Operation: Fighting for the Life
Ensign Crix Rennab [Squad Lead & Grenadier]
Sergeant Kienix [2IC Squad & Droid Handler]Ensign Crix Rennab [Squad Lead & Grenadier]
Corporal Urnat'Hu'Nuroudo
Private Keira Warsikarsini
Mission Orders:
Retrieve the Kolto from a crashed shuttle
Identify cause of shuttle crash
Mission situation:
An automated shuttle belonging to Darth Norok, had crashed on the planet of Vastro VI. It's a world that's currently contested between Republic and Imperial forces and local formations didn't have the direct capability to seize and claim the shuttle prior to mission go. We were to claim the kolto.
We landed on the western flank of an imperial armoured battalion pushing their way northwards to claim the terrain for us to seize the shuttle. We landed in the middle of a firefight in the cover of smoke, we lined ourselves up as we left our transport and engaged an E-web hitting friendlies nearby. After neutralising the E-web crew we seized it and turned it on the pubs, lighting them up with Athun and Kienix using accurate fire to take out targets. A light armoured vehicle approached which the E-web, staffed by Warsikarsini, made short work out of. We called in that we had taken out the enemy position to the west and pushed our way forward. At an elevation we set up firing position and with Kienix droids in the air we could lead in artillery strikes on enemy positions. A key one was two trucks of imperial infantry moving towards our lines which was mounted with at least half a platoon.
We then pushed our way further towards the enemy as an artillery strike was landing around us, it neutralised Warsikarsini and we used one of Kienix droids to CASEVAC her back to friendly lines while the rest pushed on. The fighting was intense on certain points in the line and the enemy didn't seem to have reinforced their entire lines properly so we could move rather freely towards the shuttle from cover to cover. As we made it ahead we spotted a reinforce squad moving up towards us as Kienix lined in for another artillery strike with his drone, our chiss yelled for Sniper as the material ahead of me was destroyed, I then judge that the Chiss managed to take the sniper out as the enemy ahead was destroyed by artillery fire.
We then went straight for the shuttle and observed its state. We judged that we wouldn't be capable to haul it with sheer manpower so we ensure that the terrain was yellow enough as we called for friendly vehicles to come and tow it back to our lines for us. The vehicle with its cargo and blackbox has been retrieved and is being transported back to the estate as of now.
Report end.
Long live the Empire
-Ens. Crix Rennab