24-04-2023, 09:41 PM
NPC Name: Viscountess Geria Lothoss
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Brief Description: Geria Lothoss is a Viscountess of Serenno, ruling the Pinnath Grasslands. Her family is known for breeding fine Dalgo mounts, and obtain income typically from the Lothossi Trade Fleet, a large trading armada that operates primarily in the sectors around Serenno. She enjoys dueling with blaster pistols, and is sympathetic to the Empire but ultimately self serving. She is currently considering a proposal to use her cargo fleets for Horuset purposes.
Faction: Imperial
Notable Activities: Wradaii saved Geria from a bomb threat on Serenno, and accordingly she began the process of working with the Horusets.
Character Owner: Aodh
NPC Image:
Brief Description: Geria Lothoss is a Viscountess of Serenno, ruling the Pinnath Grasslands. Her family is known for breeding fine Dalgo mounts, and obtain income typically from the Lothossi Trade Fleet, a large trading armada that operates primarily in the sectors around Serenno. She enjoys dueling with blaster pistols, and is sympathetic to the Empire but ultimately self serving. She is currently considering a proposal to use her cargo fleets for Horuset purposes.
Faction: Imperial
Notable Activities: Wradaii saved Geria from a bomb threat on Serenno, and accordingly she began the process of working with the Horusets.
Character Owner: Aodh