24-04-2023, 09:40 PM
NPC Name: General Vise Willburg
Brief Desription: The commanding officer of the Republic 46th 'Sarapin' Division. A freakishly competent leader and one of the few senior officers still around that served in the Great Galactic War and didn’t defect to the Alliance. General Willburg commanded the Republic opposition during the Dubrillion campaign. His decentralized style of leadership, where he puts much faith in his experienced subordinates, made it difficult for the Horusets to get a grip on the situation.
Faction: Republic
Notable Activities: The mind behind the Republic's decentralized skirmish strategy on Dubrillion, denying the Empire a full confrontation. He prefers to trust his officers to act when they must, thus inspiring great confidence in those who serve below him.
Last Known Appearance: Last seen at Khardaba Spaceport, Dubrillion, before the glassing of the continent.
Character Owner: Rik/Ahandra
Spoiler: Spoiler
Brief Desription: The commanding officer of the Republic 46th 'Sarapin' Division. A freakishly competent leader and one of the few senior officers still around that served in the Great Galactic War and didn’t defect to the Alliance. General Willburg commanded the Republic opposition during the Dubrillion campaign. His decentralized style of leadership, where he puts much faith in his experienced subordinates, made it difficult for the Horusets to get a grip on the situation.
Faction: Republic
Notable Activities: The mind behind the Republic's decentralized skirmish strategy on Dubrillion, denying the Empire a full confrontation. He prefers to trust his officers to act when they must, thus inspiring great confidence in those who serve below him.
Last Known Appearance: Last seen at Khardaba Spaceport, Dubrillion, before the glassing of the continent.
Character Owner: Rik/Ahandra