Moff Cambiar, Sector Moff of the Brema Sector
The Champion of Sullust
Description: The Cambiars are a long serving family of Kaasian Imperials with a history dating back to their earlier members earning a reputation as skilled shipwrights and naval officers during the exile. In recent years they have become influential in the Southern Territories, specifically in the Sullust Enclave. Moff Cambiar was a noteworthy admiral during the conquest of Sullust, known for his quick wit, poise and ability to respond to enemy engagements with an almost instinctual ease. During the final ground assaults on the planet, Cambiar was touring a fortress when members of the Sullustan resistance triggered an explosion within a nearby volcano, flooding the fortress with lava. Cambiar was horrendously burned across much of his body, but was carried to a shuttle and managed to escape. Hailed as a hero, he was given the responsibility of Sector Moff of Brema, and thus controls arguably one of the most important Sectors in the Empire. A rail thin, stern-faced man, Cambiar brooks no fools and respects only hard-won strength, he is also one of very few remaining traditionalist Moffs. He no longer visits the surface of Sullust, preferring to spend his time on his fleets or on the orbital shipyards over the world. Some claim that this is due to a crippling fear of fire and magma, but never within his earshot. During the ICOT Cambiar seems to have forged an alliance with the Horusets, paved by a mutual dislike of aliens as well as the Moff’s nephew, Captain Alex Cambiar, being the right hand of Darth Kalkoran’s former Apprentice. He has turned his attention to consolidating the disparate southern enclaves of the Empire, and joining them to the crucial hyper routes through Hutt Space that allow them to survive.
Owner: Aodh
The Champion of Sullust
Description: The Cambiars are a long serving family of Kaasian Imperials with a history dating back to their earlier members earning a reputation as skilled shipwrights and naval officers during the exile. In recent years they have become influential in the Southern Territories, specifically in the Sullust Enclave. Moff Cambiar was a noteworthy admiral during the conquest of Sullust, known for his quick wit, poise and ability to respond to enemy engagements with an almost instinctual ease. During the final ground assaults on the planet, Cambiar was touring a fortress when members of the Sullustan resistance triggered an explosion within a nearby volcano, flooding the fortress with lava. Cambiar was horrendously burned across much of his body, but was carried to a shuttle and managed to escape. Hailed as a hero, he was given the responsibility of Sector Moff of Brema, and thus controls arguably one of the most important Sectors in the Empire. A rail thin, stern-faced man, Cambiar brooks no fools and respects only hard-won strength, he is also one of very few remaining traditionalist Moffs. He no longer visits the surface of Sullust, preferring to spend his time on his fleets or on the orbital shipyards over the world. Some claim that this is due to a crippling fear of fire and magma, but never within his earshot. During the ICOT Cambiar seems to have forged an alliance with the Horusets, paved by a mutual dislike of aliens as well as the Moff’s nephew, Captain Alex Cambiar, being the right hand of Darth Kalkoran’s former Apprentice. He has turned his attention to consolidating the disparate southern enclaves of the Empire, and joining them to the crucial hyper routes through Hutt Space that allow them to survive.
Owner: Aodh