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Battlefield Accident (Sith Arbitrator)

Accessing Public File; Downloading from 'Trakaton;Kalkoran'
Download Complete; Displaying File:

Public Call for Operation Team Assembly

[Image: 8QVlr36.png]

Attached to the file would be a prerecorded holomessage that when selected would play. Trakaton's form would blaze to life in the classic display of a holographic transmission, the electric blue tinge accenting some features while diminishing others. Trakaton would be stood with his arms folded across his armoured chest, the cloak hanging loosely from his shoulders and the custom-fit plates of the armour looking as comfortable as an embrace. The scar on the right side of his face would be barely visible, his head ever so slightly turned to the right and he'd speak with a tone of authority:

"The Horuset Powerbase, perched in logistics as it is, sees the lifeblood of the Empire travel through it's fingers. Weapons of war, food for soldiers and starships themselves are all matters that we delve in and as a result, when a battle is joined we become one of the first to know, so that our supply lines to the location can flow as needed. Our fleet, is that of a Northern Territories reserve fleet, one ready to deploy when needed, but not actively engaged on the frontlines at all times."
"On the frontlines of the most southern tip of the Northern territories, the planet of Botajef has become a battleground between the Republic and the Empire. The Republic seeks to gain dominion over the Imperial fortified world, as it's hyperlanes lead from the very heartlands of the Empire up to Sernpidal itself. Such an offensive by the Republic was a bold, near suicidal move, yet it has gained a strong foothold because of 'politics'."
"Lord Paven, second in command of the Empire's stationed forces, has made a ceasefire with the Republic assault forces and has turned on his Master, Darth Valpre, to claim their title. Both have taken separate bases as their command structure and move against the other. This has left the Imperial defense in complete chaos, half of the garrison has sided with Lord Paven while the other has remained with Darth Valpre, Imperial fighting Imperial while the Republic forces wait on the side, letting the Imperial forces kill one another before they inevitably move in to take the planet for themselves."
"While both Lord Paven and Darth Valpre live, the defense of Botajef is at risk. The main artery of logistical flow through the Empire, is at risk. The objective is simple, the Horuset Powerbase must intervene and see either Lord Paven or Darth Valpre silently assassinated, so that the garrison can remuster and mount the defense needed to protect the planet.
"To those who see this operation complete, you will be rewarded proportional to your position in the Sith Empire.
An Imperial Soldier, will receive access to a single blaster or Vibroblade upgrade category of their choice alongside receiving a stipend of credits to do with as they wish.
An Acolyte, will receive a singular piece of armour to protect a body part of their choice that they will wear under their robes with my personal and public confirmation that I permit such. The Acolyte must approach me personally to receive such a reward.
Apprentices or Neophytes of the Horuset Powerbase will dependent on which Lord of the Sith is killed, be able to ask for a weapon from Lord Paven's armoury if he has died or one of Darth Valpre's ancient manuscripts on the histories of the Old Sith Empire if he has passed.
Those who are beyond Apprentices, will receive a reward of their own choosing."

*With that the hologram would flicker and then fade from view. Leaving the viewer able to access the rest of the information provided.*

Location: Botajef - A crossroads of the Empire and a fortified world on the Hydian Way and Salin Corridor Hyperlanes, Botajef is a world that helps connect the Northern Territories to the rest of the Sith Emprie through a high volume hyperlane. Without the planet, the Empire is one splinter closer to fracturing.

((OOCly: Botajef is a continental world, and as a result  you could pick pretty much any planet you wished to be the site of where the RP takes place. I'd suggest Alderaan's Imperial Bases, those that are within the Republic side of the map or even Quesh if you wish for a more industrial like look, but truly anyway works entirely dependent on where you wish the target to be located.))

Lord Paven Lord Paven is the apprentice to Darth Valpre and a Lord of the Sith that has been up and coming since the end of the Cold War. Having been part of such conflicts as the First Battle of Correlia and fighting on Dromund Kaas when it was attacked by the Republic and then later Zakuul, Paven is seeped in war and all it's machinations. A warrior and tactician through and through, they attacked their lethargic master for their title in an effort to see Botajef remain in Imperial hands, in the only way they can imagine it.

Darth Valpre A veteran of every conflict againt the Republic, Darth Valpre was there during the initial onslaught against the Republic in the opening days of the Empire's resurgence. Human, corrupted and ancient for it, the Darth has grown distracted in more recent months with the rumoured goal of lengthening their own life through whatever means they can find and notably, writes nothing down and instead memorises their entire progress. The Darth's deployment on Botajef has put them at the forefront of the war and their ability to 'procure' subjects that they need has seemingly given them great strides to overcoming their corrupted physical form.

Objectives: In this task there will be two primary objectives.

Primary Objective I: Lord Paven or Darth Valpre, must be killed.

Primary Objective II: The Horuset Powerbase's involvement must remain a secret. Once the assassination takes place, the credit will publicly go to the surviving Sith.

Time Frame: The team will have 28 days before the damage to Botajef's garrison is too great, and killing either of the Sith is no longer a viable solution.
((The 9th of April will be the deadline!))

Estimated Party Size: The recommendation of Lord Kalkoran is that a member of the Sith Arbitrator branch must be present or advise the participants, alongside four others for a total party size of five to complete the objectives of this mission.

((Five means start planning when to set a date for the Operation at five people with a hard cap of absolutely no more than five. Please find a GM from within this number.))

Verifying Public File;
Verification Complete; File Completed

((Originally posted by Apprentice Rhave Vipion))

Mission Report (Classified from general view)

My lord,

A team of myself, Sith Vipion, Apprentice Roi, Apprentice Sekker and Neophyte Kari'da have completed this mission. We approached the base on a shuttle, landing some few hundred meters outside of Lord Paven's position. Approaching on foot and in disguise as Imperial Soldiers, we gained entry to the base via mind tricks and begun to scout around for a possible ambush point. One presented itself to us promptly when the Lord approached our group and ordered me to bring plans to his tent.

We approached his tent, deciding among us a course of attack. When we arrived we put it into motion. Myself and Kari'da attacked his mind whilst the others attacked his body with a mixture of force powers and slugthrowers. He managed to get to his feet under the assault, but was severely injured by a slugthrower bolt nearly ripping his jaw off. At this point we changed tact and I channelled lightning into his body as the others gripped and wounded and otherwise afflicted him. Moments later he was dead.

We exfiltrated by using his datapad beacon to make it seem he was leaving on the shuttle we arrived on, though the bodies of him and a pair of personal guards were stashed in his tent. His datapad and comms were retrieved for our teams to rip apart for data if needed.

Glory to the Sith

Apprentice Rhave Vipion

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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