14-04-2023, 02:16 PM
((originally posted by Cadeus Horuset))
*Cadeus would upload an image of himself with a holomessage attached*
"Lord Kalkoran. Please find attached the recording of the operation as requested. The video files can be found on Th'Asidra's logs as it pleases you, Ki Ari."
*Cadeus would bow deeply before the voice recordings would appear as an option to be played.*
Spoiler: Operation Voice Recording
"As the voice recordings suggest, the operation started by us all gathering in Th'Asidra's library to discuss the finer points of Force Wound. I personally did not know the full details of the force power and therefore I found myself at a disadvantage. This was quickly remedied by listening astutely. From that, we were able to determine three points that were vital for the application of Force Wound. Utilising these three points, we then moved to the training room to begin proper practical application.
For this exercise we utilised sandbags and began to restrict the force around it so that pressure was applied. Some of us were met with a success whilst others failed. At the end of it all, we came out more knowledgeable for it. Our progress is no longer slowed, and we certainly shall not stagnate any further."
*Cadeus bows again before the report finishes completely*