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Essay: A Brief History of the First Jen'ari

Essay: A Brief History of the First Jen'ari
By: Acolyte Ida Velaris


In this write-up, I will discuss the first of the Jen'ari, and some terms may seem offensive in writing to call them, such as "Exiles" or "Dark Jedi". The objective of this report is to be objective, so to speak, and report the history as it is, without bias or viewpoint. I can only write based on the information that I have, so any of such present is from the sources, not the writer, although my own views seem to have made it into this as well.

With that stated, it is best to start from the beginning.

The Second Great Schism

Also known as the Hundred-Years War, this may well be attributed to the first real battles between Sith and Jedi. Three years after there was a split, the war began in earnest for... well, a hundred years. Some of the Jedi had begun researching deeper into the Force, altering creatures, finding ways to subvert deaths and revive dead worlds by bending life itself. The Jedi feared this power would lead to abuse, and the split ensued, with the fighting beginning in earnest. The Dark Jedi utilized creatures as extensions of their will, keeping even - however, they were simply too few. The second half of the war saw even bigger and more terrifying beasts created. In the end, they were driven back, and sent away into the far reaches of space.

But one of their number, Sorzus Syn, had a destination in mind.

Arrival On Korriban

What was not accounted for was the discovery of the Sith people. There were twelve Exiles in all, and their servants, with the most powerful of note being:

* Ajunta Pall, who would become the first Dark Lord as the leader of their number
* Karness Muur, creator of the Rakghoul Plague
* Sorzus Syn, original author of the Sith Code
* XoXaan, the most potent Dark Side healer among the Exiles
* Remulus Dreypa, the one who would give the Exiles away

The lattermost, Baron Remulus Dreypa, would take some of their number within a year to take on the Jedi once more. Unfortunately, they were crushed, which would result in the Jedi knowing that the Exiles had survived the casting away. The others would go on to perform other deeds of note as they interacted with the Sith people.

While the King Hakagram Graush welcomed them for their power and technology, his Shadow Hand worked with Ajunta Pall to overthrow him, which ended in his downfall. Their leaders unseated, the Exiles that did not leave became worshipped as gods, the "Jen'ari" - Dark Lords of the Sith.

Ajunta Pall and the Empire

Leader of both the Sith people and the Exiles, he would go on to form the first Sith Empire, conquering several worlds. The original Master, and present since the very beginning of the War before, he would spend the rest of his days on Ziost, the capital of his Empire. Upon his death, his body was moved to Korriban, placed in a massive tomb in the modern-day Valley of the Dark Lords. He had lived a long life, and become the first in many long traditions held today by the Sith Purebloods, and the Sith organization as a whole.

Of particular note, the Valley of the Dark Lords became utilized solely for Dark Lords, as the name implies. Kings, before this, were entombed in the Valley of Golg, one among many Burial Valleys on Korriban. All of them had protective runes of Sith Magic, and the Dark Lords themselves were buried with many of their possessions from life. It is believed their spirits remain inside, for those who venture within, protecting their power forevermore.

Sorzus Syn and the Sith Code

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

These were the words that Sorzus Syn recorded, among many other writings of the journeys of her peers and the conquering of the Sith people. She was one of the foremost in Alchemy among their number, possibly even the one that orchestrated the merging of the Exiles' DNA with that of the Sith people to ensure their legacy lived on. She created the infamous amulet of Karness Muur, his most infamous artifact, as well. It may be interesting to note that although the Sith Code was a subversion of the Jedi Code, she was inspired to create it by the very people she had helped conquer. They were strong, took what they wished, killed the rest, and used whatever was at their disposal to their fullest potential. In this sense, though the Sith people were subjugated, they inspired their captors to be like them.

We attest to Pureblood superiority, and their strong attunement to the Dark Side of the Force, but further reinforcing this fact is that the first Sith Lords mingled with them, chose them as their successors, made them the embodiment of the Code and all it stands for. Truly, one can be Sith, but there is a distinct blessing in also being Sith. I, myself, am blessed to have some blood in my veins, but I daresay it is not enough to reach the level of power of a Pureblood.

Conclusion, Then and Now

While the other Exiles may be notable, there is not enough information on their lives to make more than conjecture, other than they were a part of the lives of the others as a whole. The Exiles and the Sith people learned from each other in tandem, and through accumulated knowledge of both, merged even their DNA to form a stronger, far more powerful people. They had been cast away, but so did the survivors of war find a new people willing to learn from them, students that have shaped the galaxy for centuries. Even today, the amount of Sith Blood inside of someone is a benchmark of strength in the Dark Side, but by no means a limit. A fool may squander their potential, a low-born may rise high, but in the end, just as they had been shown, the Purebloods preside over lesser races and people, dominant and strong. The original Empire has fallen and risen, time and again, and today, splits the galaxy, far more formidable than the original Jen'ari could have possibly dreamed.

Their vision of the Sith has become a reality, and I, myself, am proud to be a citizen of the Empire. I seek to break my chains, go beyond my generations before, following the very code which has defined an order as a way of life. The Force shall free me. Thank you for reading.

Force serve, ever and always.
[Image: iLA5SH0.png]

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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