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The Art of the Lightsaber, by Lord Tokiai

Shii-Cho Combinations
  • Cho mok Zone 3 Feint, Cho Mai Zone 2, Sai Tok Zone 1 - A very basic combination meant to end a fight quickly with a pitiful opponent. - Feinting an attack to an opponent's offhand shoulder, cutting off an opponent's saber hand before attempting to slice them in half down the Y axis of their body.

  • Cho Sun Zone 2, Sai Tok Zone 4, Shiak Zone 1 - Another basic combination designed to distract and then blind an opponent. - Cutting at an opponent's weapon arm, cutting someone across their middle/waist and then jabbing for their eyes with the tip of one's blade.

  • Cho Sun Zone 2, Cho Mok Zone 3, Cho Sun Zone 2, Shim Zone 5 and 6, Sai Cha Zone 1 - A brutal attack that draws on some of the same inspirations as the fourth form. - Attacking an opponent's weapon arm, then their offhand arm, before moving back to their weapon arm. The move ends with a shallow attack at the knees of an opponent's legs and then attempting to behead them.

  • Shiak Zone 4, Cho Mok Zone 2, Sai Tok Zone 4 and Sai Cha Zone 1 - A simplistic flowing attack designed to engage your opponent and draw a fight out. - Stabbing towards an opponent's middle, before cutting down their weapon shoulder, then across their waist before cutting up towards their head.

  • Shiak Zone 4, Sai Tok Zone 4, Mou Kai Zone 5 & 6, Sai Cha Zone 1 - An aggressive and calculated combination to counter a charging foe and put them onto the defensive. - Stab towards a foe's throat, before cutting diagonally from their recessive shoulder down to their waist, before a flourishing move to cut away their feet that ends with an attempt to decapitate them.

  • Shiim Zone 2, Shiim Zone 3, Shiim Zone 4, Sai Tok Zone 4, Shiak Zone 1 - A move of overwhelming action and determination to try and force an opponent onto the defensive allowing you to string together more combinations. - Cut towards an opponent's weapon shoulder, then their recessive shoulder, before orbiting the blade round to the opposite side and cutting across an opponent's waist and then stebbing towards their throat.

  • Shiak Zone 4, Sai Tok Zone 1 Feint, Shiak Zone 4 - A rapid combination meant to lure an opponent's guard lower before smashing it and exploiting the exposure. - Stab towards an opponent's abdomen before bringing your blade up and then down to smash their defence away (Feinting for the body for added effect) before finally stabbing towards the exposed upper chest.

  • Sai Tok Zone 4, Sai Tok Zone 4, Cho Mok Zone 4, Sai Tok Zone 4 - An effective crowd control combination for when someone is outnumbered by 2 opponents. - Cut up along an opponent's Y axis before turning and cutting down along the same line for an adversary behind you. Then bringing the blade up from underneath to strike at the first foe again before finally spinning to cut horizontally across the second opponents waist.

  • Sai Tok Zone 4 Feint, Cho Mai Zone 2, Shiak Zone 4, Cho Sun Zone 2 - A move to quickly counter those who try to counter you. After countering the opponent this combination allows you to then step immediately onto the offensive. - Lift the blade as if to strike downwards and step forwards, before stepping back and dropping the blade close to the body to catch any strike towards you, aimed specifically at the hand. Then aim to stab straight back at an opponent's middle before lifting the blade and orbiting it over them to strike at their weapon shoulder.

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RE: The Art of the Lightsaber, by Lord Tokiai - by Rhysand Sekker - 28-04-2023, 08:58 PM

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