30-04-2023, 07:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 30-04-2023, 07:09 AM by Rhysand Sekker.)
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![[Image: QcJCbko.png]](https://i.imgur.com/QcJCbko.png)
Spoiler: Available Horuset Personel Present
Apprentice Aeros
Apprentice Black
Apprentice Vaenra
Apprentice Ronith
Neophyte Raeniu
Acolyte Amythia
Acolyte Rendvir
Acolyte Kaidar
Acolyte Avestia
Acolyte Aavi
Private Srano
Apprentice Black
Apprentice Vaenra
Apprentice Ronith
Neophyte Raeniu
Acolyte Amythia
Acolyte Rendvir
Acolyte Kaidar
Acolyte Avestia
Acolyte Aavi
Private Srano
Spoiler: The Mission
[spoiler=Main objectives]
Upon request of Lord Kalkoran, all available Horuset forces were summoned to the Officer deck abroad Th'Asidra.
We were briefed about the recent happenings upon the planet Sernpidal.
This is where we got tasked to put up a defensive line against the Taurill invaders within the City of Sernpidal.
Our main objective was
- To stall and kill the incoming hostiles
- Saving both the personnel and the resources the powerbase needs for the future of Sernpidal
Upon request of Lord Kalkoran, all available Horuset forces were summoned to the Officer deck abroad Th'Asidra.
We were briefed about the recent happenings upon the planet Sernpidal.
This is where we got tasked to put up a defensive line against the Taurill invaders within the City of Sernpidal.
Our main objective was
- To stall and kill the incoming hostiles
- Saving both the personnel and the resources the powerbase needs for the future of Sernpidal
Spoiler: Mission Report
It became clear that the sent personnel was needed upon this mission. After our arrival, many of the citizens were to be seen in panic. Many screaming children and imperial forces that were busy loading in the resources that were about to be extracted from the Warehouses. This is where we were briefed by one imperial about the current situation and the doings of those creatures called taurills. We received several orders from the Apprentices. So was Private Srano tasked to find a connection to the local communication system. The pureblood acolytes were to stay with Apprentice Aeros, and the remaining acolyte was tasked to stick with Apprentice Vaenra.
This however did not stood long, as chaos emerged from the city.
The hostiles were on its way and an attack was about to happen upon the base.
This is where we brought ourselves into position under orders from the Apprentices.
The resources that we had available to us were 2 turrets and the equipment that we brought with us. In my case, this was just my training saber.
It did not take long as soon the taurills swarmed their way through the streets over to us.
There were too many to count, but what stood out is that the swarm of taurills were accompanied by three big ones.
Knowing the situation that we were in, I decided to fulfil a supportive role in the fight to come.
I knew due to previous encounters with the taurill, that the enemy is hard to slay due to their nature. This is where I decided to position myself behind the barricade together with the others.
Allowing myself to fully focus on one of the bigger taurill creatures, I decided and successfully managed to slow the bigger ones down after performing a Force Slow on it.
This while the experienced apprentices used the force, such as using force lightning to deal with the smaller taurills.
The group managed to hold off the taurills for quite some time, but those bigger creatures kept pushing forward. Even as I managed to slow one of the bigger ones down, I started to realize that we would be unable to finish and hold them off. This is where I switched my attention to the ones around me. Seeing Apprentice Aeros being in distress as a swarm of taurills crawled up to her, this while someone threw some sort of a smoke grenade in the fight. Those taurills seemed to swarm and flank us from anywhere, and to my believes also seemed to protect the bigger ones.
This gave me no further time as I switched my focus to the swarm that went for Apprentice Aeros. Helping her out as those beasts crawled up to her by telekinetically further some of the taurill away from her. There was not much that could have been done, rather than delaying those creatures from entering the building that we were to protect.
I managed to aid Apprentice Aeros in her fight against the swarm and holding the taurills off, keeping some of the swarm of coming over the barricade and even managed to stall the bigger creature by use of a force wound.
Those actions by the acolytes were rather small doings, but as a team we managed to hold them off until the evacuation was nearly completed.
And as for their apprentices, they acted as expected. Taking the leading roles over the Acolytes and stood at the front to keep those beasts off.
I noticed that Apprentice Vaenra was in quite some distress. Getting swarmed and attacked from up-close, however she did managed to get out of the situation. Only if it wasn't for the alien acolyte Aavi, who I saw with a blaster and aiming blaster shots to where the Apprentice was fighting. The same goes for Apprentice Ronith, I saw him going in and fighting the smaller creatures, but those were too many for him to handle on his one. This is where I successfully managed to make use of the environment and to help the apprentice break free from getting swarmed.
Then we got to the point is where the Horuset forces started to retrieve back to the base after receiving the holocall that the evacuation was nearly compleeted, and that we should go back before we would get overran by those beasts.
We all managed our way back, however some of us did needed aid. Apprentice Aeros was receiving support from Acolytes Kaidar and Rendvir, and I believe that it was Private Srano who supported to Apprentice Vaenra.
The group eventually made it back to the shuttle as we successfully held those beasts off for the equipment and personnel to be evacuated.
However to my disbelieve, I saw through the shuttle window that those taurill creatures only came to the city to murder and slaughter.
I knew that something was off with those creatures after I aided Apprentice Occularis with her research on one of those creatures.
Only this got confirmed by the behaviour what I saw from them. Instead of feeding on the fallen imperial troops, those creatures decided to take those bodies and dragged them into their tunnels. To where? I do not know.
I brought this up in the debrief.
And after speaking with Apprentice Uldrinn, he told me to bring the following up in the report;
If I may suggest something, my lords.
I would suggest tracking the equipment that those fallen soldiers had on them. Perhaps the signal could lead to the whereabouts of where those creatures are hiding. And what they exactly do with our fallen troops.
I believe that those creatures could use those bodies for possible incubation, used as food for their offspring or perhaps collect it for one of those bigger taurills.
Or if the findings were true that Apprentice Occularis and i made, perhaps they collect those bodies for further alterations, as those taurills appear to be modified and altered.
However this last assumption does require more further research as we found those discoveries on just one,deceased taurill.
Those above are some of my guesses, but I believe that knowing the whereabouts of those fallen troops could be of great valueable information for the Household, and that we could get a starting lead on how to eradicate those insects for once and for all.
Acolyte Amythia
This however did not stood long, as chaos emerged from the city.
The hostiles were on its way and an attack was about to happen upon the base.
This is where we brought ourselves into position under orders from the Apprentices.
The resources that we had available to us were 2 turrets and the equipment that we brought with us. In my case, this was just my training saber.
It did not take long as soon the taurills swarmed their way through the streets over to us.
There were too many to count, but what stood out is that the swarm of taurills were accompanied by three big ones.
Knowing the situation that we were in, I decided to fulfil a supportive role in the fight to come.
I knew due to previous encounters with the taurill, that the enemy is hard to slay due to their nature. This is where I decided to position myself behind the barricade together with the others.
Allowing myself to fully focus on one of the bigger taurill creatures, I decided and successfully managed to slow the bigger ones down after performing a Force Slow on it.
This while the experienced apprentices used the force, such as using force lightning to deal with the smaller taurills.
The group managed to hold off the taurills for quite some time, but those bigger creatures kept pushing forward. Even as I managed to slow one of the bigger ones down, I started to realize that we would be unable to finish and hold them off. This is where I switched my attention to the ones around me. Seeing Apprentice Aeros being in distress as a swarm of taurills crawled up to her, this while someone threw some sort of a smoke grenade in the fight. Those taurills seemed to swarm and flank us from anywhere, and to my believes also seemed to protect the bigger ones.
This gave me no further time as I switched my focus to the swarm that went for Apprentice Aeros. Helping her out as those beasts crawled up to her by telekinetically further some of the taurill away from her. There was not much that could have been done, rather than delaying those creatures from entering the building that we were to protect.
I managed to aid Apprentice Aeros in her fight against the swarm and holding the taurills off, keeping some of the swarm of coming over the barricade and even managed to stall the bigger creature by use of a force wound.
Those actions by the acolytes were rather small doings, but as a team we managed to hold them off until the evacuation was nearly completed.
And as for their apprentices, they acted as expected. Taking the leading roles over the Acolytes and stood at the front to keep those beasts off.
I noticed that Apprentice Vaenra was in quite some distress. Getting swarmed and attacked from up-close, however she did managed to get out of the situation. Only if it wasn't for the alien acolyte Aavi, who I saw with a blaster and aiming blaster shots to where the Apprentice was fighting. The same goes for Apprentice Ronith, I saw him going in and fighting the smaller creatures, but those were too many for him to handle on his one. This is where I successfully managed to make use of the environment and to help the apprentice break free from getting swarmed.
Then we got to the point is where the Horuset forces started to retrieve back to the base after receiving the holocall that the evacuation was nearly compleeted, and that we should go back before we would get overran by those beasts.
We all managed our way back, however some of us did needed aid. Apprentice Aeros was receiving support from Acolytes Kaidar and Rendvir, and I believe that it was Private Srano who supported to Apprentice Vaenra.
The group eventually made it back to the shuttle as we successfully held those beasts off for the equipment and personnel to be evacuated.
However to my disbelieve, I saw through the shuttle window that those taurill creatures only came to the city to murder and slaughter.
I knew that something was off with those creatures after I aided Apprentice Occularis with her research on one of those creatures.
Only this got confirmed by the behaviour what I saw from them. Instead of feeding on the fallen imperial troops, those creatures decided to take those bodies and dragged them into their tunnels. To where? I do not know.
I brought this up in the debrief.
And after speaking with Apprentice Uldrinn, he told me to bring the following up in the report;
If I may suggest something, my lords.
I would suggest tracking the equipment that those fallen soldiers had on them. Perhaps the signal could lead to the whereabouts of where those creatures are hiding. And what they exactly do with our fallen troops.
I believe that those creatures could use those bodies for possible incubation, used as food for their offspring or perhaps collect it for one of those bigger taurills.
Or if the findings were true that Apprentice Occularis and i made, perhaps they collect those bodies for further alterations, as those taurills appear to be modified and altered.
However this last assumption does require more further research as we found those discoveries on just one,deceased taurill.
Those above are some of my guesses, but I believe that knowing the whereabouts of those fallen troops could be of great valueable information for the Household, and that we could get a starting lead on how to eradicate those insects for once and for all.
Acolyte Amythia