24-04-2023, 09:42 PM
NPC Name: Zarvia
Brief Description: Zarvia is the Speaker (A fusion priest/chieftain role) of a heavily sith blooded human tribe on Jaguada. The tribe is formerly nomadic, and currently settled at the AG Complex on the planet as security and a workforce. They have been on the planet since the rule of King Adas. Zarvia is very faintly force sensitive, and a natural seer, but not powerful enough to warrant acolyte-hood considering her role in the supply chain. She is a crack shot with a hunting rifle, and adept with a vibrospear. She bears extensive tattoos in a slightly altered alphabet of sith runes, and speaks Wanderer's Cant, a local dialect of Low Sith that is barely understandable by a baseline speaker.
Faction: Imperial
Notable Activities: She has worked alongside the Powerbase extensively in hunting down the Quiet Speaker.
Character Owner: Aodh
Brief Description: Zarvia is the Speaker (A fusion priest/chieftain role) of a heavily sith blooded human tribe on Jaguada. The tribe is formerly nomadic, and currently settled at the AG Complex on the planet as security and a workforce. They have been on the planet since the rule of King Adas. Zarvia is very faintly force sensitive, and a natural seer, but not powerful enough to warrant acolyte-hood considering her role in the supply chain. She is a crack shot with a hunting rifle, and adept with a vibrospear. She bears extensive tattoos in a slightly altered alphabet of sith runes, and speaks Wanderer's Cant, a local dialect of Low Sith that is barely understandable by a baseline speaker.
Faction: Imperial
Notable Activities: She has worked alongside the Powerbase extensively in hunting down the Quiet Speaker.
Character Owner: Aodh