Darth Gorrovitz
The Warmonger
Description: Rising as a Sith during the course of the Cold War, Gorrovitz was a fish out of water. From the very earliest days of his time in the academy on Korriban, after being picked up as force sensitive while a slave, Gorrovitz was defined by a slim avenue of focus. He was a beast, a howling, clawing creature whose lack of subtlety was only equalled by his surfeit of strength and ferocity. That is not to say that the Darth is without intellect, for he is possessed of a certain deep and basal cunning like that of a predatory animal, and those who underestimated his mental capacity did so at their very mortal peril. The Rattataki languished as an early Apprentice, until that is the Cold War ended and the Galactic War came roaring onto the stage anew. Gorrovitz earned several accolades during the war, savaging his foes and becoming a warrior of great fame, beginning a journey of bearing several distinct and gristly scars - including an entire section of his lip being torn away, exposing the teeth below. His journey to Darth was a direct one, many rivals on the road finding their skulls crushed into the oozing mud on the side of battlefields or their hearts torn out in their own estates. A particularly notable tale of Gorrovitz comes during the early days of the war with Zakuul, when Gorrovitz reportedly tore the turret from a tank by hand. Gorrovitz has since become one of the major commanders of the Western Territories, and after ICOT the central point for an audacious new plan to drive a wedge into the Republic's heart...
Owner: Aodh
The Warmonger
Description: Rising as a Sith during the course of the Cold War, Gorrovitz was a fish out of water. From the very earliest days of his time in the academy on Korriban, after being picked up as force sensitive while a slave, Gorrovitz was defined by a slim avenue of focus. He was a beast, a howling, clawing creature whose lack of subtlety was only equalled by his surfeit of strength and ferocity. That is not to say that the Darth is without intellect, for he is possessed of a certain deep and basal cunning like that of a predatory animal, and those who underestimated his mental capacity did so at their very mortal peril. The Rattataki languished as an early Apprentice, until that is the Cold War ended and the Galactic War came roaring onto the stage anew. Gorrovitz earned several accolades during the war, savaging his foes and becoming a warrior of great fame, beginning a journey of bearing several distinct and gristly scars - including an entire section of his lip being torn away, exposing the teeth below. His journey to Darth was a direct one, many rivals on the road finding their skulls crushed into the oozing mud on the side of battlefields or their hearts torn out in their own estates. A particularly notable tale of Gorrovitz comes during the early days of the war with Zakuul, when Gorrovitz reportedly tore the turret from a tank by hand. Gorrovitz has since become one of the major commanders of the Western Territories, and after ICOT the central point for an audacious new plan to drive a wedge into the Republic's heart...
Owner: Aodh