Lord Beartis
The Frontiersman
Description: Baertis is an unusual case, progeny of the closest thing that the Pureblooded race has to a middle class, he experienced Imperial society with more freedom than most Pureblooded youths do. Walking through the cities of the Imperial core, Baertis decided one thing; he was relentlessly, brutally bored by it all. Instead, he spent most of his time in the jungles, deserts and mountains of the Stygian Caldera. When he returned from his time in the Korriban Academy, during which he distinguished himself largely through survival techniques and a certain brusque combat style, he pledged himself to one of those rarest of things; A Sith of the Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy who devoted themselves to the bleeding edge of exploration, instead of honeyed words and ballroom conversations. Baertis has since very rarely returned from the Eastern Territories, where it is said that he even spends a great deal of his time beyond the Galactic boundary itself, slaying terrible, strange creatures and exploring under the light of undiscovered stars. His return to participate in the eastern delegation of the ICOT was a surprise, as was his appearance - so unlike the typical Pureblood. Clad in shabby armour heaped with stacks of esoteric furs and pelts, a mighty lightclub hanging at his belt and consuming all the cigars and brandy the capital world could supply him with. Surprising many, he departed the East in the wake of the ICOT to join himself to the West, as the leader of the scouting and vanguard forces of Darth Gorrovitz's fleets. What influence this unusual, but undeniably experienced, man will bring to the West is yet to be seen...
Owner: Aodh
The Frontiersman
Description: Baertis is an unusual case, progeny of the closest thing that the Pureblooded race has to a middle class, he experienced Imperial society with more freedom than most Pureblooded youths do. Walking through the cities of the Imperial core, Baertis decided one thing; he was relentlessly, brutally bored by it all. Instead, he spent most of his time in the jungles, deserts and mountains of the Stygian Caldera. When he returned from his time in the Korriban Academy, during which he distinguished himself largely through survival techniques and a certain brusque combat style, he pledged himself to one of those rarest of things; A Sith of the Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy who devoted themselves to the bleeding edge of exploration, instead of honeyed words and ballroom conversations. Baertis has since very rarely returned from the Eastern Territories, where it is said that he even spends a great deal of his time beyond the Galactic boundary itself, slaying terrible, strange creatures and exploring under the light of undiscovered stars. His return to participate in the eastern delegation of the ICOT was a surprise, as was his appearance - so unlike the typical Pureblood. Clad in shabby armour heaped with stacks of esoteric furs and pelts, a mighty lightclub hanging at his belt and consuming all the cigars and brandy the capital world could supply him with. Surprising many, he departed the East in the wake of the ICOT to join himself to the West, as the leader of the scouting and vanguard forces of Darth Gorrovitz's fleets. What influence this unusual, but undeniably experienced, man will bring to the West is yet to be seen...
Owner: Aodh