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The Structure of the Sphere of Doctrine

The Structure of the Sphere of Doctrine
The Sphere of Doctrine is never to be a stagnant or unchanging body - it must continually evolve and change. The chaff must be separated with brutal threshing, and the capable must rise to the top. This structure must not be assumed as permanent, and will change continually as time progresses. 

Structural Diagram:
[Image: c0STx9I.png]

The Pillar of Fear
The Pillar of Fear is the body within the Sphere of Doctrine that embodies the terror experienced by the enemies of the Sith. Their duties are perhaps the most overtly aggressive of the Sphere, but they must be carried out always with subtlety and creativity. A blunt tool will not be permitted to rise above the most basal of ranks within the Pillar of Fear. While the Pillar's responsibilities remain broad and nebulous in order to not overly restrict them, the core of their duties are as such; they must strike terror into the hearts of those who oppose the Empire; using fear tactics and terrorism, waging war upon morale, striking at key ideological targets and inflicting sabotage upon their foes. They are also responsible for the elimination of key targets via assassination and kidnapping, as well as the cultivation of skills in torture and information extraction. They are particularly likely to collaborate with the Spheres of Insight and War.

At present the Pillar of Fear oversees the Spectres. They also co-oversee the Arbitrator Vaults on Dromund Kaas alongside the Pentarch of Advancement.

The current Pillar of Fear is Sith Tiwura.

The Pillar of Culture
The Pillar of Culture is the body within the Sphere of Doctrine that researches and protects the ancient ways of the Sith. Their duties are both academic and practical, as the halls they often have to walk are rife with danger - and they also study methods of bringing the old into the new, such as methods of construction temples in the old tradition for the Powerbase's needs. While the Pillar's responsibilities remain broad and nebulous in order to not overly restrict them, the core of their duties are as such; find, catalogue, protect and when necessary retrieve the material legacy of the Sith of Korriban and their diaspora. They also, albeit at a lesser priority, study the legacy of other dark sided cultures of a non-heretical nature and act as a resource of masonry and construction techniques of more esoteric provenance to those employed by the Sphere of Resurgence. They are particularly likely to collaborate with the Spheres of Advancement and Resurgence.

At present the Pillar of Culture oversees the Disciples of Culture, the Preserver Warehouses and the Preserver Masons, a core of skilled stoneworkers versed in ancient techniques.

The current Pillar of Culture is Sith Tutki.

Apprentices Zarkang Kalkoran and Zravia are the two Disciples of Culture at present.

The Pillar of Dogma
The Pillar of Dogma are the ideological heart of the Powerbase and the Sphere of Doctrine. They are likely the most inwards-looking of the Pillars, but this must not be their sole reality, for while we must establish traditionalism within, so too much we purge heresy and weakness without. While the Pillar's responsibilities remain broad and nebulous in order to not overly restrict them, the core of their duties are as such; maintain the traditional core of the Horuset Powerbase at any cost - the primacy of the Red Sith, followed by Sith-blooded humans, then baseline humans, trusted species such as the Chiss, near-human aliens, and finally the hated non-sentients. They must also pursue with extreme prejudice any and all heretics within the Empire, but especially those who dwell or meddle within the Northern Territories. This includes both heretical Sith, and operatives of non-conventional force user organizations such as the Luka Sene, the Revanites or the Makutai. The focus of the Pillar of Dogma is internally that of traditionalism, and though they are encouraged to express soft power in favor of this - or subtly act in favor of it - externally, their main focus in the wider Empire is to be the persecution of outright heretics - this is in response to prior orders from high authorities of the Empire regarding traditionalism. They are to collaborate with all Spheres, and to watch all.

At present the Pillar of Dogma oversees the Disciples of Dogma and co-oversees the Purifier Vaults on Dromund Kaas alongside the Pentarch of Advancement.

The current Pillar of Dogma is Sith Suyni.

Apprentice Latom Zynn is the sole Disciple of Dogma at present.

The Pentarch's Voice
Personal right hand of the Pentarch of Doctrine, the Pentarch's Voice operates across the Sphere with autonomy, answering in truth only to the Pentarch themselves. They are not above any of the Pillars, and unless stated otherwise hold no direct authority over any other member of the Sphere. Instead, they move about the Sphere aiding each Pillar and ensuring that stagnation does not set into the ranks. The present Pentarch's Voice is Apprentice Emlar Racta.

The Lorekeeper
The role of Lorekeeper is the Sphere of Doctrine's overseer nominee - they are responsible for imparting ideological and academic knowledge and guidance specifically to the Acolyte pool, and to a lesser extent junior Apprentices. They are also a key aspect of knowledge gathering and retention within the Horuset Powerbase, and thus will very often collaborate with members of the Sphere of Advancement and the Pillar of Culture. The present Lorekeeper is Sith Suyni.

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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