to work and such suddenly being thrust upon them due to the nature of the sickly planet and the conditions one is likely to experience much of them are lucky to reach the age of 40, generally dying of around that age, while those who leave the planet are subjected to a generally much more healthy age of 64. This varies depending on life style and time spent under the general influence and the planet itself.

The youth range from 1 – 12, Young adults or teenagers from 13 – 15 and Adults from 16 – 39, old age starts around about 53 and ends around 64. Finally those who live far longer than anyone of the species are expected are 65 and above, generally these ones have left the planet and have spent a healthy and more natural life.


Many Balosars can speak and write in both High-Galactic and basic, at least those with a proper education or experience through trade, while many know this due to the lack of education many do not – as such they also speak and write in the native tongue referred to as Balosur a crudely written language seemingly much less complicated than basic to a untrained readers eye however it is far from it, equal in complexity to the sister language. When spoken it generally sounds raspy and puts emphasis on deep vocal ques.

A culture of drugs and self-destruction

The species are known for their seedy, generally downbeat and sarcastic nature, many don’t have high life prospects, due to their greed. Much of the earlier Balosars saught the skies at the cost of others, succeeding after the Alaskian wars they flourished taking advantage of their brethren and in the process building large companies, destroying what wasn’t already destroyed.

Twi'lek's are not popular with the species, their main rival in the drug trade they are blamed by many for the conditions of the planet - as 'they aren't allowing the Balosars to flourish as they realistically should.'

As of now, much the planet has never seen a slimmer of light, lies, deception and illegal and legal trade of narcotics permeates the populous who have grown tolerant of some of the worst substances such as Death Sticks due to their immune systems growth to combat pollutants. Many end up seeking this high and due to their nature, neglect much else, becoming addicted to a substance that struggles to effect them, leading to long lasting problems with credit effects.

With the ability to sense strong emotions and high perceptive to sound, this makes them constantly aware of the dealings going around, generally giving them a downer outlook on life, much of them turning to drugs and never turning away from them again. With the ability to consume far more than average, it led’s to further problems for much the species, not ones to make something of themselves or alternatively resting on the prior company values and seeking to keep them at all cost – they are generally corrupt, greedy and untrustworthy, seeking the easiest solution rather than likely the most effective one.


The species are generally seen around in the underworld, highly sensitive to many things they generally pick the easiest route in life and don’t think about the later consequences of their actions. Finding solace in drugs and a general depressed look on life, they can be useful assets should one actually be able to present them with a easy fix.

Generally beaten down and weak willed, those at the top cling to their already established empire and seek to hold and expand them, with as little effort as possible. Their planet is dark and towering, many of the species has yet to have seen the light of a star and the mood on the planet is sour. Along with the recent problems with the Republic and Empire - their suffering at the hands of the Eternal Empire as they rely mostly on the drug trade that was culled during this period a focus on importing brought them to a sharp low.

Messages In This Thread
Balosars - "You wanna buy some death sticks?" - by Trakaton Kalkoran - 28-04-2023, 09:27 PM

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The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

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