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The Sith Code and Traditionalism - Elias Zotam
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The Sith Code and Traditionalism:
- Elias Zotam
After the instructions from various Sith; Sith Sarias ordering me to purge my slave mindset, Sith Soti ordering me to learn of the traditionalist mindset, Apprentice Arvanis instructing me to become more than a cowering slave, Assistant Lorekeeper Valeus highlighting the importance of philosophical studies and Apprentice Tutam telling me that weakness is death, I have chosen to read all the philosophical works and write down -my- interpretation of the code and what I think traditionalism is.
There are three pieces of note which have influenced my works:
- 'Qotsisajak - Apprentice Valeus Horuset'
- 'The Sith Code, an analysis - Rendvir Arvanis'
- 'The Force and how the sith code guides us - Apprentice Nova'
Prior to posting this essay I have sought feedback and approval, for either partial segments or the full document, from the following:
- Sith Lorekeeper, Sith Kaer
- Sith Sarias
- Apprentice Arvanis, as to not offend his kin's memory with referencing his work
- Assistant Lorekeeper, Apprentice Valeus
It has been pointed out to me by the Sith Lorekeeper that my use of the Dark Lord in my examples was a bold move, one I chose to still make. For a timid being will gain nothing, while the bold gain everything - something my life as a slave taught me.
A common theme amongst many of the works available to me are a literal view of the line as a whole, using it as evidence that the Sith Code is correct and the Jedi Code is wrong. And I find myself agreeing. The example is as follows: Look at the jungles of Dromund Kaas or any planet, and from a distance they look serene; peaceful even. Look closer, dig beneath the jungle canopy and you find that peace is a lie, everything that lives fights to survive. It fights for water and food, even the trees fight to grow larger and starve their rivals. So at the most basic level of existence, peace is a lie and life is ruled by passion. Passion is what drives life. To reject passion is to stagnate, to stagnate is to die.
Peace is a lie:
If peace is a lie, what is a lie? A lie is a tool, a weapon, a means to an end. For some peace can be used, knowing it is a lie, as a way to keep a population in order. Make them feel safe and they won't revolt, yet they still fight one and other and only the strongest succeed. Or, you could make a rival believe you've forgiven them for their transgressions, so that they lower their guard for you to strike. In this case, peace was a tool and a weapon, ultimately undoing your rival.
There is only passion:
Many take this literally, again, that there are only emotions. I believe there is more to it and that by passion, you must have an ambition and a dream. Something that is far beyond your current reach, something to aspire to. This passion (desire) will fuel your passions (emotions) and push you to achieve more and more every day, so that one day your dream will become a reality. But naturally, a Sith will always want more, and will always be chasing something... more.
I was once a slave, and the people around me were slaves. We had resigned ourselves to not daring to dream, to not aspire to anything. Now, I see that we deserved to be slaves because we rejected our passions and accepted stagnation, accepted to live a pitiful existence for the mere sake of living. Now, I have found a passion, an ambition, and it pushes and dictates my actions on a daily basis. It is better to die fighting for a dream, than to live a life of stagnation.
Passion alone is not enough to make a Sith, it is merely the first step of an internal chain reaction. Passions, once harnessed properly, are both our fuel and conduit through which we command the force. Without true control of our passions, we cannot control the beast that is the force, it will reject us or worse; break us.
Through correct use of passion we gain the ability to influence the force, and the world around us. This is strength. Though my strength as an Acolyte is meagre in the presence of an Apprentice, and it is eclipsed in the presence of Darth Horuset. These figures strengths have grown immensely through tempering them, through struggle or as some others have written, strife.
As a slave I held passions, I feared and hated my Overseers. These passions brought me strength, it allowed me to work harder and survive more than the other slaves. I was misguided though, and it took the Light of the Horuset Sun to make me realise this. I could have used my strength to change my fate, but I didn't, now I am a Household Acolyte, and have the opportunity to use my strength to change my lot in life. An opportunity I intend to grasp with all my strength.
A common theme, again, and one I come to agree with. Strength is the ability to influence those around you directly, power is being able to influence others but no longer having to do so directly.
When tempering your strength you will meet challengers, ones who will prove to be either stronger or weaker than you. If you are stronger, you defeat them and if you are weaker, you are defeated. Regardless of the result, the challenge has tested your limits and you have grown stronger. Eventually, one will go undefeated for long enough that people do their bidding without challenging them. This is true power and can be seen by Darth Horuset, her powerbase obeys her every whim without daring to question her infinite wisdom.
I was a slave, my overseers had power over me for I feared what they would do. I once resisted, but eventually they broke me. Now, I am more, and I hunger for more. I will fight with everything I can, face every challenge available and take what is offered, and claim what is withheld Through this, I will grow stronger and eventually gain power over others below me, perhaps even return and claim the slave pits for myself, force the Overseers to serve me. That would be nice...
Furthermore, Darth Horuset, her Lords and her apprentices have power over me. None have directly exercised their strength against me, yet I see the Apprentices who have defeated me with ease bow to their power. So I know that I would be crushed like an insect for defiance, through my desire to live, they have power over me.
With each clash of power there can be only one victor, and they shall rise while the other bends the knee or dies.
Victory is when you are unchallenged and can enact your will without question, there are no half victories so to truly be victorious no-one can question you. Darth Horuset is victorious within her powerbase, for none of us dare question her, yet even someone as powerful as a Darth has further to go. Until they become Emperor. The Horuset sun awakening the whole Empire the way it has awoken me, one can dream.
I am yet to taste power or victory, for I am an Acolyte and questioned by all. Yet this lack of power or victory drives me on, it makes me hunger for more. It generates passion. With each defeat I grow closer to my goal.
Victory is proving that you are better than others, than your 'peers' who will become your subordinates. With each person you subjugate you grow in independence and renown, further enhancing the earlier aspects of the code in a self generating cycle of power. Eventually you will become peerless, independent, and nobody can restrict you; chains have been broken.
Once your chains are broken, you are free, and can rule unquestioned. Yet there will be those who seek to take what you have, forever chasing and lusting after your power. And you must continue to grow, for stagnation - is death.
An obvious chain that I have broken in my life, through the strength of force sensitivity, is breaking out from my chains of slavery. Yet I am aware of more chains, the mental scars and conditioning of my slave life which are being broken away with each day that passes and the rank of acolyte itself. These are my most prominent chains, and the first I must break.
Freedom, the right to do as you wish, is something all Sith strive for but very few achieve. Only the most committed, most passionate, most driven being can achieve true perfection, true freedom. Claiming their freedom from the entity that is the force, all others who are less than perfect will be bent to it's will one way or another. The Jedi, submit to the force through their creed, the countless Sith who die before attaining freedom simply had the force fail them while it served another. For they lacked the skill to command it well enough in the moments they were truly tested.
I think this section I will keep entirely to myself, a Sith doesn't reveal everything after all. So neither will I, as an aspiring Sith.
Traditionalism is the rule of the strong, those who are strong of mind, body, the force and most importantly Purity.
As stated by Darth Horuset herself, the Purebloods, those blessed with the red marks, are the strongest because for generations they have taken the Sith Code to heart. No other species has gone through such hardship, such strife, made such sacrifices as the Sith Purebloods. For the purpose of strength they have committed both infanticide and patricide, infanticide to prevent mutations and weak genes from spreading into bloodlines and patricide to claim the position of their matriarch or patriarch once they are stronger. Both embrace a form of strife that no other species has, making them stronger as a whole.
The biology of a Sith Pureblood further enforces their superiority, they are taller, faster, stronger, wield natural weapons on their bodies and have a stronger connection to the Dark Side of the force than any other, they are truly unrivalled on biological might. For any lesser being to best a Pureblood the lesser being is not to mistake itself as exceptional, but instead realise that the Pureblood in question squandered their gifts. The lesser being is still filth.
The Sith Code was derived from ancient pureblooded society, for their very lifestyle is the embodiment of the code. The strong rule, only the most passionate and commited become the strongest and can rule. For me, Darth Horuset is the embodiment of this. She is a Sith Sorceress of immeasurable power, and of the purest blood, even a glance from her was enough to make my stomach turn in fear, yet also inspire me.
I am a Sith Blooded Human, blessed with just enough blood to show signs of purity but cursed to be so close yet so far from biological perfection. This means, like all who lack the red marks, I must want it more. I must fight harder, and I must give everything I have to prove that I am worthy despite the sin of my impurity.
That is what traditionalism is to me, and that is what drives me.
Thank you for reading this essay, should anyone wish to discuss my views I am more than willing to do so.
Force serve.
Elias Zotam
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The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!
"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."
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