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Toil and Trouble

Accessing Public File; Downloading from 'Trakaton;Kalkoran'
Download Complete; Displaying File:

Public Call for Operation Team Assembly

Attached to the file would be a prerecorded holomessage that when selected would play. Trakaton's form would blaze to life in the classic display of a holographic transmission, the electric blue tinge accenting some features while diminishing others. Trakaton would be stood with his arms folded across his armoured chest, the cloak hanging loosely from his shoulders and the custom-fit plates of the armour looking as comfortable as an embrace. The scar on the right side of his face would be barely visible, his head ever so slightly turned to the right and he'd speak with a tone of authority:

"The Jedi have been the Sith Order's enemies since its very inception. Where we gain our power from our passions, they claim stability through inaction. The two Orders are as different as two Orders can be, but there is one way in particular that has come to my attention.
Where the Acolytes of the Sith Order either succeed or die trying, their very struggle for survival making them fitting to be Sith, the Jedi's castaways are not killed. They are transferred.
The Jedi Agricorps is a branch of the Republic that takes in Jedi Initiates, that do not become padawans. There, their force sensitivity is used to cultivate agriculture on various worlds throughout the Republic. Where our Acolytes die, their initiates become farmers.
The Kalkoran Powerbase has found need of force sensitive prisoners. Your task is simple. The planet of 'Marfa' houses Jedi AgriCorp facilities, but is deep within the Core Worlds. Using a Kalkoran Unaligned freighter, you will land on the planet and kidnap no less than seven unmained, not permanently damaged, force sensitives. As you will be deep within enemy territory, ensuring that you masquerade as pirates or similiar scum will be beyond importance.
To those who complete such a task, you will earn the favour of myself. Use such a reward wisely if it comes to completion.

*With that the hologram would flicker and then fade from view. Leaving the viewer able to access the rest of the information provided.*

Location: Marfa, an agricultural world within the Republic. ((OOCly, I strongly suggest using Alderaan as it has the perfect farming estates vibe.))

Jedi Initiates: The Jedi Initiates are comparable to Sith Acolytes. While they are little more than fodder to most of the Horuset Powerbase, a high enough concentration of them can and will wear down a smaller group. Do not underestimate your foe. They may be glorified farmers with incomplete Jedi training, but they will still have some experience.

Objectives: In this task there will be two primary objectives and one secondary objectives.
Primary Objective I: Infiltrate Marfa under the guise of pirates, slavers or a similar unaffiliated party. 
Primary Objective II: Take seven (7) failed Jedi Initiates prisoner.
Secondary Objective I: Download information pertaining to what the Republic has planned for other similar planets within Republic space to find out which Republic worlds are requiring the attention of the Jedi Agricorps.

Time Frame: The team will have many weeks to complete the task before the the Force Sensitive individuals are no longer required by the Kalkoran Powerbase.
((The 8th of July will be the deadline!))

Estimated Party Size: The recommendation of Lord Kalkoran is that a party size of no more than five will be required to take seven Jedi Initiates prisoner.

Verifying Public File;
Verification Complete; File Completed

((Originally posted by Sith Aljo & Acolyte Rendvir))

Sith Aljo's report.

Participants were myself, Apprentice Tashha, Acolytes Rendvir, Xuna, Lazar, Natellia.
All but Apprentice Tashha were part of the ground team, while she provided radio support, and warn us should any external forces have approached the location during our mission.

The plan was to single out the targets and take them out, while looking for the information requested. Through the initial scouting, there seemed to be a fair few ex-Jedi Initiates but nowhere the information could be stored, such as a terminal - most of the buildings around turned out to be work sheds, silos and other smaller buildings to store tools.

With that we determined the information would be on their person, if there was going to be any.
One by one, the farmers present in the area we selected were located, ambushed quietly and knocked out, then taken to the shuttle.

One of the farmers had a datapad on them, which I have sent to Lord Kalkoran, and on inspection holds the kind of information we were looking for.
No alarms were sounded, and the operation was a success. The Acolytes performed adequately.

Force serve, Lord Kalkoran.

Acolyte Rendvir's report. It would not be posted publicly.

My Lord, apologies for the delayed report. Though I hope a closer view on the events will be of some help.

During the first stage, Sith Aljo held back and allowed us to make our own moves. She soon disappeared and would eventually provide overwatch and recover the farmer's bodies so we could operate more effectively.

Firstly, I moved to scale a tree to gain a higher view of the facility, allowing me a decent knowledge of where everything was placed. Something others would not report for some time.

Natellia and Xuna moved straight for the treeline closest to the farms, seemingly not seeing much. As for Lazar, he stayed back for a while before moving in alone. He seemed to fare well for himself in the corn fields, I am not sure how his senses were so keen.

I regrouped with Natellia at the treeline, by that point Xuna had disappeared and would not be active for some time. Lazar was out of my view, though from later information he seemed to have entered the corn field by this point.

The first two initiates to be captured were by Natellia and myself, since I opted to use a stun baton and her a sword, I could knock a farmer out instantly where she struggled and attempted to choke them out. To avoid sighting I had to knock that one out, rather than allow for time to be wasted. We secured the bodies for pick up and then moved into the camp.

It was then where we spied two more farmers by the silos, we moved and I formulated a plan. Though due to a miscommunication Natellia attacked the same farmer as myself, the female allowed to release a scream. Though I disarmed her and struck her in the face with the baton moments later. It was here when Xuna appeared, attempting to aid in the attack on this farmer. She almost got us caught, arguing over hiding the bodies when I was setting a trap for any who came to investigate the scream.

Eventually she hid the bodies, and seemed more interested in looting. She disappeared again after that. The farmer who walked into my trap, and apparently escaped Lazar in the corn fields, was the apparent overseer of the farm. For after I stunned him and Natellia finished him off, we discovered a datapad containing the further information you requested.

Altogether, all acolytes worked well and I was glad for the freedom allowed by Sith Aljo. One or two minor disputes almost compromised us though we prevailed, utilising quick thinking and traps to work around any issues.

Thank you for reading, my Lord. Force serve."

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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