24-04-2023, 09:42 PM
NPC Name: Lord Sivus Meskal
Brief Desription: Influential Sith Lord of the Ministry of Production and Logistics that has a vested interest in the Tandankin Shipyard and specifically the weapons department, serves under Darth Tzerkus Klagevus.
Faction: Imperial
Notable Activities: He was reported as one of the Overseers of the Weapons Department of the Tandankin Shipyard.
Last Known Appearance: Not seen yet.
Character Owner: Mos
Brief Desription: Influential Sith Lord of the Ministry of Production and Logistics that has a vested interest in the Tandankin Shipyard and specifically the weapons department, serves under Darth Tzerkus Klagevus.
Faction: Imperial
Notable Activities: He was reported as one of the Overseers of the Weapons Department of the Tandankin Shipyard.
Last Known Appearance: Not seen yet.
Character Owner: Mos