29-04-2023, 01:57 PM
//Access Encrypt Files_[public]//……//Encrypt accepted//… …//Select File?//…//Etiquette_Guide_001//…//Opening//…
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION:This file was created by Apprentice Viren Sekker, with Apprentice Valeus Horuset, under the permission and authority of Sith Arvanis, Envoy of Tradition. The rules contained herein are approved by Sith Arvanis, to be distributed to the members of House Horuset. For ammendments or changes, contact Apprentice Viren Sekker.[/td][/tr][/table]END OF FILE. PLEASE SELECT ANOTHER.Y / NLOG OUT?Y / NYOU ARE NOW LOGGED OUT.
The Definitive Guide to Etiquette for the Modern Sith
File Overview: The purpose of this document is simple; to educate those who are unaware of the precise rules of etiquette to be followed in the Empire. If you are reading this, it is to be presumed that you are either here because you wish to reacquaint yourself with the rules of etiquette so as to better serve the powerbase; or that you have been given this file directly by a superior due to your own inadequate behaviour. To both, I say this: mark the words below well, for they are an integral part of the backbone of Imperial Society. Without these rules, we surrender to our base instincts; to corruption; to anarchy; to un-Imperial thoughts.
[table] [tr] | When interacting with your fellow Sith:
When interacting with those outside of the Sith Order:
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