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15-02-2025 11:13 PM
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Source and Deliver

A holo image of Apprentice Arvanis would appear

'As you know the Imperial war machine has marched through numerous and conquered relentlessly. 
On these war torn worlds lays an opportunity that will benefit the powerbase greatly. In tact farming equipment is left behind by those fleeing from our might, we must repurpose it.'

At that the image fades away

Location: An industrial farm in the rural areas of Orsus (OOC Correlia)

Primary objective: Secure any equipment left behind preferably intact and mark them for extraction. Clear the area of any potential hostiles that might have taken residence there.

Party Size: 2-4

Reward: Apprentices and above may discuss a reward within reason. Acolytes shall receive a piece of armour and Imperial a credit bonus on their paycheck.

(Assets are NOT to be earned or taken in these, they are not meant to be for accumulating stuff. Maybe some money and little trophies might be gained but never anything large.)

Specialist Codri'ir'taitenu signs up

Private Ardeth Valorous signs up

Sgt. Kienix signs his name up.

Operation: Source and Deliver - Report

Mission Brief:
A fairly simple mission, nothing of extreme complexity. The MT (Mission Team) were to locate an industrial farmstead situated in the rural areas of Orsus and secure farming tools. Alongside this, the MT were to clear the area of any potential hostiles that may inhabit the farmstead. For this mission I, after a request from Specialist Codri, granted the Chiss the position of Fireteam Lead, seeing this be her FTL (Fireteam Lead) trial for Corporal.

Mission Team:
Sergeant Kienix, 'Honour' - Imperial Coordinator - Beast Handler
Specialist Codri - Marksman (Fireteam Lead Trial)
Private Valorous - Infantry

Mission Report:

We'd arrive planet-side in the midst of a raging storm that blew over quite a large area. How big it was for certain I couldn't deduce. However, this provided excellent coverage for our shuttle to drop us rather close in proximity to the farmstead, saving us the trek. But this didn't come without its drawbacks. Visibility was very poor and so was audio cues due to the ferocity that nature both threw down upon us and roared over our heads. Specialist Codri had myself and the Private take both the left and right flanks respectively whilst she remained in-between both of us as we slowly but surely moved ahead.

The Private managed to, once a bolt of natural lightning struck over our heads, spot a small ridge to the team's north-west, thus resulting in us heading there under the guide of the Fireteam Lead. During this time little to nothing had occurred as we closed the gap between us and the ridge, only each other and the storm for company. The Specialist had myself and the Private provide coverage over her whilst she investigated the ridge, trying to see if it's possible to escalate it. As she did this, the Private reported over communications that he'd spotted the outline of a figure standing atop the ridge, patrolling it even.

With this newfound information, the Specialist had us hold and to not move even a muscle in the hopes of, what I imagine is, keeping us concealed. Private Valorous once more reported, and this time confirmed, the figure's position. The Specialist then decided to act by firstly throwing a flashbang grenade up and atop ridge, ordering me to execute if I could. I'd not agree with her method of engaging an unknown enemy without first attempting to check for anymore possible targets but there was little I could do in the moment and simply had to stick with it. 

The Specialist's flashbang resulted in a man to come crashing over the ridge and down into our grasp. Following my given order, I put only a bolt into the man, hoping the painfully loud sound of the storm kept the sound of both the Specialist's flashbang and my rifle's fire somewhat quiet. The Private held a good angle, great angle even, over myself, the Specialist and the ridge during this encounter. But even then, I doubt he could see clearly. The Specialist then had myself and the Private to provide coverage whilst she climbs up a rope-ladder that dangled down from the ridge.

Once she reached the top, the effects of the current weather conditions began to take its toll. This was evident by her misjudging the distance on four targets, causing some concern in myself once I, under her orders, re-grouped with her atop the ridge. I'd immediately take up a position in cover, hoping the storm concealed us for the most part. I'd then point my rifle to a man stood atop what I believe to be a make-shift watchtower, under the Specialist's order. After convincing the Specialist to re-evaluate her orders given to the Private, said orders being to sit idle essentially, the Private would finally be re-united with the rest of the fireteam.

The Specialist had issued us to pick our targets, myself for the man in the watchtower, herself and the Private on two targets that were out of my sight. And then, she ordered for me to take the shot, but not for the Private to take his. A mistake on her part I thought to myself. However, I followed my orders and put a bolt in the man stood atop a make-shift looking watchtower. This obviously caught the attention of the two targets picked by the Specialist and the Private, resulting in them both beginning to close in on my position. However, they were both finally struck by Death's hand as the Specialist ordered for them to open fire.

We'd begin to close in on the farmstead's interior, holding on the doors. The Specialist then led the way as we entered the building, clearing a narrow corridor before we approached a closed door. The Specialist would then open said door, letting it slid aside into the remarkably thick walls of the farmstead. Specialist Codri would then call out to anyone inside, which is certainly not what I would have done all things considering, giving away our element of surprise if the somewhat concealed bolts on the outside didn't already. A younger woman's voice replied back from the inside, her tone one of panic, one of fear.

The Specialist had myself and the Private hold position as she convened with the woman, attempting to have her come out with her hands up. The woman would comply... mostly. She'd approach the corner, just out of our sight, as a barrel of a weapon came into our view. Said weapon fired off two rounds in Codri's direction. She was lucky to not be struck by either of these blindly led bolts. Considering it's an awkward position, I had yelled for the Specialist to finish her as well as warning her as I prepared a flash grenade, throwing it in the woman's direction.

The Private then reported the faint sound of a vehicle arriving, resulting in the Specialist ordering him to hold the rear and for me to also do such. Suddenly, men armed with vibroswords rushed forth. But the combined firepower of the Fireteam was enough to quell this attack. However, this wasn't the end. A frag grenade, albeit a fairly weak frag grenade judging off of it's destructive capabilities, was thrown. This forced us all to take cover, slightly even dazing us but not injuring, as a man entered with a heavy repeater, keeping myself and the Specialist pinned down hard but not the Private.

The, if I recall correctly, newest face to Leviathan managed to strike down the man with the heavy repeater, thus freeing his comrades from the stress of being pinned. The Specialist, after a suggestion from the Private, issued for the Pvt. to hold on the entrance, to keep watch whilst she searched the building for tools. There'd be a couple crate's worth of mostly handheld farming equipment that in somewhat good condition. They were still dirty and quite dusty however. The Specialist would then call the shuttle in, albeit struggling a little due to the weather, but just managed to forward our location. The shuttle arrived shortly there-after as we began loading the tools upon it and eventually headed on back home.

End Report


Collect farming tools - Complete
Eliminate potential hostile inhabitants - Complete

Additional Note:

With regards to the Specialist's fireteam lead trial, it's a mixed bag. Orders, for the most part, were clear. However, what some orders were and the positioning of the rest of the fireteam were a little questionable, more so the positioning then the orders themselves. An example of questionable positioning, in my eyes, was having the Private remain down below. His line of sight would be entirely blocked and he'd be more or less useless back there if a firefight broke out. So, in conclusion, it will be marked as a fail. However, I know she can do it. She can be a leader, she just needs to realise it. Unless I've missed something, this is her first time leading a fireteam as well, so it was a good attempt. I'll be trying to put her in touch with Instructor Grovestream with regards to FTL training. I hold faith that she'd be able to complete this the next time around. 

- Sergeant Kienix
Task Force: Leviathan

This Operation has been marked as SUCCESSFUL and has been archived.

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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