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The Acolyte Competition

***A task assigned by Apprentice Annabelle entailing the Sith Ranks, their description and level of authority. ***

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Sith Acolyte:

Aspirants of the Dark Side, they are colloquially referred to as initiates contending to establish their worth as a Sith. Often these are hopefuls and unforged candidates with varying limits and degrees of knowledge- whether practical or theoretical. This hinges on their lineage and legacy, which may vary from promising applicants from esteemed Houses or decrepit slaves with the fortunes of fate of being a force-sensitive.

As with unmolded clay, these aspirants are tempered through harsh and grueling climates and adversity to develop their untrained competency and mastery of the Force. These acolytes are expected to immerse within the studies of the Sith, dedication to theoretical philosophy, conceptual tactics and understanding the revered Sith Code. Overseers provides ample opportunities for these acolytes to consolidate their development through guidance, yet a promising acolyte should be sufficiently aware that their studies should not be reliant on instructors.

A misconception often arises that Sith Acolyte is a position established as Sith. Despite containing the term ‘Sith’ as a designation, these supplicants are not considered to be Sith nor should they be treated with the same value and respect as one. Expectations are present in respecting authorities, disciplined courtesy and mannerisms towards those who are true Sith. As the lowest rank, acolytes possess no special rights nor privilege and are expected to remain respectfully courteous as to not speak out of turn in the presence of Sith.

Trials remains the primary focus for acolytes, engaging and completing these while surviving promotes their worth- but does not guarantee candidacy for apprenticeship. Death and failure looms over this fragile phase in a Sith’s cycle as it is often referred to as the ‘Culling Period’. Impressing potential masters becomes the fixation of these aspirants, as it is the key to elevating their level of authority to the next rank.

Sith Apprentice:
Adepts of the Dark Side, they are the product of worthy aspirants who assumed their candidacy and position bestowed upon by their master. Graduates of the severe trials, these individuals are marked with the basic necessity of what truly defines a Sith. It is noted that ‘Apprentice’ is not officially a designated title within the Empire, as Imperials and citizens will often refer to them as Sith or other official ranks they may possess and will categorize as such within official documentations and reports outside of powerbases and more legislative administrations within society.

Verily it emphasizes the relation between a mentor and student as opposed to a real title. This is evident in structural hierarchies where an established Sith Lord may even be apprenticed to a revered Darth. Yet the common usage of the term is to designate newly made apprentices that have yet to consolidate themselves as a standard Sith.

Apprentices focuses primarily onto their master’s agendas and expectation, whether to expand on political, financial, governmental or societal influences. This emphasizes on the reality of the responsibility of an apprentice- to be placed under the scrutiny of their master as a representative. The severity lies within the possibility of permanent dismemberment whether physically, mentally, emotional or image-wise. Apprentices must maintain the awareness that their master can relieve them of their position at any given time, it is a subtle ‘encouragement’ to strive to be an excellent representative of their master.

Immersion into the more dominant teachings of the Dark Side becomes a focal point to their development, aiming to become more lethal and proficient in their combat prowess. It is expected of a newly christened apprentice to specialize within a lightsaber form and have advance competency in a Force ability, this allows them to be productive and worthy members of the Sith should the Empire rally against a common threat. Acquiring a lightsaber, forging one and advanced mastery in utilizing it is within the repertoire to become an accomplished, an expectation placed upon new apprentices. 

The authority an Apprentice possess is elevated since their initiation. Non-Sith such as the previously discussed Sith Acolyte and Imperials will refer to them with respect and courtesy. Their rights and privilege are dependent on their own position and their master’s influence, some possesses far reaching political influences or have established their own power enough to subjugate those of lesser rank- even more daring and impressive, those of the same rank. A Sith Lord apprenticed to a Darth may have more authority than a newly christened Apprentice to a Sith, to illustrate the varying degree of levels of authority. It is naïve to state that all Apprentices are equal, the gradient of individual power/influence and accomplishments creates this separation.

Sith Neophyte:

Adepts of the Dark Side, these are commonly Apprentices who were under the tutelage of a master but are no longer serving them due to a variety of reasons- which may range from politics, exile to death. These are clear individuals that has yet to attain the level of accomplishment and mastery of a standard Sith. One who has yet completed their training under a master. Practitioners of the Dark Side who are in a precarious situation where they do not have the backing of an influential master nor the level of influence and ample opportunities that may be gained from a master’s guidance. While without a master, these individuals can still be a part of a powerbase, and therefore can consolidate power and influence through their own machinations and resourcefulness.

However, it is worthy to note that these individuals are characterized with a fair amount of freedom in comparison to an Apprentice. Without the scrutiny and expectations subjected upon them by their masters, these individuals often pursue their own development as they are able to allocate more of their time to their own agendas. Though it is noteworthy to state that this is unfortunately in exchange for the valued guidance and influence of a master and as such Neophytes strives to attain an apprenticeship to complete their training to become a true Sith.

The authority a Neophyte possesses is similar to that of a new Apprentice. Non-Siths will refer to them with respect and courtesy. Their rights and privilege may differ to that of an Apprentice due to the lack of influential backing of a master, therefore it is entirely dependent to the influence that they themselves as an individual has consolidated.


These are established practitioners of the Dark Side, those who have a degree of mastery such that their combat prowess represents the Empire’s iron fist. These fill the bulk of the Empire’s forefront authority within its militarized and governing structure. As the rank that has many variations depending on the individual’s specialization, this position is commonly seen as the general or standard Sith.

Often assuming positions of power and authority, their responsibilities lies in furthering and expanding the interest of the powerbase and for the overall prosperity of the Empire. Whether their position extends towards improving the potency of their own affinity to the Dark Side or expanding the network of the powerbase. These Siths have the authority to accept apprentices of their own, it speaks volume of their solid foundation on the basis of the Dark Side. It is common for these Siths to already establish a powerbase of their own and strive to attain the level of accomplishment that will gain the recognition of Dark Lords to obtain the title of Lord.

Their authority level is elevated from their training phase, as forefront authorities they command the lower ranks and possesses a degree of command over other lesser Siths such as those who are newly apprenticed. Those below this rank must provide respect and courtesy. Due to the many variations, their authority levels depend solely on their level of influence and position within the hierarchy.

As to the variations, it is listed below:

Household Siths:

Accomplished adepts of the Dark Side, these are the Siths that pledges their allegiance to a standing House within the Empire. Their responsibility and focus are to develop and progress the cause of the Empire as well as improve the political influence of the House they identify with. Often these Sith’s are stalwart defenders and representatives of their House and may increase diplomatic standings with other Houses in the Sith Lord’s stead. Possessing political acumen, they are expected to represent their Houses’s virtues as a primary exemplar for the acolytes and apprentices of what a Sith is. As such their authority eclipses over the lower ranks and subjects them to their Houses ideal.

Sith Warrior:

The exemplar of a frontline Sith, they evoke fear and terror through their affinity for combat. Often identified by their signature lightsabers and cladded armors, the extent of their brutality is only matched by their crushing might. Aggressive and unrelentingly combative even by Sith standards, they are conditioned to withstand pain and agony by channeling it forth through their vindictive executions.

Conflict and strife marks the Sith Warrior, engaging in bloodthirsty warfare and combat is what suits them. The terror they impose upon the galaxy is enough to warrant undiluted fear. Often these are what the populace imagines when they think of the Sith- with valid and good reason. They leave trails of destruction in their wake, and the territories they fight in becomes chaotic as it is filled with frenzy and strife. Their authority is in conjunction to their influence on the battlefield and are naturally above the lower ranks of Sith.

Sith Marauders:

Paragons of duel oriented Siths who have specialized further into the art of combat. Their aggression is unmatched in the battlefield yet handles themselves with finesse and merciless efficiency. Exploiting critical and vital points of their enemies, their methods of annihilation is seen as ruthlessly effective. Never ending, never faltering there is no swifter bringer of agony in the galaxy. Their superior speed and soul crushing presence are often caused by their favoured discipline of Juyo. Combining acrobatics and obliterating stances, they inflict lasting traumas in the battlefield. These are often a rank above warriors due to their dedication and seniority in battle experience.
Sith Juggernauts

Stalwarts defenders, these are Siths who’s endurance and fortitude are their specialization. They possess unrivaled stamina in the field and devoted their studies into shrugging off enemies that would devour others and fill foes with doubt and despair. Unrelenting and domineering, these ranks are often required in every squadron in warfare. Possessing single minded fury, their favoured heavy armours boasts expansive fortitude which allows their responsibility to take the heat of the battle towards them and away from their allies. Their rank are above warriors due to specialization and based on accomplishments and seniority in battle experience.

Sith Commander

Veterans of warfare with unrelenting ferocity with an insightful malice behind their strategies. Often this can also be referred to as ‘Sith Battlemasters’ or ‘Sith Combat Masters’. Sith Commanders equip themselves with more than mere unyielding power but also immersion towards conceptual tactics and strategical coordination that makes them the utmost lethal and impactful role in any battlefield. They demonstrate fearsome traits and utter lack of fear from perishing in a battlefield, this is due to them cultivating and devoting their entire existence to warfare, which places them above the Sith Warriors, Marauders and Juggernauts and are even recognized by Sith Lords and Darths for their mastery in the battlefield. This rank can extend to a title, as certain Sith Lords have obtained it during their tenure out in the field.

Sith Blademaster:

The art of lightsaber combat has been progressively developing over the years, indeed it becomes a requirement for any Sith. Hence some have completely devoted the entirety of their lives in the pursuit of understanding on a conceptual level, enough to utterly destroy and obliterate even the most seasoned of warriors. Decades and even centuries of full immersion to lightsaber combat allows them to be one of the pillars in any powerbase. Blademasters hold supreme mastery and proficiency in the art of lightsaber. Virtually unstoppable in duels, their absolutist and perfectionist mindset allows them to eliminate even Sith Lords in single combat, provided it is through saber combat only. This rank can extend to a title and is usually only bestowed upon a single individual in a generation or powerbase, it can only be granted to the best of the best and has the propensity to be held by a seasoned Sith Lord or Darth. This honor and rank eclipses that of warriors, and their authority on saber dueling is second to none and often are the commanders in military operations.

Sith Sorcerer:

Sinister practitioners of the Dark Side and conniving members of the Sith. Whilst mastery over the Force is their signature repertoire, their primary focus lies within the art of manipulation and deception. Lethal spellcasters and magicians, the Sorcerer are a force to be reckoned with. They are regarded as the most potent of force users and able to bend the Force like no other. Often these mastery takes the form of alchemy and sorcery. Utilising the Dark Side to cloud the battlefield with their presence, a sorcerer’s contribution to a battlefield is often marked by raging storms and unnatural perversion of nature. Their rank is often accompanied by rights and privilege to access the darker lores and artifacts of the Empire.

Sith Assassin

Amongst the most feared Siths in the galaxy, these malevolent adepts of the Dark Side are concealed with secrecy and shadows. Due to the lack of public information, the galaxy is struck by the terrors and imagination of what a Sith Assassin is capable of. When they do find out, it is often too late. As the unseen force in the galaxy, they act as death dealers and spies often bending light and particles to move about in complete darkness. Their experience allows them to be able to infiltrate nearly any government and accomplish their Lord’s will without ever being detected. Their rank and authority are ambiguous with obvious reason and is largely dictated by the Lord or capacity they serve.

Sith Inquisitor:

Exemplar’s of the Empire’s will, these sinister adepts are one of the most feared members amongst the Sith, such that they cause terror with their fellow peers. This is largely due to responsibility of rooting out unworthy or treasonous Siths within the structure of the Empire. With mastery over torture methods and information gathering skills, their mere presence often compels other Sith to be warier of their own behaviors and machinations. Inquisitors are tasked to eliminate the fabrications and are stalwart pursuers of truth. Whether this comes with physical, mental or emotional torture is often dependent on the subject. Their rank and authority comes hand in hand with the Empire’s policies and legislations, and in certain cases allows them to even tread through Sith Lord’s authority should the latter provide reasonable doubt of their allegiance to the Empire.

Sith Alchemists:

Often the rarest of ranks are equipped with more clandestine pursuits of the Empire. Sith Alchemists are those that immersed and devoted their path into mastering the ancient and secret art of Sith Alchemy. Their level of mastery in the Dark Side surpasses that of standard sorcerer due to the in depth and advanced nature of the art. Alchemy is a pursuit that requires unwavering dedication and commitment, but those who have established themselves as alchemists are often capable of twisting environments, properties and fabric of nature in unnatural ways that can immediately turn the tides in warfare. Transmutations and creations of abominations are examples as to why those in this rank are feared. When a Sithspawn is even capable of devouring multiple warriors, it speaks volume of their feared creator. Their authority in the subject of Force mastery often makes these practitioners the one of the more ideal instructors within the Empire. 

Sith Arcanists:

This rank is more akin to a title, similar to Bladesmaster. Those who have extensively immersed themselves into the Dark Side and holds supreme dominion in terms of Force Mastey boasts the level of absolute power. Often these arises from Sorcerers, Assassins or Alchemists through interdisciplinary studies and have mastered supremely in what those ranks are specialized into. Decades and even centuries of harnessing malevolent and abyssal powers mark the prestige in what this title offers. Whilst it is the rare and not officially part of the recognized structure, it holds traditional value as it derives from unspoken acknowledgement rather than a commemorated title. Often these are held by Sith Lords or Darths and has greater authority and privileges in accessing the more forbidden and clandestine arts of the Empire.

Shadow Hand:

A traditional rank that is historically used to signify the second-in-command of the Sith Monarch, or Sith’ari. Recorded during the golden ages of King Adas. These are often Sith’s with an immense and vast mastery in the Dark Side, sufficient to be bestowed the title by the singular leader in the days of old. Whilst not part of the official modern structure, the term is often colloquially designated to those of supreme strength to become the right hand of a powerful Dark Lord. The authority in the past was second only to the supreme being, but in modern iteration are commonly equivalent to accomplished apprentices to a Sith Master. However, it is interesting to note that their rank has changed in different periods, and it may even signify a Sith with the strength of a Sith Lord. These were in part due to the previous designation of ‘Emperor’s Hand’ which are technically below the Dark Council but serves directly to the Emperor during that period. This rank is often used in certain structures to indicate the elites of that Dark Lord’s powerbase.


Certain Sith’s possesses a caliber of lethality and foundational knowledge such that their guidance becomes a beacon for aspiring Siths. Their understanding of the Dark Side makes them potent masters with ferocity that is only matched by their scrutinized view of selectiveness. With the directive of overseeing the development and education of acolytes, these constant instructions of trials and lessons have made them the most critical of Siths.

While throughout history, Overseers are often Sith Lords, it is not a rank of requirement. Mainly their elevation to this position is due to their talent for instruction, and in the modern times the propensity of those that carries the dual titles are not as prevalent as the days of old. Their primary responsibility is to oversee and cull the weaklings from those who are worthy of Sith, often conducting trials and lessons while eliminating unworthy filth.

Their authority level reigns supreme within the halls of the acolytes, aspirants are expected to show manners that befits a promising candidate. This is characterized by their rights and privilege to bestow those the prestige of being Sith, who they deem to be worthy apprentices.

Sith Master:

The elite of the order, these are accomplished Sith who have established themselves as beyond the standard Sith. They represent the mastery of the Force and signifies true understanding of the Dark Side. Feared as they are renowned, these accomplished Siths could turn the deadliest of enemies into subjects of their domination. Their ferocity and fear they evoke sets the standards of the highest caliber. They have raised an apprentice to proficiency within modern iterations. The most accomplished and exceptional Sith Master may be elevated to the coveted position of Sith Lord.

It is often at these ranks that a Sith may challenge a Sith Lord for their title and position with a sense of validity and weight. Their responsibility lies with the Empire’s will as well as the behaviors and actions of their apprentice, often maintaining an iron grip if they see cause for disobedience- as it will reflect on the master’s image.


Sith Lord:

Supreme representatives of the Empire’s iron fist. Sith Lords are the elite of the Order with a mastery of the Dark Side that eclipses those of standard Sith. Dreaded as they are renowned, it is often seen as the height of glory that opens the gateways to attain absolute dominion. Boasting massive power in the Dark Side, their lethality is a force to be reckoned with. They are the emblem of the Empire, representing what every sentient fear about the Sith. The mantle of a Sith Lord is heavy prestigious title, that carries responsibilities towards the overall betterment of the Empire.

Sith Lords are expected to build upon their own powerbases to consolidate power and influence. Often obtaining multiple apprentices to expand their network. Their level of authority eclipses the majority of the Sith as it is the height of prestige. A Sith Lord can discard their apprentices with ease and have the responsibility of their apprentice’s behaviours and actions, these are symbiotic relationships in which the former represents the latters will and power. Hence it is the duty of a master to keep their apprentice’s properly obedient. They have the right to command structures and rearrange powerbases of their own making and can demote any Sith underneath them. They answer to only the Sith above their ranks which may range from Darths to the Emperor himself.


If the Sith Lords are the supreme representatives of the Empire’s iron fist, then the Darth’s are the absolute authority and embodiment of its unrelenting will. These individuals are immensely powerful beyond measure with an unnatural affinity and attunement to the Dark Side to compel dread and terror by mere presence alone. Darths are exceptionally powerful and influential figures of the Empire. Sith Lords who have virtually distinguished themselves from their powerful peers, may be elevated to the coveted position of Darth.

Whilst the Darth is generally accepted as the strongest ‘caste’ of the Sith, in terms of influence and authority they are still Sith lords within the current iteration of the Empire. It is noteworthy to state that certain Sith Lords may be more influential or powerful which may vary from political influence, military strength or even mastery of the Force. It is due to this that provides the possibility and opportunity for a Sith Lord to usurp and take the mantle of Darth, which has been historically done countless times for millenias. There are cases where a Sith Lord may possess more authority than a Darth, which is often tied to the Empire’s structure or to serve a military campaign due to experience. Therefore, the first singular responsibility for a Darth is to consolidate power sufficient enough to hold the prestige of being a Dark Lord. Attaining the title of Darth is one thing, but maintaining it is what truly defines a Dark Lord.

As the most powerful ‘caste’ of the Sith, their authority is absolute and unquestionable to those subject to their authority. Lower ranked Siths are expected to show complete and utter obedience and respect, as it may warrant their death should they do otherwise. Though a misconception arises that a Darth cannot serve another Darth, in which this is false. The structure of the Empire is vast and organized in a manner that promotes a ruthless hierarchy, which culminates towards the upper echelons of the Sith. Darths can serve other Darths when they are below in the structural hierarchy within the Empire’s structure. Hence their influence and authority vary in diverging gradients.
Sith Emperor/Sith Empress

The undisputed leader of the Empire. Ruling supreme with absolute dominion as the leader of the Sith Empire. As the leading figure of the Empire, their presence alone eclipses that of the already fearsome Dark Lords. Exceptionally powerful in the Dark Side and one of the most influential figure of the galaxy, their word alone is law and are subject to extreme obedience. Politically unchallenged, only individuals with a death wish would dare intrude on their path. As the sole leader, they have the authority above all in the Empire, regardless how accomplished a Dark Lord is- they are answerable to their leader without hesitancy.

The leader has the authority to command and rally all Sith powerbases under their beck and call, all military operations are subject to their will, every asset of the Empire is tailored to their specification and can be ordered to do what they will- be it grand fleets or entire planetary resources. Territories and systems under the rule of the Empire serves the ruler's will and intent, which extends to the planetary governments that the Imperials have established. As the one titular ruler, their authority is absolute, reigns supreme and commands the entirety of the Empire to their agendas.

[Image: 0tHHPVO.png]

(*Post by Sovernus Nova.*)

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The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 26-04-2023, 10:58 PM
RE: The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 26-04-2023, 10:59 PM
RE: The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 26-04-2023, 11:02 PM
RE: The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 26-04-2023, 11:05 PM
RE: The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 26-04-2023, 11:10 PM
RE: The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 26-04-2023, 11:14 PM
RE: The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 26-04-2023, 11:16 PM
RE: The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 26-04-2023, 11:22 PM
RE: The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 26-04-2023, 11:24 PM
RE: The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 27-04-2023, 09:19 PM
RE: The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 27-04-2023, 09:20 PM
RE: The Acolyte Competition - by Lord Iezkon - 27-04-2023, 09:22 PM

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The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

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