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The Art of the Lightsaber, by Lord Tokiai

The Art of the Lightsaber

The Body Target Zones and Marks of Contact
The body target zones are used across almost every form, and when applied with the marks of contact, give some of the basic moves to apply to combat. The body target zones are as follows;
Zone 1, Head and neck.
Zone 2, Weapon shoulder, arm and hand.
Zone 3, Non-weapon shoulder, arm, hand.
Zone 4, Chest, lower neck and back.
Zone 5, Dominant leg.
Zone 6, Recessive leg.

And the basic marks of contact;
Cho Mai, cutting off an opponent's weapon hand.
Cho Mok, cutting off an opponent's limb.
Cho Sun, cutting off an opponent’s weapon arm.
Sai Cha, beheading.
Sai Tok, cutting an opponent in half.
Shiak, stabbing.
Shiim, minute wounds attacking the important parts of a zone.
Mou Kai, dismembering multiple limbs.
Sun Djem, disarming.

Shii-Cho, Form I
Shii-Cho is the fundamental and most basic of the seven lightsaber forms, established prior to the widespread use of the lightsaber but carried on, it is a fallback form for when no other will do. Shii-Cho may then be executed in two forms, the Ideal Form and the Live Combat Form. The Ideal Form is meant only for practising and sparring, with all movements made on a horizontal or vertical strokes and parries made at a perpendicular. The Live Combat Form was much more functional, the attacks being diagonal strikes at each respective body zone, the goal being to increase speed and reduce actual movement. Shii-Cho, as the first form learned, emphasises one interacting with the force, to try and introduce the user to being able to utilise the force and saber in tandem with one another. Shii-Cho is not designed to be complex or elaborate, which is what allows it to be the foundation for the other forms.

The opening stance of Shii-Cho is simplistic, much like the rest of the form. A basic stance would be with the feet roughly shoulder width apart, placed together, neither foot placed forward or back. Then, the user would grasp their saber in two hands. The dominant higher than the offhand, holding the saber at about waist height in front of the naval. The angle of the blade would then be anywhere from perfectly vertical, to 45 degrees forward. Once combat had been initiated the user would then transition their footing, with the dominant foot being forward or back, to allow for different strikes and parries.
[Image: tyNacYm.jpg]
Shii-Cho utilised two techniques of note, the ‘disarming slash’ being the first, which was a strike aimed at an opponent's weapon to strike the blade from their grasp. Secondly there was the ‘Sarlacc sweep’ which was a wide-sweeping slash aimed at multiple opponents.

Makashi, Form II
Makashi is the second most ancient form, having been developed to counter the disarming ability of Form I as well as give a style of combat more suited to a lightsaber than a simple sword. The form relied on balance and efficient economy of movement. Delicate and careful footwork being employed to outmaneuver an opponent, foregoing any sort of acrobatics of leaps. Form II requires an adherent to be patient and incredibly disciplined. One utilising Form II must refrain from any bursts of anger or emotion that might drive a Sith to brutalise their way to victory, instead relying on wearing out an opponent through drawn-out duels and numerous shallow cuts and gashes from jabs and ripostes.If there was any other evidence needed for Makashi to be dubbed “the form of a duelist” it boasts a move known as the Makashi salute. In which the user would hold the blade vertically to their chest, before cutting it diagonally away from their body. A challenge rather than move. Makashi was said to be the hardest form to master with its requirement of perfection in movement, rather than allowing emotions to take over, that was until the development of Form VII.

The Makashi stance is careful, calculated, much like the Form in general. A basic stance would be the user standing side on to their opponent, with their dominant arm forward. They would have their legs shoulder width apart and bent slightly for quick and nimble movement. Their back would be straight, with their dominant arm bent at the elbow but extended allowing them to angle their blade downwards, their fingers loose on the hilt and their thumb angled down the hilt. Meanwhile, their offhand would be held behind the user, straight with the palm flat. Acting as a balance for the user.
[Image: 636px-Dooku_wosw.jpg]
Two techniques of note for Form II are the ‘continuous opportunity’ and the ‘Makashi riposte’. The continuous opportunity was the ability to always study an opponent, looking to recognise and then exploit openings and weaknesses found in an opponent's defence. The Makashi riposte was a movement designed to alter the angle of an attack, before retaliating with a counterstrike.

Soresu, Form III
Redacted by Lord Tokiai

Ataru, Form IV
Ataru was created as an answer to Soresus lack of any form of offensive capability, Unlike Soresu who was defence focused and built around tight minimalist moves, Ataru was built to be offensive based with broad and kinetic attacks. An Ataru user has to put a lot of time and focus in training their physical self as the Ataru style puts a high emphasis on force assisted acrobatics. However, outside of this Ataru was noted because it ultimately lacks a core philosophy outside of permanent offence. The prime elements of Form IV are the Su-ma rotations which are the 3 axis of rotation possible in a three-dimensional space. All Ataru moves must follow this specific pattern when executed the Jung Su-ma (to spin) the Ton Su-ma (to flip) and the En Su-ma (To cartwheel) meaning all Ataru moves follow the sequences of Spin, Flip, Cartwheel, repeat. Most of Atarus blade moves are technical and elaborate a lot of flourishing and broad slashes. The core tenant of Ataru is that "The entire body is a weapon" and thus Ataru comes with an unarmed version of the style which gives its practitioner options in combat even when disarmed.

Despite the elaborate agility of Form IV in practice, the form is a rather simplistic one in it’s base opening stance. The user would stand face on to their opponent, holding their saber in two hands, with the dominant higher than the offhand, vertically to the side of their body. Their knees would be bent, ready to leap into action at the earliest moment, and their feet shoulder width apart.
[Image: 2676201714_1.jpg]
One technique employed with greater effect by Ataru users was the ‘Hawk-Bat Swoop’. When utilized by Ataru practitioners, it was intended to allow a combatant to quickly strike their opponent without giving them a chance to react, and then escape before they had a chance to retaliate. Another move that Ataru users could use effectively was dubbed the ‘Saber Swarm’, where numerous short strikes were aimed at the adversary to force a defensive posture.

Shien/Djem So, Form V
Shien was originally designed as not a new step in the development of lightsaber combat at all but in fact its creators boasted that Shien had been developed with the intent to replace Soresu. However this outright replacement of Soresu did not come to pass as Shien was developed with the intent to take on multiple blaster-wielding foes and offer ultimate defence its creators failed to take into account single combat and as such Shien was flawed in this method, it was also noted that Shien was next to useless in a lightsaber duel and such the second half of Form V Djem So was created to make up for this design oversight of Shien. Just like Ataru, Form V was developed to answer the shortcomings of Form III. However, while Ataru started from scratch, Shien and its later variant Djem So were created directly from Soresu. The main philosophy of Form V is to dominate your opponent and overwhelm them with sheer brute force overwhelming them by turning their own power back on them, with Shien this is deflecting shots back at the shooter to rapidly overcome them with this countermeasure, with Djem So it is all about parrying a foe's attack and then smashing them into submission with raw brute force power attacks in the form of devastating counters.

The Shien opening stance was a high guard position, with the lightsaber hilt held in a two-handed grip above the user's head and the blade angled upward and behind the user. The dominant leg was held back, enabling powerful step-through strikes to be utilized. With the legs bent and the saber held tightly in the palms of the hand. This slight twist creates a natural torsion in the body, allowing the user to strike with an increased strength as they pivot with their entire body. However, the stance differed when the user wished to employ Djem So, instead the stance would consist of holding the lightsaber above the head, angled back and down at an approximately forty-five degree angle.
[Image: wQe6Zy4.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_n69am8n4QH1qa4gi0o3_500.jpg]
Shien utilises two techniques of note in it’s form, the ‘Barrier of Blades’ which involves rapidly moving a saber in front of you, to swiftly deal with multiple incoming blaster attacks. Secondly is the ‘Shien Defelction’ in which a user would note the angle of incoming blaster fire, thus capable of accurately directing the blaster strike back at an opponent. Meanwhile, the characteristic, and opening, Djem So attack was dubbed the ‘Falling Avalanche’, an overhand power blow that crashed down upon an opponent with exceptional force. Djem So users also employed a tactic known as the ‘Fluid Riposte’, which involved a smooth transition from parrying an attack to a counterstrike.

Niman, Form VI
Niman was developed from the classical Niman dual bladed sword fighting form utilized by the Legion of Lettow, however it was developed and converted into a jack of all trades lightsaber form which came about through the hybridisation of Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru and Shien. It should be noted Djem So is not included in the Niman hybrid. Niman took Shii-chos ability to combat multiple foes, it took the technical focus on lightsaber duelling from Makashi, it took the minimalist defence of Soresu, it took the acrobatics of Ataru and the blast deflection skills of Shien. Niman’s bladework was considered to be quite lax, but this was done on purpose as the style was designed to be easily learned, however due to its broad focus and jack of all trades nature this worked against it as, while Niman was easy to learn, it was by far one of the most difficult lightsaber styles to master. To compensate for its lax bladework Niman is the only lightsaber form that teaches its user how to integrate force based attacks into its lightsaber sequences, encouraging creative and flexible applications of the force within its combat sequences.

A basic Niman stance is a two-handed low guard, with the hilt held at waist height in both hands, blade held back and to the side, angled downwards at about 45 degrees. The feet would be placed close together with the dominant foot just in front of the other. Although ready to react, the legs would be fairly straight, the focus on being ready to lash out with the force and parry an incoming strike, rather than go on a lightsaber offensive.
[Image: xTq71hG.jpg]
In keeping with the tactic of incorporating Force powers into combat, two primary Form VI maneuvers, the ‘draw closer’ and the ‘pushing slash’, were conjunctions between lightsaber moves and telekinetic attacks. Effectively polar opposites of one another, the draw closer involved telekinetically seizing an opponent and pulling the enemy into the path of his blade, while the pushing slash slammed the opponent with a Force push after scoring an attack.

Juyo, Form VII
Juyo is the overall most demanding lightsaber form and it is also by far the most difficult form to both learn and master. The style has both a very high physical demand and a very high mental demand as well. The core idea behind Form VII is its users release themselves into the fury of the force and while they are not fighting they allow a build of mental pressure in their heads allowing a Juyo user to enter combat and unleash that mental pressure all at once, fuelling their passion and using the raw fury of the force to amp up their attack power to the point where they can land multiple lightsaber attacks per second. This focus on mental pressure also allows a Juyo user to use the pressure of the dark side of the force to amp up their physical capability which allows a Form VII practitioner to move faster than the human eye can follow. The mental stress invoked in studying Form VII makes it an incredibly difficult Form to safely utilise and requires years and years of mental conditioning alone to maintain effectively in combat for brief bursts. Even longer for extended duels. All Form VII lightsaber moves are done in staccato attack bursts with all of its bladework based around pure offence, However a Juyo user never employes anything short of a killing blow. It should be noted Form VII moves are more open and kinetic then Form V moves but less elaborate and graceful than a style such as Form IV. As all Form VII moves are performed in high energy bursts they are backed up by advanced force assisted acrobatics. Thanks to this focus Form VII moves are randomized and very unpredictable in combat. All of this combined make Juyo moves very difficult to execute as they are disconnected unlike other Lightsaber forms were the moves are linked in pre made attack sequences.

The Form VII opening stance was a one-handed high guard with the blade held horizontally above the head and pointed to the side. The body was half-twisted, with the off-hand swept across and down. The dominant foot would be twisted off at 45 degrees whilst the other foot would be bent and angled up, ready to push off in the required direction.
[Image: a1f4f69bf9941a3b65b94107f150172ddddc49bf_hq.jpg]
Juyo users were proficient in a technique called "Assured Strike", wherein they traded sheer power for a near-certainty of landing a hit. Another technique they used was referred to as "Vornskr's Ferocity", which involved "ferocious" attacking of an opponent.

Shii-Cho Combinations
  • Cho mok Zone 3 Feint, Cho Mai Zone 2, Sai Tok Zone 1 - A very basic combination meant to end a fight quickly with a pitiful opponent. - Feinting an attack to an opponent's offhand shoulder, cutting off an opponent's saber hand before attempting to slice them in half down the Y axis of their body.

  • Cho Sun Zone 2, Sai Tok Zone 4, Shiak Zone 1 - Another basic combination designed to distract and then blind an opponent. - Cutting at an opponent's weapon arm, cutting someone across their middle/waist and then jabbing for their eyes with the tip of one's blade.

  • Cho Sun Zone 2, Cho Mok Zone 3, Cho Sun Zone 2, Shim Zone 5 and 6, Sai Cha Zone 1 - A brutal attack that draws on some of the same inspirations as the fourth form. - Attacking an opponent's weapon arm, then their offhand arm, before moving back to their weapon arm. The move ends with a shallow attack at the knees of an opponent's legs and then attempting to behead them.

  • Shiak Zone 4, Cho Mok Zone 2, Sai Tok Zone 4 and Sai Cha Zone 1 - A simplistic flowing attack designed to engage your opponent and draw a fight out. - Stabbing towards an opponent's middle, before cutting down their weapon shoulder, then across their waist before cutting up towards their head.

  • Shiak Zone 4, Sai Tok Zone 4, Mou Kai Zone 5 & 6, Sai Cha Zone 1 - An aggressive and calculated combination to counter a charging foe and put them onto the defensive. - Stab towards a foe's throat, before cutting diagonally from their recessive shoulder down to their waist, before a flourishing move to cut away their feet that ends with an attempt to decapitate them.

  • Shiim Zone 2, Shiim Zone 3, Shiim Zone 4, Sai Tok Zone 4, Shiak Zone 1 - A move of overwhelming action and determination to try and force an opponent onto the defensive allowing you to string together more combinations. - Cut towards an opponent's weapon shoulder, then their recessive shoulder, before orbiting the blade round to the opposite side and cutting across an opponent's waist and then stebbing towards their throat.

  • Shiak Zone 4, Sai Tok Zone 1 Feint, Shiak Zone 4 - A rapid combination meant to lure an opponent's guard lower before smashing it and exploiting the exposure. - Stab towards an opponent's abdomen before bringing your blade up and then down to smash their defence away (Feinting for the body for added effect) before finally stabbing towards the exposed upper chest.

  • Sai Tok Zone 4, Sai Tok Zone 4, Cho Mok Zone 4, Sai Tok Zone 4 - An effective crowd control combination for when someone is outnumbered by 2 opponents. - Cut up along an opponent's Y axis before turning and cutting down along the same line for an adversary behind you. Then bringing the blade up from underneath to strike at the first foe again before finally spinning to cut horizontally across the second opponents waist.

  • Sai Tok Zone 4 Feint, Cho Mai Zone 2, Shiak Zone 4, Cho Sun Zone 2 - A move to quickly counter those who try to counter you. After countering the opponent this combination allows you to then step immediately onto the offensive. - Lift the blade as if to strike downwards and step forwards, before stepping back and dropping the blade close to the body to catch any strike towards you, aimed specifically at the hand. Then aim to stab straight back at an opponent's middle before lifting the blade and orbiting it over them to strike at their weapon shoulder.

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War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

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