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Strength and Purity of the True Sith, by Sith Tarimra and Sith Soti

Strength and Purity of the True Sith
By Sith Tarimra, Envoy of Arcana and Sith Lorekeeper, and Sith Soti

Strength is of Purity. It is carried in the blood. The Sith species, the Pureblooded, for us it is a birthright. We are inherently stronger, physically, spiritually, mentally. The Dark Side is infinite and it is our right to use it as we will. All else is weak and impure, and so a blight on the Galaxy.
Though the Sith Academy grants the impure and the alien access to our ancestors’ teachings, it does not mean that they are worthy of such ancient knowledge, gathered and kept by the true Sith: the Pureblooded Sith.

It is the inherent right of the Pureblooded to be Sith, through our innate connection to the Dark Side of the Force. Indeed, it is this connection that makes the Pureblooded worthy to be Sith, for we are intrinsically connected to it, in a way many other species are not. Where most species of the galaxy fester in squalor and the light, it is only the Pureblooded race from Holy Korriban that have overcome this squalor through the exaltation of the mighty and the obeyance of the principal laws of nature. We have overcome our faults and challenge and purge them continually; it is what keeps us pure and what makes us worthy to be Sith.

For even among the Pureblooded Sith, we who are predisposed to the darkness and ever lean towards the ruthlessness that it demands, to be Sith is a right to be earned. It is not granted automatically, nor is it given out freely as a sign of superiority and status as an elite group: as a sign of decadence. No, it needs to be earned.

So, why are the Pureblooded stronger? Look towards how we are built in the first place. Our bones are denser, our skin is as thick and strong as stone. We are made to conquer those lesser than us. From birth, we walk the path of strength, taught from an early age how to fight. Our young are thrown into the deep the moment they can hold a blade, it makes us stronger, and it defines us who we are. The Pureblooded, in our being as avatars of the Dark Side, have been blessed, too, with a longer lifespan. In the time where four generations of Humans have passed, a Pureblood might still have half a century left.
Many if not all the slave races are born in lesser environments, and as a result, they are weak, and not born to be Sith. Twi’leks for example, are nothing but glorified entertainers, for the pleasure-worlds of the Hutts. They are built this way. Evolution has determined this is the best path to take, and they are bound to it, helpless to resist the course of evolution the galaxy has picked for them.

The best example, however, must be their affiliation in the Force. Many of the slave races, such as the Mirialan, Miraluka and Twi’lek are all bound to the Light. Despicable, very true. Those who enter our Academy are, thus, simply pretenders to the title of Sith, unworthy of the infinite power of the Dark Side.
Now, let us look at the customs and traditions of the Pureblooded Sith. and how they define us as a people.
Since the ancient times, despite the attempts at erasing our past and tradition by the loathsome Republic, and the progressive Sith pretenders in our beloved Empire, we have held on to our traditions, for they are what makes us Sith. Through traditional families such as the Horuset or Aeros bloodlines, such traditions will always endure.

One such example is our foods, whom many do not know of or choose to ignore. Others are our sacred customs in rituals or family dynamics. How we teach our young the value of strength, purity, and survival. This is all part of the true Siths’ way of life. We are born into it, but it can never be forgotten or replaced by the current climate of the Empire by those who seek to destroy our way of life. This is why keeping our traditions and customs closely guarded and safe is paramount. To lose those traditions is to lose the essence of the Sith.

Many of the ancient Sith are great examples of the power of our people. Names are spoken in high regard such as the forever great King Adas the First Sith’ari, or Marka Ragnos, the Sith who brought our people into a golden age. Even despite his actions, to a degree, the former Immortal Emperor is also among them. He, after all, acted in a way that resembles the Sith’ari: he became free of limits, through becoming immortal; he destroyed the Sith by killing the Lords and ascending to become Emperor; he raised the Sith from death, and remade them stronger than before.

Those who are less informed of our ancient knowledge might not know of what is spoken of above, of the Sith’ari. This is an ancient prophecy made by the Kissai Priests of old. The prophecy is described as such:

The Sith'ari will be free of limits.
The Sith'ari will lead the Sith and destroy them.
The Sith'ari will raise the Sith from death and make them stronger than before.

Now as you are reading this you might be wondering how the Sith Code ties into a Pureblood's life, for that I will refer you to a solid and well-rounded essay made by Apprentice Rendvir Arvanis within our archives, and if you wish to see why the Jedi Code is flawed in every aspect and how our ancient enemies are deluding themselves I would suggest you look for Apprentice Horuset’s essay of ‘Qotsisajak’.

I, Sith Soti, the Sith Purifier of the Horuset Powerbase, am responsible for making sure our ancient teachings do not fall into the hands of the unworthy cretins that populate our beloved Empire and Powerbase. I will make sure to teach our people, the Pureblooded, the full extent of our people’s history, philosophy and customs for it is my duty to do so. Any of those of Pureblood may always approach me with questions regarding our people, and I shall teach you. Heresies will not be tolerated, and will swiftly be dealt with.

Not since this unity brought by the great first Monarch, the Sith’ari himself, King Adas, have the true Sith united under one banner, but it is time we should once more become that in the face of the destruction wrought by those who seek to annihilate our way of life and what it means to be true Sith. United against the front of progressives within the Empire we shall overcome this blight upon our homeworld and beyond. And we shall do so under the banner of Darth Horuset herself so that the blazing Horuset sun may blind and burn those who are our foes and enlighten those who are kept in the darkness of oppression of the Progressives.

Long live the Empire; all hail to Darth Horuset.

[Image: QcJCbko.png]

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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