22-04-2023, 02:26 PM
![[Image: 1VXgW7n.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/1VXgW7n.jpg)
This will serve as the OOC guide to Dark Side corruption for House Horuset roleplay, a quick source that you can refer back to if you find yourself questioning your corruption.
The Dark Side is a tool of great power, but one that demands a great sacrifice. It can be described as a roaring flame of power in a cold night; its heat is alluring in the frigid air. It is also like a strong narcotic, it is addictive; those that taste the power that comes with it wish to have more as their bodies and minds are slowly consumed. We know this, and we also know the decaying touch of the Dark Side. This guide will just serve to explain that corruption and decay in further detail.
I will split this guide into three main parts: the Mind, the Body, and the Pure. Mind and Body will focus on Humans and other near-human species as a baseline. The Pure will focus more on the Sith Purebloods.
The Mind
With use the Dark Side will embed itself into the mind of the user; a hungry parasite eating away at the consciousness. Even just exposure can trigger this decaying effect. The Dark Side will whisper sweet promises and deadly lies to the user, turning them away from people and bringing their negative emotions to higher levels. A Dark Side user may often stop trusting those around them, even their closest friends, and with time they may see only enemies in the shadows. Other times, a once peaceful man may be roused to anger by small details or inconveniences. Paranoia and anger go hand in hand with those descending into darkness. For those truly seeped in the Dark Side for long periods of time, insanity may be the only outcome, the complete destruction of the mind so that no sensible thought is possible. Although with Force Users, the total insanity often stems from traumatic or disturbing experiences. As for non-Force Users exposed to the Dark Side, total insanity may be all that awaits them. This may be temporary or permenant depending on the length of exposure and the strength.The Body
The body is where the Dark Side corrupts the most, and it is what people think of when the Dark Side is mentioned. Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis Wrote:"Will I eventually be physically transformed?"
"Into some aged, pale-skinned, raspy-voiced, yellow-eyed monster, you mean. Such as the one you see before you. Surely you are acquainted with the lore: King Ommin of Onderon, Darths Sion and Nihilus. But whether it will happen to you, I can't say. Know this, though, Sidious, that the power of the dark side does not debilitate the practitioner so much as it debilitates those who lack it. The power of the dark side is an illness no true Sith would ever wish to be cured of."
The power of the Dark Side will take its toll on a body, this happens because the Dark Side is such a strong source of power and no mortal body can sustain that for long. Any Sith who wishes to make use of Dark Sided abilties such as Lightning, Sorcery, or Alchemy, must accept the truth of corruption; either accept the price in its whole or fail due to moderation.
Spoiler: No Corruption
At the start of one studying the Dark Side, they may show no signs of it, at least none on the outside. At this stage their body is still at peak performance and they are perfectly healthy. How long this stage may last is entirely dependant on the user, if they insist on giving into their anger and hate or using Dark Sided powers near daily, then this may only be a footnote for them. Towards the end of this stage, a common sight is the sulfuric yellow eyes which appear in moments of highest anger, and then fade with time. Once this has been noted, the rest of the corruption will soon follow.
Spoiler: Temptation
After the initial immersion into the Dark Side, the eyes may adopt the changed colour permanently, then joined by a ring of blood red or orange. Orange or red eyes are also common in some users, though often not until the final stages are reached. The whites of the eyes may also show more blood vessels. This stage of corruption is perhaps the most common among Dark Sided users, as it is yet to affect them in a huge way but it is fully noticable. They may start to feel tired with less effort.
Spoiler: Imperilment
The 'point of no return' for most users. The eyes continue to change as the whites usually turn grey, black, or sometimes red, and the skin around the eyes begins to darken. Their skin grows a bit paler and their body slowly degrades. This means it may have a harder time to naturally heal injuries or may start to push out some cybernetic pieces. The voice may be altered, sounding lower or raspier. The addictive nature of the Dark Side has fully consumed the user at this point, and if they do not stop themselves through sheer willpower, the Dark Side will continue to eat away at their body.
Spoiler: Submission
The Pure
![[Image: LCt6szz.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/LCt6szz.jpg)
The Sith Purebloods are a species that are born from the Dark Side, and thus have some bariers against its decaying touch. In the end however, a Pureblood will end up just as corrupted as a human or Twi'lek. Therefore this may not show as much or manifest more slowly. A Sith Pureblood is born with the different eye colours, though the dark skin around the eyes or the changing of colour for the whites may still occur with age and experience. Their skin also becomes less pale and less ragged, and they may not experience the same visible aging effects; though they may certainly still feel aged on the inside. However, the important piece of information to consider is that the Purebloods have a natural resistance and it will take hold more slowly. Those final stages of corruption however, are just as potent; when a Pureblood gets to that stage, the corruption will be sudden and devestating.![[Image: LCt6szz.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/LCt6szz.jpg)
Extra Information
And just some final pieces of information. One does not have to use Dark Side powers to gain corruption. It can also come from exposure to a Nexus or other stong forces of the Dark Side, or even using neutral alligned powers with negative intentions.The corruption discussed above will apply all the same to the various aliens of the galaxy. The Dark Side corrupts all things.
There are other ways the Dark Side can affect a body, such as sustaining one for an unnatural length of time. This is beyond this guide.
And there are ways to reduce corruption or even hide it, and these methods should be explored by your characters.