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[ARCHIVE] Research Bureau Hub

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Research Bureau Hub

[Image: 8ByQ7ug.png]

The Research Bureau is an initiative founded to address the matters of Research and Development, striving to function as a 'nexus' for it among the many branches within House Horuset. To facilitate a functioning Bureau that creates effective research, development, education and results. It is a a joint effort between branches of the powerbase and members of the Bureau to see projects created and carried to completion.

Bureau Structure
Designed to work with multiple branches of the powerbase at once, the Bureau is established around a structure to avoid unneeded bureaucracy. Upkeeping regular contact with the branches of the powerbase, it will advice, propose and upkeep a continuous open dialog of potential projects.

Bureau Leadership
The leader is responsible for deciding on which projects are officially sanctioned by the Bureau. They decide which projects are approved. They also run the branch, overseeing communications and ensuring each project has the right hands working to it. Additionally, they sanction affiliates and ensure their offered resources are put to appropriate use.

Branch leaders are not Bureau Leadership by default, but they are the ones deciding what their branch brings forward per month. They are also, by default, who the Bureau will conduct meetings with on a regular basis - unless Branch leadership decides to delegate it to another member.

Currently, Sith Sarias is the assigned Head of Bureau.

Bureau Members
Bureau members are members of the represented branches and also members from outside of the officially associated branches who wish to join. These people work together on projects and are sometimes assigned leadership of their branch’s project, or Bureau projects as a whole. They report to Bureau leadership directly.

Bureau Affiliates
These are those who offer resources, support, and other non-specific skills for the research projects. They need not be members of the Bureau or a specific branch.

To become an Affiliate, one need only approach the Head of the Branch and a meeting will be arranged. Afterwards, the Affiliate will be added to the Bureau database for easy contact, in relation to projects and use of their offered assets.

Examples include:
-A Neophyte, with significant experience facing droids, offers advice on designing a combat droid.
-The assistant beastmaster offers live targets from feeder-animals from the bestiary.
- A Household Sith offers use of specific people under their command (scientists within a particular field, engineers, etc).

Database and Projects

The Bureau utilizes a database solely focused on managing projects, tracking their progress and communication between Bureau and branches. Branches are automatically added to the database upon agreement to a project, with relevant channels such as documentation and communication lines. Affiliates are added, following their meeting with Branch Leadership.

Projects Guidelines

A set of rules and phases of development has been established, to ensure the Bureau retains focus on seeing projects to completion, than having an unending list of unfinished and wasted assets.
  • Only one active project per branch - A branch may only have one official project running at a time. Members of branches with an active project, may however propose project ideas on an individual level to Bureau Leadership. Individuals, not belonging to any branches, can also bring forward proposals.
  • The Bureau can undertake projects of its own volition separate from the involved branches - These projects will be a group effort and will adhere to the same structure as branch projects. They may be funded by the Bureau itself, or independently funded by those requesting the projects.
  • Projects, once approved, will be made public - As the Bureau is intended to serve the entire powerbase, approved projects will have a datafile created and published below these writings. It lays within the Bureau, to ensure its maintained with larger updates and notable developments. Not just for practicality, but to showcase its work and invite inspiration in those with ideas, or  those of relevant skills to offer themselves to become involved.
  • A monthly report will be send to the Conservancy - A monthly report will be sent to Darth Horuset, Lord Kalkoran and the Conservancy. It will detail any changes, current projects updates or relevant news from the Bureau's efforts.

Project Phases
Every project presented to the Bureau, will undergo a series of 4 phases.

  1. Proposal - Project is presented to Bureau leadership by the branch. Regardless of a project currently being underway, proposals should be presented - this will ensure new projects can replace those running dormant or finding completion. Should it be deemed of potential, the project is reviewed. If it is approved, Relevant databases are updated to reflect a new project being undertaken, and the project enters the development stage.
  2. Development - An outline of the project’s progression is finalized. Agreed upon plans begin and are monitored via the “Project Status” channel. Bureau leadership is to be informed of situations that require direct intervention or assistance. The project is added to the monthly report, and has a file created within the "Research Bureau Hub", located under the conservancy database.
  3. Finalizing - Final field testing, last preparations and finishing touches are performed. If more time is required, problems occur or things go wrong, it's returned to development.
    This phase concludes with a presentation where those relevant gather for its display.
  4. Completion - With an accepted project conclusion, a summary is written and a plan-of-action is crafted to see the project’s results carried out (Via funding, materials granted and onwards). The summary will be logged permanently within the database, alongside relevant documentation. Project slot is freed up for the branch, and project entry  marked complete within the "Research Bureau Hub" files.
[Image: 66iciMH.png]

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Immortus Research and Containment Facility - (IRCF)

[Image: S8nRrre.png]

Project Overview

Sith Vipion (Envoy of Development, Head Immortus)
Sith Hazlem (Sith Claviger)
Apprentice Tenacitious (Assistant Immortus)
Apprentice Rekhen (Assistant Immortus, Assistant Overseer)

To establish a secure facility for the research and development of toxins, stims and antitodes to serve House Horuset. Secondarily, it shall function as a secure, remote and protected containment for biohazards, toxins and the rare artifact that may aid the Immortus Branch, or otherwise be sufficiently stored in the facility's isolated surrondings.

Building the facility from its entrance and out, sufficient storage space, a lab and suitable containment measures will be its initial priority. This shall allow the Immortus branch to swiftly begin conducting work on a way of delivering payloads of toxins, and other bioweapons, onto our enemies from the air. While this work is being conducted, the remaining facility will be build over time.


Current Phase 2 - Development
Project has been accepted, attached members of Immortus Branch patched into Research Bureau HUB.

Current tasks being worked on

1: Finalizing choice of facility location upon Jaguada, based on survey done by Apprentice Rekhen. Geological samples are to be taken, to study its stability to support the facility's framework. Weather monitor to be installed at potential testing site. - Completed (Facility construction is underway)

2:: Sith Sarias' neurotoxin will serve as a baseline for initial payload prototypes to be tested with, said toxin holding a lethal and none-lethal variant, with a developed antitode. Under Sith Hazlem's oversigt, shall the toxin be studied and familirised with while construction is underway.

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Documentation and Reports

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[Image: 66iciMH.png]

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Sith Zevasa Project - Colox

[Image: HWj1myA.png]

Project Overview

Sith Zevasa (Purifier)

The project aims to centralize and streamline the production of Wool harvested from the Coloxian Sheep-Frogs, located on the planet of Colox. Currently tended to and harvested by local alien farmers, the project aims to subjugate them and take over the current farms. Prefab buildings will initially be installed once the takeover is completed, staffed by a small delegation of slaves. Droids, or a small delegation of imperials, will act as security with a perimeter of fencing, walls and basic barricades.

Once secured and production is within reach of resuming, a meeting will be held to discuss the finer details of production lines, location and potential refinement. Costs of construction and machinery will be covered by the labour wages to the farmers, who shall function as slaves. Modernised farming techniques and selective breeding for greater yields, is to be implimented following the meeting. Potential genetic modification is a consideration for now.

The Research Bureau shall assist with funding the initial prefab buildings, landing pads and other key essentials. Transportation of product will initially be covered by shuttles from Atrum Logistics, to be replaced at a later date.


Current Phase 2 - Development
Project has been accepted, the relevant individuals patched into Research Bureau HUB.

Current tasks being worked on

1: Sith Zevasa will create an operation to see the farms brought into the imperial fold. Following this, a stock of surviving farmers, current sheep frog numbers and farmlands will be taken, to locate a suitable spot for imperial prefabrication buildings. Completed

2:: Sith Zevasa is working on securing his own troops for the long-term staffing and oversight of the operation. - Completed

3:: Sith Zevasa shall contact logistics pertaining to the transport of prefab buildings, starting with a small amount. While its under construction, a meeting between relevant parties shall decide the structure of the farms output, production and potential future exspansion.

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Documentation and Reports

[Image: 66iciMH.png]

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Crystal Containment Unit - CCU

[Image: nMwITy4.jpg]

Project Overview

Sith Sarias - Head Alchemist
Apprentice Althea Nutra - Assistant Alchemist
Additional Alchemists

Sorcrerous energies are vile, corrupting and volatile to interact with and yet those in pursuit of the ancient arts bathe in them willingly. And yet there are limits and thus one should look elsewhere to reduce intake, and consider creative solutions in adressing the many traps, tombs and other challenges in pursuit of the old ways.

Thus, the concept of a CCU was born - a creation able to have dark sided power siphoned into it and be disposed of with repairs, replacing of crystals and adjustments taking place between each redeployment.


Current Phase 2 - Development
Project has been accepted, attached members patched into Research Bureau HUB.

Current tasks being worked on

1: Surviving sections of the crystal recipie is in the process of being transpired by Apprentice Nutra. Method of creation to be figured out between Apprentice Nutra and Sith Sarias.

Designs for the CCU is to be supplimented with recovery of functioning crystal fixtures within tombs, to provide a framework for its core design.

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Documentation and Reports

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Lord Iezkon and Sith Sarias Project - SHTR (Specialised Heavy Training Regiment)
[Image: IV0mmS7.png]

Project Overview
Lord Sarias (Sith Alchemist
Lord Iezkon (Lorekeeper)

With the heavy loss of troops from the otherwise succesful Anx Minor deployment to the north, the Horuset powerbase must look to not just replenish such numbers, but also ensure its influx is spread to encourage future imperials to see themselves transfered to the 142th division. The best place to initiate such would be to effectivise and otherwise build upon what is already established - namely the Arium Imperial Academy, currently spearheaded by its founder Lord Iezkon.

A fairly new but already functioning academy located on Orsus, it will serve as the testing grounds for the SHTR - a specialized training program seeking to build the endurance, strenght and dicipline for future spec-ops and heavy troops. 

Students that are favourable for such careers will undergo the 6-8 weeks of training, consisting of specialized diets, training deployments into harsh envioments and a strict schedule. Those who pass will continue onto the standard imperial progression of their training and assigning, while those who fail may re-attempt up to 2 times. The failure of completing the program does not make them unfit to proceed as Spec Ops or Heavy Troopers, it simply means they were not compatible with the regiment of the training. 

Should a favourable result of the first few batches of cadets be seemned sufficient, the process of applying for funding towards exspanding the project and potentially establishing a dedicated facility for it (Most likely on Orsus), will begin. The end-goal will be the aforementioned facility which shall have other academy's cadets arrive onto Orsus, either for the training itself or transfering directly to the Atrium Imperial Academy to begin their education with the prospects of completing the training program. 


Current Phase 1 - Proposal
Project has been accepted, undergoing internal review with potential for additional individuals to be added in.

Current tasks being worked on
-to be filled out-

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-To be filled out later-

Documentation and Reports
[Image: 66iciMH.png]

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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