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Thyrsian Headcanon

Thyrsian Headcanons for House Horuset
Credit: Occularis and special thanks to http://www.swtor-rp.com/profile/1265768 (Aela) for the piece she did on SWTOR RP - See here: http://www.swtor-rp.com/progenitor/m/330...ge-culture

Brief History of the Thyrsians
After the collapse of the Arkanian empire (hundreds of thousands of years ago), the Echani and Thyrsians scattered to the stars and resettled on uninhabited worlds. The Echani found a lush, green world with flowing rivers and oceans, and opted to live as harmonious as they could with nature. The Thyrsians, on the other hand, found a hot, desert-type planet that was rich in resources and metals, named it Thyrsus and developed technologies that could let them survive in the hot climates. Trade was established between the two planets, one complementing the other.

As time went on, the Echani, being the more devious of the two races, manipulated the trade to get increasingly better deals, and began to build a more powerful navy for colonising. They expanded their territory to Begali, and began colonisation efforts on Odiita, Yfelia and Sáræ and eventually began to pressure Thyrsus to become a satrapy of Eshan, which resulted in war; one which the Thyrsians were ill-prepared for. Each planet was ruled by royal houses that often struggled for more influence and power, but all were subservient to the ruling Council of Eshan. The Six Sisters, however, were doomed to failure from all the infighting and the ever-persistent threat of rebellion.

Fast forward another few thousand years and the Echani empire collapses, leaving all 6 planets in a dark age. With no trade to sustain the planet's infrastructure, famine plagues the Echani and Thyrsians for another thousand years. Thyrsus decides to seek a trade from elsewhere in the galaxy and incurs a colossal debt which they tried to manage by establishing a black market within the territories of the old Echani empire, charging ludicrous rates and taxes for the trade.

As time went by, a reunification movement began on Eshan, by first the destruction of the various clan heads. This movement was the catalyst for the thousand-year reunification war which saw the reformation of the old empire under a more democratic confederacy. Thyrsus was the last to join, and a great many battles were fought to remain independent. However, it eventually relented under the agreement that their debt would be shared equally among the entire confederacy.

In reality, Thyrsus still got the raw end of the deal and is still thought of as a somewhat second-class citizen. Racial tensions remain strong, and the threat of rebellion from Thyrsus is still present but on the whole, the Echani confederacy or Khyverniso Vorsisalo in Echani ("The confederation of six sisters.") remains at peace and a neutral party in the galactic war, seeking mostly to create a strong export market to clear the history of debt incurred by Thyrsus.

Physiology of the Thyrsians
The Thyrsians appear very similar to humans in their anatomy, although the comparison is limited in scope, with distinct biology and culture. They have extremely dark, perfect skin. Thyrsian blood is dark red in colour, with deoxygenated blood being a light red or a dark blue. They also usually have black hair and dark brown eyes. There is a dramatically high amount of homogeneity within Thyrsian appearance, though less than with the Echani because of their slightly lesser obsession with purity. Although the Thyrsians do not possess the preternatural grace and elegance that the Echani do, they move with a definite certainty that implies a stability and firm posture beyond most humans. As with the Echani, this is most noticeable when they fight with bold, clean movements that embody strength, and the simple yet powerful nature of their pikes, axes, hammers and blades. On closer inspection, the Thyrsian’s biology is obviously the twin of the Echani. Their hearts beat at about 1.5 the speed of a human's, and their lives occupy a middle ground between humanity and the Echani-- they live around 145 human years and experience much slower physical degradation, though many Thyrsians die relatively young because of their warrior culture. Though the Thyrsians only enjoy a small fraction of the Echani’s powerful medical complex, they also experience less vulnerability to outside diseases than their cousins do because of their lesser degrees of isolation and more robust bodies.

Like the Echani, the Thyrsian mind is more inclined towards extremes than that of a human. They experience emotions and outside stimuli on a primal, rich level. They are vulnerable to manic joy, deep depression or full-bodied rage. This spiritual intensity was felt throughout their culture, manifesting in sublime works of art and music. That said, isolation from important pillars of their culture is less damaging to the Thyrsians than it is to the Echani.

The Echani and the Thyrsians have a similar larynx, though the Thyrsians trend towards deeper vocal ranges than their cousins. The Thyrsians also use the Echani language, though it tends to have a deeper timbre and a distinct dialect simply called Thyrsian.

It is in the interest of good health that a Thyrsian is able to properly communicate or socialize with others in their species in their tongue, or interact through combat, failing to do so over an extended period of time often results in depression, anxiety; and, in some extreme cases, delusions or hallucinations have been linked to misuse of their voice.

Thyrsian Religion
Saara - Often referred to as the "Divine Mother" Saara was widely viewed as the creator of the Echani and Thyrsian people, forming Eshan out of the chaos of the Echani Nebula, and building Thyrsus out of the glorious Supergiant occupying the Thyrsus system. Saara is still widely revered by the Echani and Thyrsian people, with the planet Saara being named after her. Saara is also believed to be responsible for the creation of the other deities in the pantheon, crafting companions and aspects of herself to guide the Echani and Thyrsians along.

Nailimisari - Also known as Lilah, or the moon. Firstborn daughter of Saara and (unlike in Echani myth) twin sister to Thyrsus, this deity is regarded very differently in Thyrsian culture than Echani, her portfolio being deceit, trickery and oppression. The only place that one may find sigils of Nailimisari on Thyrsus would be the penal arenas that the Thyrsians send their criminals to fight in. The story of Nailimisari talking to the Echani is dramatically different in Thyrsian mythology. In this canon, Nailimisari colluded with the Arkanian oppressors to sever the ties between the gods and the Echani in return for power, only to double-cross the Arkanians. Nailimisari contacted the Echani through the moon similarly to the Echani version of the tale, offering them a connection to their gods via her proxy as well as a chance at freedom in the future, in return for their everlasting reverence above all other gods but Saara, who she insisted upon becoming equal to. The Echani agreed, however, it was through this compact that Nailimisari’s corrupt nature seeped into the Echani race, turning their almost sibling-like comradery with the Thyrsians into a lust for power over them and causing the rift between the two races.

Thyrsus - Known as Jullen or the sun. Thyrsus was created at the same time as Nailimisari as the protector of the Echani conspecific races. In Thyrsian culture, Trul doesn’t exist and is incorporated into Thyrsus, making him the god of war and battle like Trul in Echani myth. They believe that after the profaning of Saara’s will by his sister, Thyrsus retreated from the pantheon and began to dwell instead in the sun of the Thyrsus system, watching over his chosen children. It is said that during the final battle of the unification of the Six Sisters, there was a great eclipse over Thyrsus that signified a titanic battle between Thyrsus and Nailimisari, the shockwaves of which would later cause the famines which plagued Thyrsus and Eshan.

Thyrsian Society
The Thyrsians have a much more equal rate of birth than the Echani, with about 1 female to 2 males. The Thyrsian society is, in turn, much more equal in terms of gender than the Echani, though the Echani enforces a matriarchal government upon their Satrap.

Varra khat
Varra khat, which stood for ‘Soul walk’ was a two-day long ceremony that took place on a Thyrsian’s 12th birthday, where the children chose the path they would walk for the rest of their life, though the answer was almost always “Warrior” (or “Kendov” in Echani). The ceremony had three parts; Nyat koróna, Donna Ignias and Telcta Chai

Nyat koróna
Developed from the Echani ritual of the same name, the Nyat koróna is a ritual tea ceremony. The Thyrsian is sent out into the savannahs of Thyrsus with a spear and loincloth to hunt a beast, anything from a Solar Hyena to a Thyrsian Lion, craft its pelt into a traditional tunic and then find a special kind of herb called Varra Thron (Soul Grass). The young Thyrsian is then expected to find the specific tent maintained by their family out in the wilds for just such a purpose. Here, the Thyrsian must stand outside in their crafted garment and place a kettle full of water on a heat of specially heat conductive metal, with the Varra Thron in the kettle. They have to stand in the sun while the kettle then brews, unflinching and patient, though falling during this period is not seen as a mark of shame but instead of merely fitting into a slightly lesser, though still respected position in society.

Once the tea was finished brewing, the child will then return to the tent with the kettle and pour the tea for each member of their extended family. After the ritual a day and night-long feast ensues involving the whole family, though this was taken in moderation in times of famine.

Donna Ignias
The Donna Ignias or ‘first honour’ is much simpler than the Echani interpretation of the ‘first test’, with the entire family arming themselves with long, thick staves that mimic a vibropike without the bone-shattering, organ-popping effects of the real deal. The family then broke into an all-out brawl with no allies or rivals, and instead of being a test like in Echani culture, it was regarded as simply giving the child their first chance to rejoice in battle alongside their family.

Telcta Chai
After Donna Ignias, the final ceremony begins in the same tent that the Nyat Korona ended in. A massive feast, in which the now Adult Thyrsians' whole family and nominated guests participated. The food served here was simple; leavened bread, yams, cured meats, simple rice and pastries, followed by a healthy serving of vegetable pancakes and fritters. The simplicity of this meal compared to the Nyat Korona feast is to signify that they have reached adulthood, and must now respect frugality and responsibility.

Thyrsian Culture
The Thyrsians impart much less importance to finery and perfection than the Echani, adopting a pragmatic view of society in that everything has its place. They pursue martial and artisanal mastery, but those unable to reach such high standards are welcome to merely live their lives as still-treasured, yet less productive members of the community. That said, they do not permit those who do not at least attempt to earn their keep and will exile them into the cripplingly hot deserts of the planet. Each Thyrsian Clan has a similar council to an Echani House, led by a Matriarch and also occupied by the foremost male of the Clan, the war leader and their finest artisan, both of which are appointed by the Matriarch. There are also three other members of the clan on the council, elected yearly by all of the members of the Clan. No member of the council may occupy more than one seat at the same time.

Thyrsian cuisine consists of spicy foods and heavy, filling baked goods like fritters and bread. Traditionally served in large pots in the centre of the table with each eater taking their share into smaller bowls. A Thyrsian meal typically consists of two courses, simply defined as “savoury” and “sweet”. Vegetarianism and veganism is almost completely unheard of on Thyrsus.

Thyrsian Music and Poetry
Regarded as less of an art form or higher pursuit by the Thyrsians, instead being looked upon more as a vital part of family life, a fun pastime and even a lead-up to the battle. The music is largely comprised of complex drum, string and wind instrument compositions unique to each Clan, along with chanted or sung accompaniments. Poetry is crucial to Thyrsian culture, often paired with rhythm, and is used to tell the stories of the Thyrsian people.

Thyrsian Combat
The Thyrsians are best known for their utter supremacy when it comes to armed martial arts, using heavy weaponry both melee and ranged as if it were as simple as breathing or blinking. Their races' heavy dependence on body language for communication gives them a profound ability to predict their opponent's moves. Mastery of combat is the pinnacle of Thyrsian society, and their entire culture revolves around it.

Every Thyrsian, be they a warrior or not, is expected to be a skilled combatant in their right. This gives the Thyrsian people a well-deserved reputation as a race of fierce warriors, noted as the only true rivals to the Mandalorians.

Thyrsian armour is almost always both heavy and almost impossible to perforate without considerable effort while restricting movement only minimally. The armour is generally painted bright golden, yellow or rich orange and regularly carries symbolism related to the sun, and comes with optical displays as well as HUDs that enhance their combat expertise.

Thyrsian Military
The Thyrsian military is smaller than the Echani one and much smaller than the ones belonging to any of the great powers of the galaxy. With that said, the Thyrsian military is larger than most of those belonging to a single planet, and more importantly, is in a tie for the most elite military galaxy with the Mandalorians. Each Thyrsian soldier is worth easily a handful of republic or imperial grunts, and they are also typically far better equipped.

Special Forces
[Image: pasted_image_0_1.png]
The absolute zenith of Thyrsian might, the special forces of Thyrsus are both masters of combat with vibroblades, vibroaxes, vibrostaves and vibromaces as well as being trained in the use of firearms and other such unorthodox weapons. The most prominent weapon of a special forces warrior, is their pike with came in two variants; a metre-long weapon with a vibroblade on each end, or the sacred solar pike which was capable of heating to incredible temperatures. The special forces armour is perhaps the greatest testament to their power, however. Like most Thyrsian armour, the armour offers amazing protection without restricting much movement but it also had vibroblades hidden within its gauntlets, spikes in its boots and kneepads, gauntlets that could heat up to burning temperatures without harming the user and dart launchers or flamethrowers attached to the wrists. The special forces also had training in stealth and urban combat. Any special forces member was expected to be highly proficient in Echani martial arts.

Aeta Ignias
An Aeta Ignias was a Thyrsian Honor duel. An Honor Duel was performed between two individuals, one of which was generally Thyrsian or Echani, but the other party could be of any culture. The duel was initiated by someone giving a challenge, either for honour, or glory. An Aeta Ignias could be either till the death of one of the individuals or till one was incapacitated in another manner. An Aeta Ignias was performed with a strict code of honour, if any participant violated any of the preset rules of the duel or any of the traditional rules, such as attacking an opponent while they were down or striking in zones considered off limits (such as strikes 'below the belt') and won via these methods, a relative of the one lost, could claim the offender's life forfeit and could, at any point in time, attempt to take the life of the offender, or claim the right to their own Aeta Ignias.

[Image: wakanda-feat.png]

Thyrsian Architecture incorporated traditional and modern elements to create comfortable yet beautiful buildings, most cities sit on open plains while those that require more protection or reside in the desert tend to be constructed into naturally occurring defences like mountains or cliffs. If it had a real comparison it would be a fusion between Afrofuturism and traditional Islamic architecture.

[Image: pasted_image_0_2.png]

Thyrsian architecture, like Echani architecture, extends to its ships. They tend to be much shorter, less power efficient and slower than Echani ships but had much more armour and significantly heavier weaponry. They tend to be painted in warm clay colours, like desert sand, though the ones of the special forces are painted in gold and yellows.

[Image: pasted_image_0_3.png]

Position within the galaxy

[Image: Thyrsus.PNG]

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Thyrsian Headcanon - by Rhysand Sekker - 12-03-2023, 01:48 PM

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War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

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