03-03-2025, 08:58 PM
Operation: Breakup
Mission Participants:
Apprentice Veilak
Acolyte Vessa Buffon
Acolyte Sah’sha
Mission Summary:
We departed towards the spaceport. Apprentice Veilak made sure to get disguises ready for Acolytes to wear. He departed to rig a distraction and make sure that the shuttle refueling is halted, giving Acolytes window to sneak in and execute the target.
Acolyte Vessa and Acolyte Sah’sha, disguised up, ended up sneaking in knifes through the spaceport checkpoint. There were multiple guards guarding the spaceport and the occasional private security personell. Entrance to the pad hangar, where the target was located, was guarded and entry was restricted only for the ones part of the private security. Acolyte Vessa and Acolyte Sah’sha made their way through the maintenance hallways into the target hangar, both disguised as janitors. Theatrics had to be made for the guards and the target to believe them to be genuine. Their cover staying strong, they were allowed to board the vessel while the departure was being halted by Apprentice Veilak.
After boarding the vessel, Acolyte Vessa and Acolyte Sah’sha found the pair in their private quarters where the duo grabbed the pair. Acolyte Vessa proceeded to then torture and kill the target Cathar, burning its face off in a chemical chlorine bath while Acolyte Sah’sha made sure that young Osvald watches the entire thing. Making him understand his position and responsibilities. Young Osvald fainted after the deed was done. Both Acolyte Sah’sha and Acolyte Vessa then quietly departed the vessel, back through the maintenance hallways left the hangar. While exiting the spaceport, alarm was triggered. Apprentice Veilak, Acolyte Vessa and Acolyte Sah’sha left the spaceport through set of ventilation shafts, ending by their speeder and riding off unnoticed.
Mission Participants:
Apprentice Veilak
Acolyte Vessa Buffon
Acolyte Sah’sha
Mission Summary:
We departed towards the spaceport. Apprentice Veilak made sure to get disguises ready for Acolytes to wear. He departed to rig a distraction and make sure that the shuttle refueling is halted, giving Acolytes window to sneak in and execute the target.
Acolyte Vessa and Acolyte Sah’sha, disguised up, ended up sneaking in knifes through the spaceport checkpoint. There were multiple guards guarding the spaceport and the occasional private security personell. Entrance to the pad hangar, where the target was located, was guarded and entry was restricted only for the ones part of the private security. Acolyte Vessa and Acolyte Sah’sha made their way through the maintenance hallways into the target hangar, both disguised as janitors. Theatrics had to be made for the guards and the target to believe them to be genuine. Their cover staying strong, they were allowed to board the vessel while the departure was being halted by Apprentice Veilak.
After boarding the vessel, Acolyte Vessa and Acolyte Sah’sha found the pair in their private quarters where the duo grabbed the pair. Acolyte Vessa proceeded to then torture and kill the target Cathar, burning its face off in a chemical chlorine bath while Acolyte Sah’sha made sure that young Osvald watches the entire thing. Making him understand his position and responsibilities. Young Osvald fainted after the deed was done. Both Acolyte Sah’sha and Acolyte Vessa then quietly departed the vessel, back through the maintenance hallways left the hangar. While exiting the spaceport, alarm was triggered. Apprentice Veilak, Acolyte Vessa and Acolyte Sah’sha left the spaceport through set of ventilation shafts, ending by their speeder and riding off unnoticed.