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The Horuset Overseer Document

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The Horuset Overseer Document

This Document is the official rules and regulation, made by the Horuset Overseers. This is to ensure an Acolyte’s proper education and the maintenance of order, rules have been put in place to establish what can be taught, who can teach and the proper procedures for both punishment and reward.

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The Organisation

The Overseers are split into five positions, shared between the Pentarchy. These five are: The Blademaster, the Overseer of Advancement, the Overseer of Resurgence, the Overseer of Insight and The Lorekeeper. Each report to their respective Sith Masters and come collectively together to form the Horuset Overseers. The communication network used to confer over decisions is the Horuset Overseer Extranet or H.O.E. The general responsibilities of all Overseers, and expectations fulfilled by those in these positions are as follows:

1. They will cooperate with their fellow Overseers to ensure the continued internal function of the branch. This includes organising lessons, organising trials, noting down what the Acolyte’s have learnt and communicating on lesson requests, sharing all information relevant and creating and abiding by Overseer Documentation.

2. They will teach lessons to the Acolytes, an inability or unwillingness to do this will not be tolerated. It is considered for obvious reasons an essential part of the job. 
They will ensure the punishment of those found breaking the rules set out, to maintain Overseerial authority.

The Positions

The Blademaster: The Blademaster as a role, holds domain over all Lightsaber Forms, it’s their approval alone that allows Acolytes to learn any of the 6 Forms.

The Overseer of Advancement: Is the Overseer decided by the Lord of Advancement; Lord Vipion. They represent those responsible for our next generation of scientists, engineers, and medical professionals.

The Overseer of Resurgence: Is the Overseer decided by the Lord of Resurgence; Lord Sarias. They represent those for the logistical functions of the powerbase.

The Overseer of Insight: Is the Overseer decided by the Lord of Insight; Lord Iezkon. They represent those responsible for our next generation of spies and diplomats.

The Lorekeeper: The Lorekeeper as a role, holds ultimate dominion over the teaching and recording over wider history of the galaxy, Empire and the powerbase. They have the power to redact certain entries from the archives from the public view.

The Advisorate: Those who fulfil this role are in a position, with no direct authority but access to the H.O.E. and have been decided to advise, observe and support the operation of the Horuset Overseers. Usually someone of experience.

Internal Regulation

Overseers who do not abide by their duties, are beholden to their individual Sith Master. But as well as to the Horuset Overseers at large, it is considered proper to confer with their Master. But in the case of a total failure of an Overseer in their duties, decided by a majority of the Overseers as representatives of their Lords, in the best interest of the powerbase. Can elect to suspend an Overseer.

Suspension includes:

1. The removal of any authority granted by the Overseers and the banning of the ability to teach Acolytes.

2. A removal from the Overseer Extranet, and therefore the ability to partake in its decisions.

This state will persist until either the Overseer is removed from their position by the Sith Lord in charge of them, or until an arrangement is reached to unsuspend them. This measure is an extreme method to prevent heretical teaching, absentees, the maintenance of order and to ensure failure standards for the Overseers.



Teaching Rules

The Overseers control the teaching of Acolytes. Any lesson, private or public, is permitted by them. This message will be treated with varying levels of scrutiny, depending on what it is that is intended to be taught, who is teaching, if it’s private or public and the reason behind it. This must be given at minimum, a few hours in advance of the time in which you intend to teach to allow it to be processed.

The message must include:

1. What is to be taught?

2. Who is to be taught?

3. The reason as to why it is to be taught, what it is rewarding or intent to be instructed.

Lessons categorised as (Private) for rewards bestowed upon individually chosen Acolytes and (Public) bestowed publicly on the Acolytes at large.

Lesson/Reward Rules
Core Power/Shii Cho Lesson(Private)(Public) Pre-Notification required, from any Overseer.
Adept Power(Public, Private) Pre-Approval required from two Overseers.

(Public) must be announced over holo.
Philosophy/History Lesson (Private) Pre-Approval required by the Lorekeeper. Must provide a detailed account of what will be taught.
Philosophy/History Lesson (Public) Pre-Notification is encouraged, and will be observed and reported upon.
Forbidden Powers Pre-Approval from a majority of Overseers, 3 at minimum.
Secondary Forms Pre-Approval from the Blademaster required.
Vibroblades The Overseers must give approval, with a good reason provided.

Only Household Sith or above can sponsor a Vibroblade.

Replacements are not guaranteed upon their loss or destruction.
Armour Pre-Approval must be given by the Overseers.
Specialised Diets Coordinated with the Overseers at large.
Misc Items. Inform the Overseers. Request case by case contraband exemption.


Punishment comes under a domain of justifiable force. All Sith are entitled to it as a method of correction, especially if the Acolyte in question has acted against them in particular. Yet, not all punishments are considered equally permitted.

There are three categories of punishment:

Minimal Permanent Damage: Punishments delivered without much significant long-term damage, beyond scarring, mentally or physically. These remain entirely within the arsenal of individual Sith.

Severe Permanent Damage: Punishments that involve the removal of limbs, permanent damage to the brain or other organs, anything that will continue to affect them for the rest of their life. These should ideally be permitted by the Overseers and discussed, where possible.

Deadly Force: Something that is likely to kill the Acolyte or make them incapable of becoming Sith. This is a punishment reserved primarily for the Overseers, the Pentarchy Lords and Darth’s of the powerbase.

All three are options on the table for any Sith. The key is to be able to justify it by their actions. If an Acolyte is repeatedly disobedient, insulting and directly violent, the loss of a limb may be considered reasonable without consulting the Overseers.

In the past Acolyte Kylon attempted to kill Apprentice Emlar and was therefore executed for it, by Apprentice Emlar. This is an example of a justifiable use of ‘Deadly Force’ as punishment regardless of their presence within the Overseers. Ideally, the Overseers are conferred with before any extreme punishment but it is not expected in every scenario. You must however be able to justify it fully to the Overseers after inflicting it or face potentially significant punishment.



The Forbidden

These categories are those things the Overseers stand most strongly against. Both powers, people and behaviour towards and by Acolytes. These are matters which will be cracked down upon heavily and punished severely, if done without Overseer permission.

Forbidden Powers

These are a new category of powers, expressly forbidden from use in Acolyte hands. Any Acolyte found in their practice will be punished for using them and their teachers may be additionally, and harshly punished. To teach them is to require the permission of at least 3 Overseers.

These include at present:
Force Lightning
Sorcery (Beyond Ansi Niti and Soti Asarsi)
Alchemy (Beyond Rune Inscription)

Forbidden Teachers

These are the list of those expressly forbidden to teach the Acolyte’s, due to incompetence substantial accusations of heretical behaviour, among other reasons. They may be allowed at a future date, by the Overseers at large.

Those include at present:
Apprentice Nivalis
Neophyte Xulia Horuset
Apprentice Mayaz

No longer forbidden:
Apprentice Veilak

Forbidden Behaviours

These should be obvious, under our many documents on etiquette, but these are the most expressly forbidden interactions, between Acolytes and the Sith. These will be punished heavily upon discovery.

Anti-Imperial rhetoric: The spreading of Anti-Imperial ideas, is a punishable crime in the Empire by re-education or death. Those within the Acolyte Pool will be held to similar standards, we will ensure they learn.

Heresy: The practice of the light-side or Jedi teachings. As well as in teachings deemed anti-Sith or anti-traditionalist dogma.

Impure Relationships: Anyone of Human or above are disallowed from sexual activity with Aliens, it is considered a matter of complete disgrace and disgust, sullying yourself completely. Those of Pureblood are additionally forbidden from having relations with humans of impure blood.

Consorting with Sith: It’s forbidden behaviour for both parties to be involved in sexual activity with one's superiors, both will be punished zealously, Acolyte’s are to remain with Acolyte’s, and Apprentice or above are to remain with Sith.


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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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