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Sphere of Insight

:: Accessing File :::: Data Encryption: High :::: Attempting Decryption Protocol 385-212-Z759 :::: Access: Granted :::: Welcome:::: Loading File: Insight Reform::

[Image: AD_4nXeLb6nX2IVH-F2MpEoQlFLUAdydd3P9SYg8...o_FZ0e06xA]

The Sphere of Insight 

The Sphere of Insight is the primary Intelligence, diplomatic and clandestine operations sphere of the powerbase. Responsible for quantifying, categorising and sorting through intelligence reports, and information gathered to support the Horuset powerbase both in a conflict and within the wider Imperial political landscape, It operates in the shadows, in the background, gathering intelligence, or skilful sabotage. Other responsibilities include the catalogue of vast amounts of diplomatic meetings, records of diplomacy between Powerbases and neutral business partners alike.

Sphere Titles and Structure

Lord of Insight

The head of the Pentarch of Insight, Responsible for the management, coordination and compliance of those serving under them. The Lord of Insight within the Pentarchy system prerogatives are Intelligence and diplomacy, and have absolute authority to operate the sphere as he or she deems fit. 

Shatajir [Heir] Of Insight

The Heir is the Lord of Insight’s Second in authority, the role can possess authority within the sphere and influence within it. Should the Pentarch be unavailable or indisposed, the Heir is the single authority within the sphere, third in line to both the Hand of Horuset and Darth Horuset herself.

Internal intelligence Liaison

With a necessity for Military might, The Intelligence sphere intends to maintain a focus on assisting the Lord of War in particular. Assisting in keeping the flow of information from the possessors, to those who will enact on said information. This role is designed with such in mind. Communication between the Pentarchy of War is paramount to the success of the powerbase, and open lines of communication between Sith and between the H.I.D to Imperial Commanders is a vital component in communicating actionable Intelligence and diplomatic relations.

This role is limited to one Sith, and while other sith Such as the Consul may wish to call upon this Sith to assist in talks of a military nature, with the intention of relaying such to the Sphere of War.

This role is also designated as the liaison between pentarchy branches, this will ensure transparency between the branches of respective spheres, this liaison role will apply to all other spheres and will ensure the lower echelons of each pentarchy have a point of contact within the Insight sphere. The main function of this role will be with the Lord of war, ensuring intelligence can be enacted upon. However, assistance in resource acquisition and other areas of the powerbase can be applied if requested.

Current Liaison: Sith Dutrosu

The Sith Consul - External Affairs [Diplomacy]

The Sith Consul is a position of Diplomacy, this role is exclusive to one person and has no assisting role. It is designed with the intention of ensuring Diplomatic relations run smoothly and efficiently. This role has the authority to step into diplomatic talks and discussions in particular to maintain a record of negotiations. While it has authority to mediate negotiations of its own accord. It does not maintain the right to obstruct other Pentarchs from conducting their own diplomatic negotiations, so long as information on signed contracts and trade is documented.
Should the Shatajir or Lord of Insight be unavailable, The Consul has authority to conduct dealings and meetings on their own accord, at their own peril.

Current Consul: [Vacant]

The Harbinger - counter Intelligence

The Harbinger, while a former title under former edicts, the word has meaning and purpose. The Harbinger’s responsibilities vary. With an Emphasis on counter intelligence, security and counter Espionage operations. The Harbinger has the full might of the S.D branch of the H.I.D at its disposal. With a focus on being the bastion of the powerbase’s Internal security Apparatus, the Harbinger can be utilised as an agent within its own powerbase, responsible for assisting other pentarchs in investigations, rooting out heresy and other misdeeds. The responsibility of in House Security falls to the Harbinger, what everyone knows, should be known by the Harbinger first.

Current Harbinger: [Vacant]

Sith Wraiths
The Wraiths are a recruitable branch from the pool of Apprentices who wish to pursue a role in spycraft. The Wraiths have a responsibility to destroy any intelligence opposition, ranging from sabotaging Jedi Shadows, to removing SIS agents. The Wraiths are also responsible for espionage be it corporate or military. 
This role is not mutually exclusive, and those who wish to serve as a Wraith are capable of doing so provided the willingness to learn and improve. A wraith does not necessarily require skills in stealth. This can be related to spying, the role of an informant. Wraiths are however mutually exclusive with other open branches such as the Warriors and Spectres, meaning you are unable to become a wraith should you be dedicated to the warrior program or other service programs.
Current Wraiths: Sith Dutrosu, Apprentice Sekker, Apprentice Veilak
[Image: PIDP2M6.png]

Sith Architects
The Sith Architects are responsible for the technology and technological infrastructure that allows for Insight to Operate. This involves slicing, hacking and breaching enemy systems to compromise them. The Sith Architects will be provided both a handheld terminal and data spikes to be programmable how they see fit to fulfil their role as electronic warfare capable. An Apprentice within Insight may choose this pathway as an alternative to the Wraith’s. This position is capped to 2 places, a junior and a senior and can be maintained should the Apprentice Ascend to a Household Sith Position.

Additional responsibilities are to ensure the Sphere’s infrastructure and assets are maintained and have access to the basic necessities of data for their duties.

Current Architects: Apprentice Yallanda Kalkoran, Apprentice Nivalis
[Image: hk20CgQ.png]

The Overseer [Secondary role]
With the Requirement of every branch to have an overseer, with this in mind this title can be held in conjunction with another. A Sith Architect can also be an overseer should they desire to. This would be to impart knowledge onto those interested in the Insight Sphere. This is the same as a Wraith being an overseer as well. While the Appointment of an Overseer may be required as a temporary solution. It is however not on a priority list and only those who are willing and wanting to impart knowledge will be considered.

Current Overseer: Vacant
Sphere duties

[Image: AD_4nXflZI4eZUm3KhdJuPb3H-LaAtHjVIcVjh0D...o_FZ0e06xA]
Diplomacy is the cornerstone of the powerbase, it allows for trade, resource acquisition, and relations with other powerbases. While it will remain the duties of the sphere to represent the powerbase as a whole, the duties of the sphere of Insight is to ensure Diplomacy operates efficiently, effectively and consistently. With such in mind the pentarchs of other Spheres can operate diplomatic relations as they see fit, provided the sphere of Insight is informed via a report that informs of who was met, what was agreed and when such was signed. An example shown below:

Name: [Example: Sith Leive]
Attendee/powerbase: [Example: Lord Sarias, Kalkoran Powerbase]Diplomatic purpose: [Examples - Meeting, trade, alliance]Contract details: [Example - Horuset: Small arms x400 - [Powerbase name]: slaves x800]
Status: [Example: Signed, In progress, other]

While the Arbitrators operate in the confines of Assassinations and other tools of direct intervention. The Sphere of Insight specifically is designed to alter outcomes in more covert ways. Espionage is one such tools. This can range from corporate espionage in the art of stealing blueprints, disruption of food and water supplies of an opposing army and coincidental and completely accidental deaths of those deemed to pose a threat to the Dark Lord’s powerbase. This can be the accidental shuttle crash of an outspoken governor, food poisoning of a political opponent, blackmail, kidnapping and a range of other subversives in order to alter the course of conflicts or political endorsements. With this role in mind this could be to spark civil war, resolve rebellions, instil rioting to serve our own powerbase’s needs.

[Image: AD_4nXef0hEYeXkXAdNid8fyVh-uPI4is7UxRQpN...o_FZ0e06xA]

Military Intelligence [Army and Naval]
The Sphere of Insights role within the Military is strictly pertaining to intelligence analysis and information. Insight has no control over Military forces from the Army or Naval assets of the powerbase. What it does operate is both the Army Intelligence and Naval Intelligence branches of the Horuset Intelligence Division. The personnel of this organised structure are often in roles of Advisors and Ensigns who are assigned to the Military Intelligence role. These can be aboard ships and on the ground with the 142nd Kaas division. These Imperials are strictly there to ensure the communication of information, Holocommunicator security and other secondary roles an Ensign would tend to.
The Sphere of Insight has access to on the ground personnel despite being limited to Recon and Secondary Services. Recon Team Dorne is one such unit. While Insight also has a plethora of Agents at their disposal as well. 

Domestic Intelligence
The Sphere of insight has duties in the realm of domestic intelligence, this pertains to threats from within. H.I.D infrastructure has a department specifically designated to deal with this, however within the area of sith this duty falls to the Harbinger a role that directly intervenes with internal matters of security and doctrine. This domestic intelligence role is a symbiotic relationship across both the Pentarchy of Doctrine and the Pentarchy of War with garrison forces. Internal threats can range from espionage against our advancements in bacta, or the spread of Heretical ideologies within our ranks. Each internal threat will be managed differently and can vary in scale.

Listening post

One of those most vital assets within the powerbase is the listening post. Allowing for communications monitoring, infiltration and passive observation. The listening post allows for the powerbase to gain knowledge on troop movements, ship movements, internal and external threats. The listening post is composed of various analysts capable of speaking languages from across the galaxy. And cryptographers, able to decipher enemy codes, communications and encrypted files. Currently the listening post is at full strength in manpower and training, with intentions to improve upon its capabilities.

[Image: AD_4nXejHd6oGwTxnyFdBmdiXYiHLcq6QktVxBFd...o_FZ0e06xA]

Horuset Intelligence Division.[H.I.D]

The Horuset powerbase has had the infrastructure of a baseline intelligence structure for a while. Comprising three distinct branches, the Horuset intelligence division is a complex yet organised network of subsectors and roles within the powerbase. And often provides actioned intelligence in a range of ways to not just the Insight sphere, but to all the other spheres as well. It is the source of actionable intelligence on resource locations, enemy presences, current developments on planets and the wider galactic geopolitics, keeping tabs on a range of factions and opponents within the galaxy. From regional powers such as the Hutt cartels, to economic powers such as the banking clans.

[Image: AD_4nXfVOsoFviCJfIu_7iavJVR__8MjLDV4N67g...o_FZ0e06xA]

Recon Teams

Recon teams are small imperial units specialising in intelligence gathering and observation, these imperials are often categorised as a specialised unit. One key example is Recon Team Dorne. Currently there is only one such unit, with the intention of adding three more. These units are often lightly armoured, mounted or unmounted on speeders or a light troop transport and maintain a forward vanguard for an advancing force, or perform rear guard actions against sabotage and guerrilla warfare.

[Image: AD_4nXfmCIotFDL9i5pvl9_J71q1tikaOhUIkiSr...o_FZ0e06xA]

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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