25-09-2023, 04:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 18-10-2023, 03:59 PM by Rhysand Sekker.)
Sith Sorcery
The Premise
Originally made by Ahandra/Rik and Razia/Luca, this is an OOC guide to Sith Sorcery & Kizia and progress in House Horuset, and as such, is not to be taken as an IC document that one could access. It has recently been looked over and revised by Hazlem/Aodh and a collection of other Sorcerers from within the Guild and has so been updated and adjusted, to better fit and reflect how Sith Sorcery functions within House Horuset.
The images below are pathways on the progression of Sith Sorcery and Kizia. These 'skill trees' divide the different abilities/rituals into rough categories and accomplishments a Sorcerer should be at before attempting the next stages. Below the images is an entry on each ability, outlining what school of sorcery it belongs to, whether it is an incantation or a ritual, its difficulty (Out of five) if it's a forbidden ability in the empire and a brief description.
It is divided into five different categories per difficulty level:
- Acolyte: Everyone has to start somewhere. The powers of the Acolyte level are, in general, the first steps towards exploring the mysteries of Sith Sorcery. They are often simple to comprehend and to execute, but almost always form the fundamentals for the more advanced powers. These are not accessible to Acolytes, merely equal to a regular Acolyte Power in difficulty.
- Apprentice: Through diligence and practice, the Apprentice level of power is achieved. These powers are more intricate and detailed than their colleagues from a tier below and require more discipline. Yet, many of these powers are still relatively simple in their use. More often than not, they tend to 'click' in the mind after extensive practice, making it possible to turn them into a second nature. So, where they might be challenging for new Sorcerers, these powers can still be perceived as a piece of cake for the more experienced wielders of the dark arts. The same disclaimer applies for the Apprentice level as it does for the Acolyte level.
- Advanced: Advanced-level powers are mostly reserved for the Sorcerers who have truly taken Sith Sorcery to heart and have dedicated themselves through extensive study and training. These powers require a strong, stable foundation of knowledge and skill, and are without a doubt far more complex and potentially dangerous than the two tiers below. Yet, where there is more danger and dedication required, there is more power to be found.
- Expert: This tier encroaches that of the true masters, but falls just short. Under its umbrella, a great number of extremely dangerous, extremely potent powers can be found. Every last one of these possibly requires years of training and study, but there can be no doubt about the result once mastered: It is astonishing. Most of the abilities and rituals here have to be performed in a group and require preparation or even a certain set of items. Do not take any of these powers lightly, ever.
- Master: Achieving the master tier is incomprehensible for most who devote decades to Sorcery. Its powers are the sparks that create legends, and its practitioners are Demi-Gods amongst Sith. If not for the unmistakable proof that they have been performed in the past, and can be performed in the present, many would write these rituals off as myth and fiction. But it is possible. All of it. Some of it is forbidden, but all of it requires decades of training, dedication, blood, sweat and tears. But if one does manage to perform such an awe-inspiring feat... They can be assured of a place amongst history's greatest.
The way that Sith Sorcery will be presented on your ability sheets will be a little different from the rest of your powers and skills. A spoiler can be added below the sheet named 'Character Name's Sorcerous Tome'. Within this spoiler, you'd make a small table that lists the technique, the sub-sets of techniques you can do with it, and your character's skill with the ability graded on a scale of 1, 2, and 3, with 3, equal to the rest of ability progression. In the spoiler below is a short example.
We hope this all serves you well and of course, represents our view on the complexity and paths through the Schools of Sith sorcery. Any and all questions and inquiries about this document and its contents are welcome privately and can be answered there.
Spoiler: Character Name's Sorcerous Tome
Sorcerous Ability | Proficiency |
School of Preserving | Apprentice |
Ansi Ntii | 3 |
Soti Asarsi | - |
Channel: Amulet | 3 |
Channel: Nexus | 3 |
Channel: Syphon | 3 |
Rite of Scrying | 1 |
Muiai | 2 |
School of Mending | Apprentice |
Tnimi | 3 |
Dispel Ward | 1 |
School of Summoning | Apprentice |
Sorcerous Blast | 3 |
Conjure Wisp | 3 |
School of Binding | Apprentice |
Project Emotion | 3 |
Aura of Uneasiness | 2 |
School of Preserving
Tier I - Acolyte
Spoiler: Ansi Niti
Ansi Niti
Basic Name: Meditative Peak
Difficulty: o - - - -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
Ansi Niti describes the exact moment that a Sith reaches a climax during their channelling mediation. It is the ultimate way to turn wrath, ill intent and raw emotions into pure energy. Your very being is fixated on gathering that energy, to prepare you for any and all tasks at hand. When a Sith reaches Ansi Niti, they are at their strongest. With such energy at their fingertips, it has to be either released from the body or allowed to slowly dispersed in a controlled way through more meditation. If this is not done properly, the build-up of energy will pose a significant risk to the health of its host. This may lead to a feeling of nausea, exhaustion, internal bleeding or even signs of Corruption sickness.
Spoiler: Soti Asarsi
Soti Asarsi
Basic Name: Sorcerous Channelling
Difficulty: o - - - -
Casting Time: Ritual/Reactive
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
Basic Name: Sorcerous Channelling
Difficulty: o - - - -
Casting Time: Ritual/Reactive
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
Soti Asarsi describes the mental and physical 'high' that an Alchemist or Sorcerer experiences when channelling the unrefined energy of the dark side. It is this 'high' that makes Alchemy and Sorcery so addictive to its practitioners. In both Alchemy and Sorcery the practitioner's own energy is often not enough to perform the various techniques and so Soti Asarsi was developed. This technique teaches the practitioner how to channel the power of external forces, such as Amulets, Siphons or a Dark Side Nexus. With such energy at their fingertips, it has to be either released from the body or allowed to be slowly dispersed in a controlled way through more meditation. If this is not done properly, the build-up of energy will pose a significant risk to the health of its host. This may lead to a feeling of nausea, exhaustion, internal bleeding or even signs of Corruption sickness. Soti Asarsi can be a ritual in the case of transferring significant power, but it can also be a relatively quick reaction - such as drawing power from an amulet in order to empower a use of Force Augmentation - though drawing on such things is likely to corrupt the individual doing so over-time.
Spoiler: Muiai
Basic Name: Sorcerous Deflection
Difficulty: o o - - -
Casting Time: Action/Reaction
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
Basic Name: Sorcerous Deflection
Difficulty: o o - - -
Casting Time: Action/Reaction
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
A simple yet effective technique that acts as the gateway into far greater defensive spells and rituals. The ability is named after the spoken incantation of 'Muiai' which translates to 'Deflection' in basic. In the early stages of this incantation, it reinforces the pre-existing force barrier around the practitioner. This form of the ability requires an action to use. When someone advances their skill however a visible shield of sorcerous energy would be conjured, commonly around the palms of the practitioner, and redirect force and energy-based attacks back to their origin. This takes only a reaction. This incantation is never a complete nullification, but a skilled Sorcerer specialised in the School of Preserving will get very close.
Tier II - Apprentice
Spoiler: Rite of Scrying
Rite of Scrying
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o - - -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
The force hides a great many secrets that can be unravelled through deep concentration. Scrying is the act of focusing on these secrets through deep meditation. The user will systematically sift through every last bit of information the force provides them with, thus forming an accurate, detailed understanding of what they have been focused on. Scrying can be used to unravel the mysteries of a relic, sense someone's state of mind or even locate someone or something from far off.
Spoiler: Arsiatjiza
Basic Name: Sorcerous Lucidity
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Action
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
Many Sith are accustomed to a Mental Barrier. It protects against a great many threats, but against mentalist powers drawing from Sorcery such as Qazoi it fares less effectively, and against Sorcerous Illusions it fares not at all. Arsiatjiza fares excellently against Sorcerous Mentalism and sub-optimally against mundane mentalism, and although it cannot dispel a Sorcerous Illusion it can combat the direct effects of them - such as feelings of heat or pain from an illusion of fire, or a sensation of choking from an illusion of smoke. It can also protect against attempts by spirits and other apparitions to possess an individual. It is a shield of the mind, for the mind, is created by focusing your energy. Of course, a sufficiently powerful or extended attack can break it just as with any other barrier. Arsiatjiza can be used upon another, but only a single person at a time, leaving the user undefended unless they are using a mental barrier - and using both is a taxing prospect.
Tier III - Advanced
Spoiler: Irdziyi
Basic Name: Sorcerous Containment
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
Irdziyi is named for the use it was originally intended for. To contain and force a cursed object or individual to remain dormant. This ward would be conjured over a pre-existing curse through a minor ritual and effectively prevented the curse from being activated even when its set conditions were triggered. Since then, however, skilled Sorcerers focused on the School of Preservation have discovered a small alteration in the ritual to conjure a ward that protected a curse instead of containing it, in return for weakening the power of the curse. Effectively adding a second layer of defence.
Spoiler: Spell of Concealment
Spell of Concealment
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Action
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
Those proficient in Aura spells can learn how to mask the presence of a great many individuals in and through the force. A more powerful form of Dampen Presence, Spell of Concealment requires the constant focus of a caster and completely erases the user’s force presence - though this is very obvious to users of Force Sight. Just like Dampen Presence, this also dampens the sound of footsteps and blurs the outlines of one's silhouette. This is intensified to the degree that it is outright difficult to focus on a user of the technique for any extended period of time. Unlike Dampen Presence you can continue to use the force while employing this spell, though doing so is often exhausting.
Spoiler: Create Curse
Create Curse
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
The art of creating curses to protect artefacts of great power from falling into the wrong hands or weakening your foes goes back to the times of King Adas. Creating a curse is a relatively simple technique but requires a deep understanding of how the Force flows around yourself and others as well as the uninterrupted time to perform it. The Sorcerer is to focus on an object and connect with their presence in the Force, as minuscule as they may be, once done the practitioner is to set a condition and effect. The more specific and involved a curse’s triggers are the more potent its effects - a curse triggered exceptionally easily is unlikely to do very much, while one that requires specific circumstances and effort to trigger will do far more. Approaching a cursed object often causes a sense of foreboding in the individual. Curses can be lessened in impact by force resistance, but typically only in very minor ways unless the individual is significantly more powerful than the weaver of the curse (over four dice). Inflicting any severe curse on a player's character requires escalation or consent.
- Blindness - A curse could damage the eyesight of a victim if a cursed mask is picked up and worn, then determined as unworthy by the creator of the mask’s instructions.
- Deafness - A curse could create a constant, severe tinnitus for reading aloud a cursed tablet without sufficient Sith blood.
- Confusion - A curse could rob an individual of their sense of direction for a few days if they touch a decorative gargoyle at a certain point in the tomb.
- Loss of Motor Control - A curse could rob you of fine motor skills in your hands if a set of cursed manacles are applied to you until they are removed.
Cursing the Body
Inflicting a curse upon an individual is a difficult task as the flow of force throughout a living being is far more complex than that of an object. To do so requires more time, more energy and more siphons, a demand that only draws more severe when the target is Force-sensitive. Inflicting such a curse requires access to the individual for the ritual's length. The subject will invariably become aware that something of the dark side has fallen over them, albeit probably not exactly what unless they are a skilled sorcerer themselves.Tier IV - Expert
Spoiler: Arsuttihci Dikwa
Arsuttihci Dikwa
Basic Name: Disruption Field
Difficulty: o o o o o
Casting Time: Charged
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
No school of Sorcery has ever been closer to the Alchemical arts than Preserving - it interacts with it and especially with countering it deeply. The Disruption Field is a skill honed by Sorcerers of old to counteract alchemical threats on a less permanent, but more versatile basis than its predecessor Irdziyi. The Field disrupts force potency given firm structure in real space, but will not disrupt less defined forms like wisps, or less complex ones like Spears of Darkness. It projects a spherical field of roughly three metres in radius around its user, occupying their focus almost entirely as it does so. This field nullifies force-imbued objects and their effects so long as they express power in the force weaker than the user’s, otherwise, the field merely lessens the effects of the object. This works on both dark, neutral and Light-sided artefacts. It can also be used to dispel Sorcerous Illusions if they pass within the radius of the ability, again so long as the user is stronger than the one they are attempting to counter.Spoiler: Kota Mitina
Kota Mitina
Basic Name: Sorcerous Bulwark
Difficulty: o o o o -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
The Force's version of a ray shield. The wall barrier does exactly what it says: Forming a solid wall to wall off an area against any physical forces that seek to penetrate it. This type of power requires an active power source. As such, it has to be channelled continuously or sap off the power of an amulet or residual force power. This ability can be undone via the use of Dispel Ward, or by finding a hidden weak spot or puzzle solution. For example, two hidden crystals which, when drained via Soti Asarsi, cause the bulwark to fall.
Tier V - Master
Spoiler: Create Greater Curse
Create Greater Curse
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o o
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
Some sorcerers grow powerful enough to weave curses of terrifying power, the form of which might dissuade an enemy from even attempting to step upon their grounds. The more specific and involved a curse’s triggers are the more potent its effects - a curse triggered exceptionally easily is unlikely to do very much, while one that requires specific circumstances and effort to trigger will do far more. Approaching a cursed object often causes a sense of foreboding in the individual. Curses can be lessened in impact by force resistance, but typically only in very minor ways unless the individual is significantly more powerful than the weaver of the curse (over four dice). Inflicting any severe curse on a player's character requires escalation or consent. Any inanimate object that a Higher Curse is placed upon must be of considerable value, lest it decay under the weight of the dark side.
- Insanity - A curse could cause an emotional instability and unnatural attachment to a ring once worn, this grows in severity over time but is difficult to part with.
- Catatonia - A curse could force you into a permanent catatonic state tormented by visions of terror if you attempt to break open the casket of an ancient illusionist.
- Mental Conditioning - A curse could compel you to spend several weeks constructing a shrine in the memory of an ancient Sith Lord if you come into contact with an altar in his tomb.
- Necromancy - A curse could force you into endless servitude in life and after that death if you were forced to wear a set of ceremonial chains.
Cursing the Blood
School of Mending
Tier I - Acolyte
Spoiler: Tnimi
Basic Name: Sorcerous Mending
School: Mending
Level: Acolyte
Difficulty: o - - - -
Casting Time: Charged
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
The logical first step for any and all practitioners of the School of Mending. Tnimi is a simple, yet effective way of healing simple wounds. It can best be described as a method that ‘welds’ the upper layers of skin back together. Avulsions, cuts and shallow wounds can all be easily cured as a result. Deep cuts, puncture wounds or other injuries that penetrate deep into the skin might not be fixed by Tnimi, as internal bleeding may continue. The treatment leaves a distinct burn mark, often in the shape of the hand of the practitioner. This rarely becomes a scar, however. Tnimi is best used if one can absorb energy from a good source. If this is not taken into account, the user will feel drained and exhausted afterwards. The corruption inflicted by being healed by Tnimi can be significant for non-force sensitives.
Tier II - Apprentice
Spoiler: Tumora Dotitsi
Tumora Dotitsi
Basic Name: Focused Healing
Difficulty: o o - - -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
Where Tnimi focuses on mending the upper layers of the skin, Tumora Dotisi focuses on everything underneath it. Deep stab wounds, internal bleeding or severe puncture wounds often leave serious internal damage that could be fatal if no action is taken. Tumora Dotisi is a good solution in such cases. Through deep channelling meditation, intense focus and the usage of vast amounts of energy, the practitioner will systematically begin to stitch each and every fibre of the unfortunate victim back together, both on the inside and the outside. The whole process is incredibly lengthy, and could potentially last several hours. Throughout this period, the individual being stitched will have to remain awake to aid the process. The whole ordeal is incredibly painful- but also life-saving. This healing is also highly corruptive - especially upon non-force users.
Spoiler: Dispel Ward
Dispel Ward
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o - - -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
Sorcerous Wards, much like any other form of Force Barrier, can be destroyed with enough force, yet this brutish process risks damaging the protected object or individual. To prevent this, the Kissai of old produced a minor ritual that allowed the sorcerer to dispel such protections through intense deep meditation in search of the weak spot of the barrier, usually the source of its power and slowly siphoning its power away, effectively removing the ward without damaging the protected object or person. The more skill a sorcerer possesses with this ritual, the more complex wards can be dispelled in this fashion.
Tier III - Advanced
Spoiler: Sotizi
Basic Name: Sorcerous Cleansing
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
Sotizi is the perfect method to restore what once was. Its name means ‘Cleansing’ in High Sith, and that is precisely what it does. It alters the very being of an organic, reverting their cells to a state before their current state. It requires immense focus and energy, and can seldom achieve its goals in a single session. Even more notably, Sotizi cannot function without exchange - something must be given in exchange for what is gained. A limp being healed might require the legs of several living captives, for example. But with enough time, patience and dedication, it has the potential to almost completely heal old wounds and scars. Removing a limp, effectively restoring the usefulness of a disabled limb again, curing poison or disease, or making a horrid scar fade away entirely and restoring the skin to its original smoothness are all well within the realm of possibility with this ability. Repeated casts of Sotizi can temporarily extend one’s lifespan, though it becomes a race between Sotizi’s restoration and the corruption incurred by it. Sotizi is able to heal such threats as Sith Poison and Force Plague.
Spoiler: Dispel Curse
Dispel Curse
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Charged (First Method), Ritual (Second Method)
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
What can be created can also be destroyed. Where the creation of curses can only be done in one way, the removal of curses can be done in two ways. The first method requires knowledge of the particular curse that has been placed and allows the sorcerer to delve into the force to disperse the trigger effect. This won't truly remove the curse but will render it incapable of activating. The second method takes many hours of deep meditation during which the sorcerer slowly but surely siphons the power of the curse, effectively removing it in full. This technique can only dispel a single lower curse at a time, and it may struggle to dispel the curse of a more powerful Sith.
Spoiler: Unbind Force Apparition
Unbind Force Apparition
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
The various apparitions and ghost-like entities that roam the galaxy are made entirely out of force energy. More often than not, they borrow this energy from a nexus or powerful source in the force. Unbinding apparition focuses on pulling that energy apart through the force, effectively dispersing the apparition you target. This should render them incapable for a while, forcing them to fade away until they can morph back into their original forms. This specific ability aims to disperse weaker apparitions such as Fragments and Wisps. These apparitions are barely sentient, and often weak as it is. Despite this fact, latching on to their energy and pulling it apart is still a significant task.
Tier IV - Expert
Spoiler: Nirizi Udnizitsia
Nirizi Udnizitsia
Basic Name: Sever Bonds
Difficulty: o o o o -
Casting Time: Charged
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
While those who place their studies within the scope of the ancient art's healing will have experienced using the gifts of the Dark Side to manipulate and shape the flesh of their victims, to restore their bodies to a state free from injury, the technique of Nirizi Udnizitsia exploits this experience to inflict harm instead. Unravelling the bonds that keep healthy tissue in place, the practitioner will be able to cause damage that renders limbs inoperable, causes organs to fail, or - in severe cases - the afflicted areas to decompose and fall from the owner's body. To do so requires at least a round of focus, and also requires contact between the user’s hand and the target’s body. It can be blocked by Muiai or a Muiai-infused Barrier, or lessened via Force Resistance.
Tier V - Master
Spoiler: Nitpi Arumoni
Nitpi Arumoni
Basic Name: Sorcerous Grafting
Difficulty: o o o o o
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
The ultimate proof of healing mastery: Sorcerous Grafting is an extremely difficult, time-consuming ritual that only the very best of healers can hope to achieve. Through careful planning, this power has the potential to reattach limbs or organs that were once lost, except the heart and brain. One requires a donor limb or organ, however - one that is similar in composition as their old one. For example, a Pureblood with primarily Kissai ancestry will have to find a limb of an individual who shares a similar ancestry. Once such a donor item is obtained, the difficult ritual begins. The sorcerer will require at least four siphons or another powerful source of energy. Using said energy, they will change the composition of the donor limb and attune it to the target by latching on to their presence in the force. The arm will morph into something incredibly close to the original lost limb. Then, it is attached to the target who will then have to rest for several days. Unlike a cybernetic prosthesis, the new limb will be able to channel the force and act as a true part of your body and unlike a transplanted organ, a grafted one will have little chance of rejection. However, if the ritual is not carried out perfectly, the new organ or limb might be prone to corruption sickness - and the body is likely to be corrupted considerably regardless.
Spoiler: Dispel Greater Curse
Dispel Greater Curse
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o o
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
When a sorcerer reaches this level of competency with the dispelling of curses, they will now be more capable of performing rituals to remove the more complex curses. However, the more complex or dangerous the curse, the more ritualists and potentially specialised amulets will be required to fully dispel such a curse. A single mistake will have the curse activate on you instead.
Spoiler: Unbind Greater Apparition
Unbind Greater Apparition
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o o
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
To unbind a Greater Apparition is a daunting task indeed. Greater Apparitions, such as Banshees and Entombed Guardians are terrifying phantasms that outright refuse to die. More often than not, they are sentient, cunning and filled with malice and purpose. They will easily recognize your attempt to unbind them, and will almost certainly fight back. However, if a practitioner does manage to reach this level of competence, they will find themselves capable of permanently destroying lesser and ordinary apparitions.
School of Summoning
Tier I - Acolyte
Spoiler: Conjure Wisp
Conjure Wisp
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o - - - -
Casting Time: Action (If Already Charged), Ritual (If Not)
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
A Wisp is a leftover product of a Kizia ritual. When the energy of a Sith Amulet is absorbed by the wielder, it has to be used or it will damage the wielder from the inside. An effective way to get rid of excessive energy is to create a ‘Wisp’. The energy is cast out of the body and clutters together, forming a coloured ball of energy. It will eventually burn out and disappear altogether. Wiisps sometimes appear in tombs, where they are the result of excessive residual Force presence. Creating one is the logical first step when a practitioner of the arcane wishes to familiarise themselves with how it feels to create.
Wisps do provide a small amount of coloured light and can be bound permanently into torches so long as the locale they are bound within is either within a nexus or has been constructed according to the ancient architectural channelling arts of the Sith. Wisps are unstable constructs and burn the flesh when they come into contact with it, though they move too slowly and in too disorganised a manner to be used in combat. They do wicker and gutter around greater Force presences, however, and thus give away hidden force users or force-based traps if in close proximity.
Tier II - Apprentice
Spoiler: Sorcerous Blast
Sorcerous Blast
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o - - -
Casting Time: Charged
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
Sorcerous Blast is the first step of tapping into the destructive potential of Sith Sorcery & Kizia. The practitioner is to channel the unrefined energy of the dark side in the palm of their hands until it is almost impossible to control its volatile nature. When the sphere has been conjured properly the unrefined energy will slowly eat away at the skin and flesh of the practitioner, leaving burn marks. The longer the practitioner waits the more powerful it will become, while also severely damaging the user’s hand and increasing the potential for it to explode in their hand, likely blowing their arm off if not killing them outright - and corrupting them deeply if they survive.
The sphere, which is roughly the size of the hand, will not fire until the incantation of 'Mnaiaza' is spoken out loud. Sorcerous Blast is extremely destructive - capable of blowing limbs off in weaker users and shredding bodies in those who are stronger in the Dark Side. Be warned, however, as with all Sorcerous and Alchemical practices, if the technique is performed without possessing the large quantities of unrefined energy required for it, it will drain the practitioner instantly of their physical and force energy.
Tier III - Advanced
Spoiler: Odojinya
Basic Name: Sorcerous Web
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Action (Smaller-Scale), Charged (Larger)
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
A technique commonly used by the Kissai of old when the Massassi managed to get to them in melee range. This incantation allowed the practitioner to physically manifest strands of pure dark side energy to block a sword or bind a foe. The Sorcerer was to speak the incantation whilst weaving quick and precise lashes with their fingers to manifest these dark side lattices around or in front of the target. It can be used on a smaller scale in applications such as a lasso or sword block, or it can be used on larger scales such as full-body restraints. Its effects are weakened by force resistance and it can be rebuffed with barriers, though most are sub-optimal with the exception of Muiai.
Spoiler: Conjure Vile Voices
Conjure Vile Voices
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
Vile voices or ‘Zuchura’ are a defence measure often found in the tombs of the ancients. They are semi-sentient entities that are stuck to a certain place, as they have to be fueled by a source of power. That fact is also the most important aspect of conjuring one. The sorcerer has to attach them to such a source of power. This can be a corpse of a powerful fallen force user, a stash of amulets or even just the residual force power of an area. The Zuchura itself is created when the caster manifests their ill-intent and malice through the force. An important thing to remember is that the caster themselves need to stay focused while doing this so that their minds remain shielded against the very thing they create. The Vile voices respect power, however, and will more often than not obey their creator.
Tier IV - Expert
Spoiler: Sutta Chwituskak
Sutta Chwituskak
Basic Name: Spear of Midnight Black
Difficulty: o o o o -
Casting Time: Action
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
By combining the destructive power of a Force Blast with the physical manifestation and control of Odojinya and adding a fourth aspect you get something entirely new. Sutta Chwituskak is an incantation that allows the Sorcerer to conjure a spear from pure rage and hatred in physical form. This manifestation of pure dark side energy of rage and hatred could be used like any other spear, but was commonly thrown due to the large quantities of energy it requires to be maintained. When the spear connects with the target the victim would have the Sorcerer's rage and hatred seep into them, making them susceptible to the dark side itself. The Spear bears a point honed from the Dark Side itself and is thus massively effective as an armour (or barrier) piercing weapon. Even Muiai only fares well against this weapon when the defender is stronger than the attacker.
Spoiler: Conjure Fragment
Conjure Fragment
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
Speaking to those who have left the mortal coil has been a sought-after skill since the dawn of sentient life in the galaxy. The possibilities are endless. One could find the truth behind a murder and solve the case for example, or use the knowledge from the past for more selfish goals. After finding a Force Imprint on an object, a Sorcerer may wish to turn it into a Fragment Apparition. These mistakes of nature can be conjured by channelling a significant amount of energy into the Imprint, causing it to project a visual representation of its contents: The Fragment. These fragments are difficult to talk to, and can be quite... upsetting. So beware!
Tier V - Master
Spoiler: Dark Side Tendrils
Dark Side Tendrils
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o o
Casting Time: Charged [2 rounds of charge] (Nexus), Ritual (In Darkness)
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
A technique that is exceptionally powerful and difficult to conjure, control and maintain. The Sorcerer would conjure a black mist from which large tendrils of pure dark side energy would manifest. These tendrils would lash out at everything and everyone around them, instantly annihilating any form of matter it comes in contact with, even the most powerful of concentrated force barriers are commonly not enough to protect against it. The tendrils also absorb lightning on contact. This technique is incredibly taxing on the body, soul and mind of the Sorcerer. This ability can be used optimally only in a dark sided nexus, though with a more involved ritual it can be summoned in dark areas such as unlit caves or tombs. Even a brief moment of interrupted concentration while using this ability will almost invariably result in the user’s death as they are reduced to nothing by the energies they control. Any usage of this technique is immensely corruptive.
Spoiler: Invoke Spirit
Invoke Spirit
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o o
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: Yes
This ritual is the closest our characters will ever be able to get to Forcewalking. The Sorcerer can, through an extensive ritual and knowledge of the deceased, summon the spirit of a Sith long gone. To be interacting with a Sith Spirit means that you're interacting with a Sith of the highest calibre. The Ritualist is to form a 'contract' with the spirit and set conditions under which they may agree to lend their strength to the requesting Sorcerer. The Spirit might still choose not to accept the contract, deny to offer their strength despite the contract or even attack their summoner, Sorcerers often choose to summon the spirit of their ancestor to increase their odds. Once a contract has been forged with the spirit, the Sorcerer will then be capable of summoning their contracted spirit through a contractual incantation to request their power for any one spell or ritual.
School of Binding
Tier I - Acolyte
Spoiler: Project Emotion
Project Emotion
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o - - - -
Casting Time: Action
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
Every living being possesses an aura around them in which their emotions roam free. Most individuals do not have true control over which are revealed and which aren't and more often than not Sith choose to simply dampen their presence instead. To actively project one or multiple emotions however is a must for those more politically inclined. To project your anger, hatred and rage to make those oblivious to your body language aware of the danger they're in. Or to project your fears to help others understand your experiences when words or body language alone isn't enough. Or even to project false emotions to lead others astray from your true intentions.
Tier II - Apprentice
Spoiler: Aura of Uneasiness
Aura of Uneasiness
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o - - -
Casting Time: Action
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
A technique that allows the practitioner to faintly touch the minds of living beings through their projected aura. This allows the Sorcerer to twist their minds just enough to instil a sense of unease into their hearts and dissuade them from coming to the source of the aura. This technique is most effective against lesser minds like those of beasts. But those who are sentient would experience nausea and find it hard to concentrate properly. The effect of this does not taunt an individual towards you, but instead makes you actively harder to focus on and deeply unpleasant to be around. This ability cannot merely be shrugged off by force of will, though it can be defended against by Mental Barrier, and especially by Arsiatjiza.
Spoiler: False Light-Side Aura
False Light-Side Aura
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Action
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
A technique commonly seen amongst those who seek to use the arcane for infiltration. This spell allows the practitioner to alter the flow of the Force of their own presence to mimic the aura of a Force User attuned to the Light Side of the Force. To project this false aura requires temporarily suppressing one’s Dark-Sided presence, and thus Dark-Sided abilities may not be used without breaking the aura.
Spoiler: Project Illusion
Project Illusion
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o - - -
Casting Time: Action
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
The first step into the realm of perception-altering techniques. The projections of minor illusions would have the Sorcerer manipulate the flow of the force, concentrating a pocket of energy to fuel illusions. Contrary to the standard illusion practised by various Sith across the stars, the Sorcerous illusion is not just smoke and mirrors. Due to its genuine presence in the Force, it cannot only be sensed by the victim, it can also be seen by multiple individuals at once. This small illusion, often something subtle like a changing appearance of an object already there, a door opening that isn't opening, a knife being pulled on you from the corners of your eyes. A good illusionist knows to keep their art small, subtle and believable.
A victim can resist by being stronger in sense or perception than the illusionist. An illusion must be believable, once a victim realises they are looking at an illusion, it doesn't just disappear, for it is anchored in an actual force presence. However, the illusion becomes translucent, odd, uncanny and obviously fake, as if one is staring at a mirage. It can be dismantled by the presence of an Arsuttihci Dikwa, Tutaminis or fully seen through using Force Sight or Force Perception.
Tier III - Advanced
Spoiler: Summon Fear
Summon Fear
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Charged
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
A Sith Spell similar, yet not quite like the more common Force Fear and its advanced variants. Where Force Fear is used in two ways. The first is to draw out a primal, random sense of fear. The second requires the practitioner to know the target's fear and project that into their minds specifically. Through the use of Summon Fear, however, the spell would automatically seek out the target's most absolute fear and project it into their minds without the requirement of having to know what it is yourself. To use this spell, the Sorcerer must weave a set of Sith Runes in the air as a focal point through which the power is channelled. The longer it was channelled the more life-like the horrors became. Results of this powerful technique range from inducing insanity, pushing the target into a seizure, and having their bodies go in a coma-like state whilst what remains of their minds are tormented for all of eternity and even death is a possibility if exposed long enough.
Spoiler: Waves of Darkness
Waves of Darkness
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o -
Casting Time: Charged (Inside a Nexus), Ritual (Outside of a Nexus)
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
To be capable of using this ancient spell, the Sorcerer must have bathed in the very essence of the dark side. When using this technique the Sorcerer would call upon the full scope of negative emotions from their centre of being. These dark emotions would then be given physical form as they manifested in literal waves of pitch-black darkness in a spherical aura around them. The very air and ground would grow thick in Dark-Sided energy as it was immersed in darkness, this was then accompanied by sounds of roaring thunder. This aura, the waves and thunder kept on expanding their range as time passed. Those affected by the Waves of Darkness were tormented by whispers of the dark side and experienced intense confusion, pain, horror, despair and eventually utter hopelessness. Additionally, Force Users attuned to the Light Side of the Force would experience their connection to the Light being smothered. The potency of this spell even caused machines and droids to go haywire at higher levels of skill. The Waves of this ability typically wash over a 10-metre diameter, before expanding to one of 30 metres.
Spoiler: Bind Force Apparition
Bind Force Apparition
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
What can be dispelled, can also be captured. The force entities of the galaxy appear in a great many different shapes and sizes, but all are anchored to the mortal coil in one way or another. Bind Apparition focuses on finding a way to capture, enthral or chain an apparition in order to make it do your bidding, prevent it from disappearing or simply make it guard a place of your choice. Lesser apparitions can be bound through this power. The user finds something to tether the apparition: An object important to them, a power source or sometimes the sheer willpower of the caster itself. This ability binds the lesser half of the apparition types.
Spoiler: Project Greater Illusion
Project Major Illusion
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o - -
Casting Time: Charged
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
The next step into the realm of perception-altering powers gets you closer to reality-bending illusions. At this level of skill of illusory abilities, you have grown more experienced and skilled in the manipulation of the force that travels through the brain of the target. You will now be able to trick up to four bodily senses at once with your illusions. To create an illusory duplicate of yourself? It's possible. To delve into the mind of another as they dream and twist aspects of it to your liking? Harder, but within the realm of possibility at this level of illusions. This skill can produce illusions as far away as 40 metres. A Major Illusion can be bound in one location permanently using a runic circle of specific composition, as long as it has a fuel source such as a nexus or amulet.
A victim can resist by being stronger in sense or perception than the illusionist. An illusion must be believable, once a victim realises they are looking at an illusion, it doesn't just disappear, for it is anchored in an actual force presence. However, the illusion becomes translucent, odd, uncanny and obviously fake, as if one is staring at a mirage. It can be dismantled by the presence of an Arsuttihci Dikwa or fully seen through using Force Sight or Force Perception, but not Tutaminis.
Tier IV - Expert
Spoiler: Qazoi Kyantuska
Qazoi Kyantuska
Basic Name: Suppress Thought
Difficulty: o o o o -
Casting Time: Charged
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
Qâzoi Kyantuska is a technique that is incredibly difficult to detect being used since there were no incantations or hand gestures needed to perform this Sith Spell. The Sorcerer would establish a telepathic connection with one or multiple targets and exert their own will over those of the target(s), suppressing the conscious thought of the target(s). The target(s) would be in a hypnotic trance and unable to do anything on their own volition. The Sorcerer could even have the targets end their own lives against their will. Physical contact makes this ability considerably easier to use, as does eye contact.
Spoiler: Hallucinatory Terrain
Hallucinatory Terrain
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o -
Casting Time: Charged (Single-Target), Ritual (Group)
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
This skill is the province of deeply talented illusionists. With it, one can make dramatic changes manifest - such as immersing an individual in a mental landscape of confusing, twisting psychedelic features or projecting an illusionary flight of ships soaring through the sky, or a field of flame which causes those who walk through it to feel pain as though it were very real - albeit without physical harm imparted. Hallucinatory Terrain can be bound in a single location without runic support, so long as it is in a nexus or has an amulet to fuel it.
Tier V - Master
Spoiler: Possession
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o o
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: Yes
To even attempt to possess someone requires a number of prolonged and extremely taxing rituals to be performed in order to prepare the target's body, mind and spirit one by one to grow accepting of the foreign spirit. Once each of these rituals has been performed and the target is ready to be possessed, the Sorcerer would send part of their own spirit into the target to take control of their body, mind and spirit. Whilst possessing another, the Sorcerer is capable of using their force powers with a decreased level of strength through the possessed body as if they were present themselves. Whilst possessing someone the Sorcerer's own body is extremely vulnerable. Should the Sorcerer attempt to possess more than one target at the same time, they would see their level of control and power diminish even further. And should a third body be attempted to be possessed? the Sorcerer would find their spirit spread so thin that death is only a matter of seconds away. Possession is rarely, if ever, able to last for longer than a week.
Spoiler: Bind Greater Apparition
Bind Greater Apparition
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o o
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: No
Forbidden: No
What can be dispelled, can also be captured. The force entities of the galaxy appear in a great many different shapes and sizes, but all are anchored to the mortal coil in one way or another. Bind Apparition focuses on finding a way to capture, enthral or chain an apparition in order to make it do your bidding, prevent it from disappearing or simply make it guard a place of your choice. Not even the Zuguruk and Kissai of old could create a method that would work a hundred per cent of the time when one plans to Bind a Greater Apparition. A sentient tomb mind or banshee are a fearsome opponent indeed, and often smarter than many a sorcerer who wanders into their habitat. Only a select few have dared to try and bend them to their will, and even fewer have lived to tell the tale. Binding a powerful apparition requires months of planning, a dozen competent siphons and luck. A lot of luck.
Spoiler: Alter Perception of Reality
Alter Perception of Reality
Basic Name: N/A
Difficulty: o o o o o
Casting Time: Ritual
Incantation: Yes
Forbidden: No
Reaching this level of skill as an Illusionist is proof of dedicated practice and mastery over those skills that came before. You are now not merely manipulating the flow of the Force that travels through the brain, but disrupting it completely. Being able to trick all of the target's physical and even Force senses to such a degree that it is nigh impossible to distinguish reality from illusion. It is in this final stage that the Illusionist is capable of inducing physical pain and death through their illusions. It is even possible to affect targets at much greater distances through a ritual provided that the material components have been acquired beforehand.