31-10-2023, 08:53 PM
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Priority cresh mission briefing
The faceplate of the Sith Logistician appeared in view.
A trade deal has been set up with a broker of old Zakuul tech, a set of industrial mixers used as the final ingredient for the production of bacta, close the deal, and bring home the equipment. The deal has been set up on the Cargo vessel HLR-234534-3354, Neophyte Zravia see it done. Sith leader: Neophyte Zravia, Logistics branch
Location: Space.
OOC Location: Upto the GM, I recommend the Rishi ship or fleet stronghold.
Primary objective: Seal the deal.
Party size: The party size is to be set by the mission lead.
Reach out to the mission lead to sign up for this task.
Assets are NOT to be earned or taken in these, they are not meant to be for accumulating stuff. Maybe some money and little trophies might be gained but never anything large.