06-06-2023, 12:24 AM
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The Sith Empire - How to achieve Victory in Seven Easy Steps
![[Image: rrrISwa.png]](https://i.imgur.com/rrrISwa.png)
A small holorecording would play once the file was downloaded. Zarkang Kalkoran would be stood there, wearing Acolyte robes and a small grin across his face as he went on to say.
"As per the instructions of Overseer Emlar, I intend to write about how I believe the Sith Empire can achieve ultimate victory against the Republic. By my own inclusion, I am going to write about it from the context of seven easy steps so that the information is digestible by even the newest Acolyte."
And as soon as it had started, the brief recording was done. Following, the file allowed the reader to consult on the seven steps that Zarkang had outlined.
Step 1 - Deprive the Enemy
The Galactic Republic has had thousands of years of resource extraction to build it's infrastructure. While not solely aimed towards it's military initially, the Republic has had over half a century of conflict with our own Empire with which it has had time to militarise it's industries to produce out hardware and soldiers needed to combat our great Empire. In contrast, our Sith Empire has had in relative terms only a thousand years to prepare itself for the conflict that we now find ourselves in, however we have had that entire time to militarise our society. Ultimately, our infrastructure base is at it's full potential, but is smaller than the Republic's which is larger but not nearly as militarised overall as ours.
As a result, depriving our enemy of their ability to create is the first action we must take. Destroying an enemy ship does not matter if it can be replaced, killing a soldier does not matter if there is another waiting behind them, and another behind that one. The Republic must be shorted on resources. Targeting key worlds of infrastructure to stall Republic efforts in creation is key, so that the Republic does not get the chance to build up it's forces.
Step 2 - Militarise the Conquered
The Galactic Republic has thousands of worlds within it's borders, with a vast majority not being tailored towards war. This sits in stark contrast to the Empire, where all of our worlds that we have within the Stygian Caldera are outfitted towards one purpose, waging war on the Republic. In the half century since our resurgence into the galaxy, the Empire has claimed nearly half the galaxy. We have not yet fully been able to militarise everything we have claimed and further effort should be made towards this goal.
Step 3 - The Imperial Economy
Just as much as we must deprive the enemy, we must bolster what we have already. The Imperial Economy runs off of slave labour, with our citizens acting as specialists in their field. While many focus on simply procuring as many slaves as possible as quickly as possible, the Empire must also identify new technologies and workforces that can be put to use in those specialist roles so that the economy can grow uniformly. There is no sense in a thousand new slaves, if there is no Taskmaster to oversee them. There is no sense in a thousand new slave miners, if there is no specialists capable of forging the ore into useable alloys. As a result, we need to target 'permanently' independent parts of the galaxy for their best and brightest, alien or otherwise. The likes of the Banking Clans, the Hutts and the Chiss are our best bet to find people capable of pushing the Imperial economy further, while we raid the Republic for slaves for our lowest stratas.
Step 4 - New Shipyards, Bigger and Better
The Imperial Military relies on it's Navy for all aspects of it's operations. The army cannot move from planet to planet without ships and as a result, we need more ships to combat the Republic. The Galactic Republic recently built the Meridian Complex, and the creation of this shipyard has acted as a big turning point in the war. As a result, we must compete with their attempts and create, capture or lease new shipyards. The Banking Clans and the Hutts are defiantly independent, but there are many smaller civilisations out in the galaxy that have smaller scale shipbuilding operations that would be willing or 'forced' to create ships for us for the right price. Having our fighters, bombers or even Corvettes produced by these smaller civilisations would alleviate our own resources and shipyards towards building our Dreadnoughts and Destroyers.
Step 5 - Replicate the Old Successes
The Empire's greatest opening move was the taking of planets through infiltration before the Galactic Republic even knew we existed. Where we can't conquer, we should be infiltrating and sowing the seeds of dissent from within. Sernpidal, the Horuset Powerbase's acclaimed crowning jewel, was taken by deception at the very start of the Great Galactic War. Other planets can be taken the same way, even half a century into the conflict. The best planets would be those highly militarised infrastructure worlds, but even planets on important hyperlanes or just any old planet with factories on it that we can repurpose would be good enough to warrant a worthy target, or at least a suitable distraction for Republic forces.
Step 6 - Stop Conquering, start Devastating
The Empire has destroyed entire worlds before and we must do so again. When we encounter a world filled with Republic military industry and it is not suitable for conquest due to position, we should be targeting it for immediate devastation. Concentrated efforts, even at the detriment to other fronts, should be taken to target single systems within the Galactic Republic and wipe out any Fleet and devastate the surface of the planet. It matters not if we lose four planets while only devastating one since we can retake ours as the Republic will not bomb planets that were once there own only half a century previous. While it will take them decades, perhaps even centuries, to repair the devastation we have caused in a fraction of the time.
Step 7 - A new Cadre of Superweapons
The Empire is known for it's superweapons. The Silencer is a superweapon that is built into a Harrower-Class Dreadnought and is known as a 'fleet-killer' because it can take out several capital ships in quick succession. The Empire needs to be at the forefront of weapons technology and right now, the Silencer is the forefront. The Empire needs to focus it's efforts on rebuilding it's Silencers that were lost over the Meridian Complex and spread them out amongst their fleets, not collect them all together like before. Once spread out, they can act as 'anchors' around which the Imperial Fleets can act.
I hope, Overseer Emlar, that this whets the appetite of what is to come in the future.
- Acolyte Zarkang Kalkoran