29-04-2023, 10:08 PM
Sith Acolytes are perhaps the most important resource that the House of Horuset and Sith society as a whole possesses. They are the foundation on which the Sith Order is built, the cattle from which only the strongest and most cunning survive to live. The latter is done through three Trials (known as the ‘culling period’, according to my fellow acolyte Sovernus Nova), which attempts to mold them into beings truly worthy to be Sith. However, it does not secure apprenticeship, but the acolytes who have passed three Trials (usually seen as the senior acolytes) are eligible to be taken on as apprentices to Sith, Sith Lords, or Dark Lords of the Sith.
For a description of the position of Sith Acolyte we again turn to acolyte Sovernus Nova, as quoted from his entry into the Acolyte Competition, as held by apprentice Annabelle:
“As with unmolded clay, these aspirants are tempered through harsh and grueling climates and adversity to develop their untrained competency and mastery of the Force. These acolytes are expected to immerse within the studies of the Sith, dedication to theoretical philosophy, conceptual tactics and understanding the revered Sith Code. Overseers provide ample opportunities for these acolytes to consolidate their development through guidance, yet a promising acolyte should be sufficiently aware that their studies should not be reliant on instructors.”
These passages alone give the reader a clear image of what the position of acolyte entails while establishing that acolytes are on the lowest rung of the ladder, subservient to everyone above them - at least in the Sith Order. This fact is important. Sith apprentices and up are able to order acolytes around, give them tasks, or punish them if the Sith in question sees fit to do so. They are simply a resource to be exploited, used, and then discarded. However, without acolytes, the Sith Order could not continue. It is from the pool of senior acolytes that Sith can choose their apprentice(s), and without acolytes, much of what the Empire has achieved would be impossible.
Hence, even acolytes who fail the Trials have a role to play in the grand scheme of things, for they might not be able to advance to apprenticeship, yet their experience in the Trials proves invaluable in establishing their superior- and seniority over newer, weaker, and younger acolytes, even if they have failed the Trials. Their seniority and experience oft proves valuable to their superiors as well, since more experienced acolytes know how to obey their superiors, and follow orders to the letter. Senior acolytes are able to bend the Force to their will, and control their lightsaber better than junior acolytes or new arrivals, and are thus able to complete the missions their superiors give them with more precision and efficiency.
Thus, I conclude this entry with the message that the position of Sith Acolyte is one of the most important - if under-appreciated - roles within the Empire, and that without the humble role of Sith Acolyte, Sith society as it is now, would most likely not exist.