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Lord Iezkon and Sith Sarias Project - SHTR (Specialised Heavy Training Regiment)
Project Overview
Lord Sarias (Sith Alchemist
Lord Iezkon (Lorekeeper)
Lord Iezkon (Lorekeeper)
With the heavy loss of troops from the otherwise succesful Anx Minor deployment to the north, the Horuset powerbase must look to not just replenish such numbers, but also ensure its influx is spread to encourage future imperials to see themselves transfered to the 142th division. The best place to initiate such would be to effectivise and otherwise build upon what is already established - namely the Arium Imperial Academy, currently spearheaded by its founder Lord Iezkon.
A fairly new but already functioning academy located on Orsus, it will serve as the testing grounds for the SHTR - a specialized training program seeking to build the endurance, strenght and dicipline for future spec-ops and heavy troops.
Students that are favourable for such careers will undergo the 6-8 weeks of training, consisting of specialized diets, training deployments into harsh envioments and a strict schedule. Those who pass will continue onto the standard imperial progression of their training and assigning, while those who fail may re-attempt up to 2 times. The failure of completing the program does not make them unfit to proceed as Spec Ops or Heavy Troopers, it simply means they were not compatible with the regiment of the training.
Should a favourable result of the first few batches of cadets be seemned sufficient, the process of applying for funding towards exspanding the project and potentially establishing a dedicated facility for it (Most likely on Orsus), will begin. The end-goal will be the aforementioned facility which shall have other academy's cadets arrive onto Orsus, either for the training itself or transfering directly to the Atrium Imperial Academy to begin their education with the prospects of completing the training program.
Current Phase 1 - Proposal
Project has been accepted, undergoing internal review with potential for additional individuals to be added in.
Current tasks being worked on
-to be filled out-
Spoiler: Update Logs
-To be filled out later-
Documentation and Reports