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The Signing of the Treaty of Coruscant

The Signing of the Treaty of Coruscant
A Historical Event and its Importance

In evaluating which event to write about, I was initially overwhelmed by the vast possibilities. It is difficult to pin down a single event that is the most important, as the history of our Order is vast, and all tells a story of how we came to be. It is with this in mind that I have decided to discuss the importance of the Treaty of Coruscant, both in terms of what it meant for our Order and the tactics chosen by the Sith that show our great superiority over the Jedi.

The Treaty of Coruscant allowed the Republic to believe they were “at peace” with our Empire, and they saw it as an end to the war. This was, of course, a deception on the Empire’s part, for Peace is a Lie.  I will not bore you with the details of the Treaty, but it ensured the Jedi were forced to withdraw from active combat against the Sith. Though, these details are not what I am here to discuss - my focus is on the impact of the tactics used by the Sith and the importance of such in ensuring our victory over the Jedi.

The Dark Council contacted the higher powers of the Republic, expressing a desire to end the war, and allowing our enemy to believe in their sincerity, thus proposing a peace meeting to agree on the Treaty. Knowing their defeat was inevitable, however, our enemy was desperate, and agreed to the proposed peace conference.

Of course, the tactics being used by the Sith were much more than a simple conference, and the foolish Jedi did not suspect the plans the Empire had in motion - to claim the Republic capital of Coruscant. The attack on Coruscant went ahead with the Chancellor being killed, and the Jedi were convinced that Coruscant would be destroyed should they refuse the terms of the Empire. The Treaty was shortly signed by the Republic, declaring the Empire the firm victors.

There were two further questions which came to me in the course of this writing: the first, why this is the most interesting historical event in my opinion; the second, what we may learn from it.

For the former, my answer is relatively simple. This is one of the most significant events to happen in the history of our Empire, that solidified once more our superiority over the Republic and their foolish Jedi. The treaty will remain as a point in our history where our ancient enemy not only admitted their defeat, but did so on the Empire’s terms. This event also serves as a prudent reminder that Peace is a Lie; while the Republic were desperate to end the war and be at peace, the mighty Sith Empire used their blindness to the truth to take their Capital World and manoeuvre the Jedi into retreat.

For the latter, however, there are a couple of things we may learn. The first of these is that the Jedi are fools, blinded by their own ideology. The second follows from this point, and is that the Sith work best in the shadows, under the secrets and deception, we maintain our power by keeping our own agenda close to our chests until the time is right to play our cards. As we know, blunt tools serve no purpose in the Empire, except as cannon fodder and charging lunatics, and those who succeed - who do indeed make history - are those who know how to deceive their enemy right to the last second. Finally, we learn that the Sith will always triumph over the Jedi, as they are fools who believe themselves above combat, when in reality they will find themselves little more than dirt on our shoes, due to their own foolish ideology.

(*Post by Eddi Arkiti.*)

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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