06-08-2024, 12:04 AM
Operation Report
List of attendees:Sith Tiwura
Apprentice Emlar Racta
Apprentice Zarkang Kalkoran
Apprentice Vlorakaar Vipion
Apprentice Veilak
Acolyte Yorthur
Sith Tiwura ferried us to a landing site on Thule quite close to the old IRS camp. I myself took the lead on the ground, and after an initial survey of the camp, we found it deserted and empty, with an assortment of recovered relics. Apprentice Vlorakaar scouted the path ahead following an old trail left behind, and it led us to an ancient burial mound's crest. There, we were assailed by a group of huskified slaves and the IRS operatives. They were possessed by a local spirit, and had to be slain en masse. The youngest of the group, Acolyte Yorthur, was momentarily possessed following this brief bout of combat. Myself and Apprentice Zarkang saw to it that he was liberated from the prison of his mind and returned to sanity; a stolen olden dagger recovered from his robes. I followed a sense of intuition eastward of the mound, to an old stone wall. Upon closer inspection, it was a passageway; sealed. An offering of my blood as sacrifice, and an ancient chant, gave us the right of way. Within, we found a burial chamber. It was the sanctum, the final resting place of many a Pureblooded Sith from days of old. The spirit of one of those remained, partially lucid. An old enemy of the Chain-Priests sects. He harboured the tablet of interest, and demanded a vow in turn. I offered mine, and he relented. The tablet was seized, and the apparition disappeared: the interior of the burial grounds crumbling quickly thereafter. As a result, the tomb is now sealed once more.
The tablet has been recovered, and the recovered artifacts dug up from the IRS expedition have been secured: these included old daggers and other blades, tablets and vases; some with depictions of the Chain-Priests, their sacrifice of slaves and bound-enemies alike.