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Aggressive Sequences.

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I welcome you to the third installment of my developing anthology of combative saber techniques developed by myself using the knowledge I have of Shii-Cho to optimize its use.

Once again I preemptively thank any Lords or Apprentices that have taken the time to read yet another one of my works.

The offer still stands, should any Acolytes or even apprentices wish to practice any sequences with me, I am always but a call away.
HoloCom Number: 122-212-647-8389

Having received the great honour of being the first Acolyte to set foot in the new training room, I later conversed with Apprentice Tashha. With guidance from her and knowledge passed unto me from her wisdom, I have developed and dedicated these three additional sequences following her tutelage.

Points to note:
Apprentice Tashha further provided me knowledge of what Shii-Cho means to the Sith. I understood the premise of it being unpredictable and unrelenting, however I focused my attention too much on the aspect of unpredictability, waiting for the enemy to strike before I would retaliate with the sequences to best them. Although, and I mean no disrespect to Apprentice Tashha or any other Lords or Apprentices, I still firmly believe in a solid defense, and that that is the best starting point between attacks, just to ensure that the enemy can not sneak their blade into a place that could debilitate you.

Sequence 5: The Waterfall
Effective against: Anyone who forsakes defense.
Recommended Defense stance: Defense stance two.
Ideaology: Apprentice Tashha taught me that while utilizing Shii-Cho, one should be relentless, brutalizing the enemy with torrents of assaults, giving them no respite in their defense or time to recalculate their next step. Should you face an obstacle, be the waterfall against a rock, wear it down and pulverize it to dust.

Step one:
Begin as a waterfall, using defense stance two's raised saber position to bring it barreling down on your foe, the intention here is to force them to bring their saber up above their head. If they try and lock sabers, pull your blade back so it slides free and should then be at your naval with the hilt closest to your stomach, then send a Shiim under their defense to their stomach or armpits. However, if they retain their defense above their head (Most foes will), you bring your blade back up, and smash it down again, the intention here is to have the enemy begin to retreat. if they focus their defense above them, they will likely begin to retreat as their defense is battered.

Step two:
Once you notice the concern in their eyes, (See previous document.) that is when you enact step two. Bring your blade down once more, but once you collide with it, follow through, Sliding the blade off theirs and back to your gut, once their bring your blade upwards, underneath their defense. This will leave their stomach and chest open to a devastating Shiim and if you wish a Shiak to their torso.

Step three:
Once you have crippled their torso, bring your blade free of their body then feign a Mou-kei, bringing the blade down and under as if to target their legs. Their defense will be drawn to their lower part, especially seeing as though their wounds and realization of a swift defeat is at hand, use a fore-handed feign for this, as a backhanded feign will result in you blade being out of place. With the Fore-handed feign coming low, place your off hand on the pommel of the Saber hilt and thrust it through their torso. Thus ending combat.

Pros: Can best an opponent and terrify their peers with sheer hatred and ferocity.
Cons: Requires swift and indefensible consecutive strikes to overwhelm ones foes.

Sequence 6: Hezarkal's will
Effective against: Saber wielding foes.
Recommended defensive stance: Defensive stance four.
Ideology: Throughout my studies I have not been paying homage or respect to my kind. I have been failing them with my weakness and my ineffective learning of my heritage. This is the first step to rectifying that. Hezarkal is the God of Monomachy, he bested the Vanguard of Zyantha by facing them down one by one. Using his ferocity, cunning and unparalleled skill with a blade, one can embody the spiritual essence and best many opponents with this swift and brutal combination.

Step one:
To be victorious while using Mekhath's will, you should wait for the foe to come in close. You will strike first, so let them come to you and get themselves out of position. Once in range, lunge forwards and strike with a downward slash on their right flank, this is to draw up their defense. Once their defense is raised, use you dominant leg to kick them in the groin with augmented strength. Regardless of the gender, most sentient humanoid species will feel intense pain, male specimens more-so than female.

Step two:
With their guard raised and movement hindered, you -must- take this opportunity to best one foe and lessen the numbers you face. Use your non dominant hand to grab their dominant hand. (As noted in the previous document about the dangers of a One-handed foe) Take their saber hand and push it back and as far away as possible, the idea here to get their weapon arm outstretched over their head and out of use. With their blade out of action, your bladed arm should already be plunging itself into their chest. Removing the Combatant from the equation.

Sequence 7: Nuniji:
Effective against: All
Recommended defense stance: Defense stance 5, adapted so the blade is pointing behind you rather than at the enemy.
Ideology: This is a more cynical sequence. It is not designed to kill but to maim and cripple a foe to the extent of them being completely incapable of defending themselves. Nuniji is HighSith for Pain and that is the intention of this sequence. To toy with your opponent and terrify his or her peers.

Step One:
Take up defense stance Five, with your blade poised by your left flank and your right leg forwards, bring your blade up at the first instance in a diagonal upwards backhanded slash. The reason for this is to get them to raise their defense. Once the defense is raised ensure you catch your saber on theirs. Seeing as though their blade will be on top of yours, this is an ideal opportunity to keep their blade in one position while you slide yours under their guard, using the tip of the blade to nick their torso and chest.
To clarify; their blade will stop yours roughly at stomach/chest height, all you need to do, is angle the blade so it is horizontal from your hand to their chest. Their blade will still be held out of the way, providing you with the perfect opportune to thrust and perform a Shiim or Shiak to their torso.

Step two:
Retreat your blade and retake your position. Wait for them to repose themselves, give them the sense of security in thinking they can fight back. Once they have reposed themselves, move in with a low blow aiming for their lower torso and upper thighs, the intention here is to smash their blade up and provide it with further kinetic energy so they will follow up with a downward strike, by bringing their blade down in a downward vertical slash. This will trick them into thinking that you have provided them with a precise opportunity for them to get the upper hand, when in fact they have been tricked.

Step Three:
While they bring their blade down, you are to meet theirs. Collide blades, but step to your dominant hand side, and bring their blade down, guiding it with your own. While they fall forwards and past you, grab their blade's hilt, using your hand to keep both of theirs clutched onto the blade, (If they are holding their blade with one hand, grab their hand by the thumb and back of the palm) and keep it pointed down. With your blade shake it free and bring it clear then bring it down as hard as you can on their wrist(s), if you have a saber, this will sever the hand(s), if you have a blade, this will either sever the nerves and ligaments that connect the thumb to the forearm or sever the hand, with a training saber, this will cause trauma to the nerve and paralyze the thumb(s) for a short duration. With this move completed, and either their hand(s) severed or their thumb and ligaments in the wrist beaten or sliced, pulling their blade from their grasp will be a simple task.

Step four:
Once you have taken their blade/saber/Sword, use that and your own and swing both arms, one at chest height and one at leg height. Instinctively the opponent will attempt to avoid the chest height strike, as they do not wish to die. This means the lower strike will most likely connect, causing massive trauma to their quadriceps (Large muscles on the front of the thigh.) if not severing the legs (Provided you're using a light saber) If you are using a Sharp blade, you will end up with a foe who can not walk or fight back due to the trauma to their limbs, lying helpless on the ground disarmed. With a light saber, you will be left with a legless, hand-less foe, once again disarmed, and with a training saber, you'll have a battered and bruised opponent grovelling on the floor. The enemy will be in immense pain and can be yours to do as you wish.

Pros: Incites fear and terror and is effective at capturing a skilled warrior alive for interrogation.
Cons: The most skilled warriors may not be tricked or baited as easily.

Thank you all for taking your time to read this document. Should you have any questions or misconceptions about my works, please do not hesitate to ask.

To all the Lords and Apprentices, I thank you for taking the time to read my works. Once again, If I can learn anything from you, I will be greatly honored and humbled.
[Image: 66iciMH.png]

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War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

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