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Character(s): Krassus Horuset
16-04-2024, 02:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 16-05-2024, 02:28 PM by Krassus Horuset.)
Moff Graush
The Director
Description: Maximillian Graush is a rare scion of his line; one of the very few members of the nigh ancient Graush dynasty of Sith nobility born without the means to use the Force. Nevertheless he is an extremely influential man in his own right, leveraging his family's connections with the Kaasian nobility Graush has been most successful in spinning a web of allies, leverage, blackmail and favors to navigate the cutthroat landscape of Imperial politics with. He stands among the ranks of the few Imperials in the Empire's millennia long history to ever attain the rank of Sector Moff without ever serving in a position of direct military command. No, Graush instead has a long career of Eugenics and Scientific Xenophobia to thank for his political standing. Having chosen to join the ranks of the Imperial Science Bureau rather than any of the combat arms of the military at an early age, Graush had worked his way up the ranks of the Alien Control organization. Spending his years fulfilling the genocidal task of Nonhuman-based population control across the Empire's conquered worlds. By the time of Zakuul's invasion and Empress Acina's rise to the Imperial Throne, Maxmilian Graush had attained the rank of Director within the Northern Territories' branch of the Alien Control organization. Graush however found himself disappointed by many of the late Empress' alien integration initiatives which, combined with the lack of new worlds conquered by the Empire due the changing tides of war, caused Graush to grow increasingly more frustrated in his station as Science Director. Eventually resigning from the Science Bureau alltogether. Instead he returned to Dromund Kaas where he once again leveraged both his family's connections, as well as his own web of allies and favors, to attain the position of Moff of the Imperial Atrivis Sector following his predecessor's untimely death. Moff Maximilan Graush has ruled the sector from his palace on Horuz for several years now, gaining himself a reputation for extravagancy as well as hardline xenophobia. It is said that since he has taken over control over the sector it has become nigh impossible to find even one alien out on the streets of Mantooine, Horuz or Gibbela not in chains or scrubbing floors. What this will entail for Nam'ta, and its sizeable alien minority, as the Confederacy pursues closer ties with the Empire remains to be seen..
Owner: Jan
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Character(s): Krassus Horuset
18-04-2024, 03:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 16-05-2024, 02:28 PM by Krassus Horuset.)
Kemma Ralter
Confederate President
![[Image: s6IQw1v.png]](
Confederate President Kemma Ralter is a somewhat controversial figure in Namtees society. The young woman's meteoric rise through the echelons of Nam'ta's political scene has been nothing short of awe inspiring to her supporters, and highly suspicious to her detractors. Ralter was born on one of Nam'ta's outlying rural moons, her family having no recorded history of any connection to the Confederacy's ruling class on Nam'ta prime. In fact her parents themselves were simple shopkeepers when a young Ralter announced her ambitions to join the Confederacy's political landscape by joining the youth organization of one of the system's pro-Imperial parties. Ralter turned out to be a natural born politician; charismatic, well spoken, publicly agreeable but also terrible shrewd and ambitious. Quickly finding herself climbing the political ladder within her party, rising from a member of her moon's local parliament to representative in the Confederate Council in the time span of a few short years. It is in this role as Representative that she really caught the public eye of the Confederacy. The young, outspoken, passionate, fiery redhead standing out in stark contrast to the old, gray, pompous and soft spoken career representatives. Eventually finding herself as one of the two leading candidates for the bid of her party's candidacy as Confederate President. Winning the bid by default when her main competitor died in a tragic speeder accident, leaving Ralter unchallenged. The following presidential elections were some of the most controversial in recent decades. Many of the other pro-Imperial parties pulling out of the race one after the other, placing their support behind the skilled, redheaded orator. While candidates of more neutral or pro-Republic parties found themselves at the heart of numerous controversies one after the other. Steering public opinion in the media more and more in Ralter's favor. She who eventually won the elections by a landslide, becoming the youngest president in Nam'ta's history. In this role she has been one of the main vocal points in the Confederacy's shift to ever closer ties with the Empire. Some of her detractors have therefore taken to slandering her as little more than; 'An asset of Sith Intelligence'... But such fringe opinions, of course, almost never see the limelight of Nam'ta's mainstream media.
Owner: Jan
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Character(s): Krassus Horuset
21-04-2024, 03:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 16-05-2024, 02:27 PM by Krassus Horuset.)
Azarhan Barracas
Champion of the Downtrodden
Description: Azarhan Barracas is known as somewhat of a champion of Nam'ta's alien minority, and one of President Ralter's most outspoken critics. His clan has lived within the borders of the small confederacy for nigh on three hundred years and has become a symbol of Alien prosperity in the Confederacy. His ancestors fled to the Nam'ta system following the devastation of Cathar during the Mandalorian wars. And they have since then done exceptionally well for themselves, slowly building up an industrial imperium founded on the labor of Nam'ta's, otherwise often overlooked, alien minority. These days nigh on half of all alien laborer's within the Confederacy find their employ in the facilities of the Barracas-Incorporated industrial conglomerate. It is therefore not difficult to see how Azarhan was able to enter the Confederate council of representatives almost exclusively with an alien vote. In his position Azarhan is known as one of the few increasingly rare pro-Republic representatives in an ever more Imperial leaning landscape. Notably he has been one of the most vocal opponents to the recent security agreement with the Empire, which needed a unanimous vote to be written into the Confederacy's constitution. In the weeks leading up to the decisive vote however Azarhan was struck by a bout of sickness that was both as intense as it was sudden. Hospitalizing the Representative for some time in what seemed to be critical condition. During this his his vice-representative, who has since been fired from his position, attended the the Confederate Council in his stead and shocked Barracas' supporters by voting in favor of the Security treaty in Azarhan's absence. It is said that news of this betrayal sent Azarhan into a fit of rage, powerful enough for the representative to force himself out of his bed, unplugging his IVs before storming out the hospital under protest and futile resistance of both his physicians and hospital security, sacking his Vice-Representative on that very same day - still wearing his hospital gown.
Curiously Azarhan's recovery has only been aided by this controversial leaving of the hospital and return to his estate, leading many of his supporters to claim his falling ill to be the result of Imperial poisoning. No evidence for this claim has been brought forward however...
Owner: Jan
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Character(s): Krassus Horuset
Iden Stendarr
Republic Old Timer
Iden Stendarr is the current representative of Nam'ta III on the Confederate Council. The soft spoken elderly woman is considered somewhat of an 'Ancient Relic' in Nam'ta's political landscape. Nigh on a full century old Iden's keen mind for politics is a sharp as ever, even if lacking the energy with which she entered ventured into politics as a youth. A real veteran of the political game with quite the storied past, and political accolades. As a youth, before the Galactic war, Iden briefly served as a commissioned officer in the Republic military. Though she used this peace time commission mostly to establish a foothold in the Galactic Core, retiring from the military after a few years of service. Instead enrolling in one of Coruscant's universities to study the political sciences before eventually returning to Nam'ta where she held several roles of various levels of importance throughout her career. Holding the role of Mayor on Nam'ta III, the position of Confederate representative, Nam'ta's Senator to the Galactic Republic, Minister of Foreign affairs and eventually President of the Confederacy. It is this position that she held when the Sith Empire returned to the galactic stage at the onset of the First Galactic war. Leading her people throughout the conflict as a firm Republic loyalist, lending Nam'Ta's industry and gas refining capabilities to the Republic War effort. A policy that would prove more and more unpopular in the closing years of the war with the threat of Imperial Invasion looming and the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. Leading to growing anti-republic sentiment in the Confederate Council, demanding Nam'ta secede from the Republic to avoid wartime devastation. A firm believer in the process of Democracy, at the time, President Stendarr allowed the vote on the matter to proceed unchallenged but resigned her position in the wake of its outcome, unwilling to carry out secession from the Republic in good conscious. She faded from Nam'Ta's political spectrum for some time after this but has returned to the fold in the past decade when she was elected as Nam'ta III's representative for a second time in her career, in which she has been a soft spoken but committed member in the Confederate Council's opposition. Curiously however she did vote in favor of the Imperial Security treaty, her reasons for doing so are unknown.
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Character(s): Krassus Horuset
Ralsius Meeko
Terror Survivor
Ralsius Meeko is the current Representative of Nam'ta V on the confederate council. A local inhabitant of the rural Agri-moon, Ralsius is relatively new to this level of Confederate politics. He was elected as representative only a year ago after his predecessor fell incapable to represent the moon's interests due to old age induced heart problems. And his one year in office has been quite the eventful one for young Ralsius with the Ralter Government's push for closer Imperial ties, which he found himself in opposition to. And if this heated entry into the deep end of the political pool with potentially world changing consequences for Nam'ta at stake wasn't eventful enough for Ralsius, his wife Iden Meeko; grand daughter and name sake of Iden Stendarr, gave birth to the couple's first born son Kassius Meeko some months ago. It is unknown whether or not the birth of his son played a part in swaying Ralsius' voting on the Security treaty, for he initially held out on voting in favor before Representative Barracas fell ill. After which he too fell in line like all the other Representatives of the Council. It is this decision that, if Imperial Sources are to be believed, made Ralsius the target of a pro-Republic terror attack on his estate on Nam'ta V in recent weeks. The representative was there to visit his wife and newborn son when militants reportedly attacked the complex, slaughtering the private security contractors and sabotaging the estate's power grid before attempting to break into the family residence itself. The attempt on his life was unsuccessful however, the attackers not having been able to breach the Representative's Panic room.. He has since returned to his duties following Imperial investigation into the attack, seemingly shaken but not swayed in his loyalties to the oppossition.
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Character(s): Aregra Kalkoran, Yallanda Kalkoran
Getai Doru
'The Red Emperor'
In the conflict of wars of what beyond the shining gleam of armour, lightsaber wielders and grand ships floating there are those who would seek to profit. The smart, the cunning or being well-enough connected can have someone from rough origins rise to the stairs of wealth, power or influence. Those who fail see themselves settling for a life as a grunt or paid guard if they are big enough or know how to shoot.
But what happens if those who fail get lucky?
Such is the tale of Getai Doru - born into life as a slave in a privatly owned mine within the mid-rim. With an owner settled in enough money to pay off local republic representatives to look the other way, his childhood and most of the late teens was spend digging, digging and never even thinking of a better life - for what else was there for the lowest of the low? A mindset that would not last as he happened to be picked to replace his owners former's guard given he was 'big and tall enough' to serve the image. As rocky dust cleared from his lungs and he got to know the taste of clean water his desire to 'have the best' only grew.
Serveral years later, following a succesful slave revolt and being bounched around the illiegal smuggling routes, he found himself on Plooma and was quickly drafted into the petty squabbling of lower gangs not even worth enough to be taken notice of by the local garrison. Said petty conflicts eventually saw the minor gangs dwindling in power, firepower and organization - leaving a lucky gap for someone who had happened to survive long enough and be big enough for easy intimidation.
With years now passed Getai Doru has grown wiser and wider in waistline - edging out a meager but consistant growth for his 'Crimson Emporium', using retrofitted republic shuttles and his old connections of a life formerly led to provide him an edge in smuggling over others in the area. In addition he is targeting local officials with ocassional bribes and somehow knowing how and when attempted raids on his hideouts occur.
Draped in long robes, luxuries (that can be afforded) and a handful of well-armed loyal men he contently sits atop the 'throne' of lesser gangs on Plooma.
Additional detail: Second-in-command is a tall red Zabrak cyborg by the name of 'big red'.
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Changretta the Hutt
The Purveyor of Exquisite Taste
In a cesspool that is the Hutt Space, it’s not an uncommon occurrence for some individuals to gain five minutes of popularity, however…minute they are.
Such is the case with Changretta the Hutt, also known as "The Pompous", “The Magnanamous”, "The Splendiferous" is the patriarch of a minor clan that only recently joined the Hutt Cartel as a whole. Like any member of his species, he is known for his shrewdness, greed, and willingness to utilize any means necessary to gain more power. Though, his ambitions don’t always come to fruition, as he spends the majority of his resources in an endless search for, what he dubs, "The One Dish, one to rule them all."
He employs various methods to find, capture, and cook the most exotic flora and fauna to create increasingly bizarre dishes. He has even authored a series of cookbooks, with 15 volumes published to date, with more on the way. Each iteration goes above and beyond the previous one in terms of strangeness. From relatively simple dishes like "Rancor Thighs in Sweet and Sour Bahajplume Sauce" to more grotesque creations such as "Ewokian Stew with Deep-Fried Gungan Eyestalks". For this, his recipes garnered a repetuation to be amongstthe most enraging in the known galaxy.
Despite their oddity, these dishes are quite popular among wealthier Hutts, some of whom are even willing to pay for Changretta’s outings in search for even more unorthodox meals. And as rare as it happens, both the Republic and the Empire agree on one thing — that his creations are absolutely revolting. However, the Republic is relatively lenient, with its publishing houses working day and night, altering his recipes to make them well-adjusted for a “more civilized age”, while the Empire has declared them as "an utmost vile assault on any sentient being’s taste buds" and vows to persecute anyone caught with a copy accordingly. Though that is yet to stop these daring souls that go further beyond in expanding this gastronomic novelty, even if the in order to gain Changretta's favour is a always a cost that most pay with their life.
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Character(s): Krassus Horuset
Ozil Kaldon
Corporate War-Lord
Description: Ozil Kaldon previously served as the representative of Nam'ta Secundus before President Ralter's disbanding of the Confederate Government. He had served in this role for the past seven years of his life, before that he was CEO of the Kaldon Industrial Group [K.I.G] , a massive corporate conglomerate which held a monopoly over much of the Confederacy's pre-war ore mining, gas refining and shipbuilding industries. With the corporation competing with both Barracas Industries and various smaller competitors for full de-facto control over the industrial moon of Nam'ta Secundus. A business conflict that has since become political and now military with the K.I.G's private army waging war in the name of the Pro-Imperial faction.
Despite this current allegiance to the Empire however, Ozil Kaldon has had a reputation of being a true capitalist and a massive political opportunist. Having voted for just as many Pro-Republic as Pro-Empire legislatory proposals in his time as representative. Basing his voting habits entirely on which side's gain stood to profit his family's corporation the most. After all one of the primary reasons he found himself in the Pro-Imperial camp of this crisis to begin with was because president Ralter offered the contract to fabricate and construct the buildings of the highly divisive Imperial Garrison to the K.I.G, causing him to vote in favor of its construction.
Before his political stint he held almost all offices imaginable in the Kaldon Industrial conglomerate, from management positions to sales and finance. Even spending a chunk of his career in corporate acquisition where the Kaldon Conglomerate through shrewd business dealings with buy out smaller, often struggling competing business and either induct them into their Industrial empire or sell them for the sum of their parts for a profit. For what else he is; he is no fool, a true financial mogul and a charming socialite with a reputation of enjoying the 'finer' things in life.
Now however he styles himself as none of these things, rather he styles himself as a Corporate War-Lord in the pro-Imperial camp. Like many other Nam'tees oligarchs worth their fortune he saw the inevitable fires of war begin to spread throughout the Confederacy and prepared accordingly. Evacuating much of his industrial assets off world while turning his Corporation's security forces into a well armed para-military organisation to defend his territory and take that of his rivals. With Imperial funding, training, equipment and materials however Kaldon was the most successful of them all.
Under his vision Catalyst Security, the private military force belonging to the K.I.G has become a true military force to be reckoned with. Comprised of a core of veteran mercenaries and a host of quickly trained expendable shock infantry supported by heavy weapons bought from the Empire. Catalyst Security continues to grow in operational capability with each passing day, with ongoing rumors that Kaldon may soon be expanding his available manpower through a deal with the Nam'tees ministry of justice to allow him to recruit prisoners into his private army.
Making Kaldon one of the largest and most successful Corporate War Lords of the ongoing civil war. His army carving a bloody swath through the southern industrial lands of Nam'ta Secundus. Taking entire cities and industrial complexes from rebels and corporate competitors. He is on a projected conquer much of the entire moon in the name of the K.I.G and the Empire. Something he will doubtlessly achieve if Imperial military support and funding continues...
Owner: Jan
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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories
The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!
"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."
((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))
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